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OSC Answers Questions
What's the "preferred" order of reading the Ender series?
My teacher is asking us to do research on you, and so one of the
questions is: what is your favorite song, and why?
After reviewing your background in starting to write science fiction, I
was wondering if your college education was critical to your success as a writer.
As an assignment for my eighth grade English class, we were required
to read a 'banned book' and write a paper examining the reasons for its
"banishment." I chose Ender's Game, and the main reasons cited for it being
banned included profanity and sexuality. What are YOUR thoughts on banned
books in general, but especially on Ender's Game?
I'm writing a college research paper on fanfiction and one of the sections is going
to be "When Not to Write Fanfiction." I know several authors have come out and
stated that they do not want to have people use their characters in fanfiction
writings (i.e. Anne Rice and Anne McCaffrey). Could you please tell me your
opinion on people using your characters in fanfiction stories for personal
Did you insert any of your own life experiences or any friends or family
members of yours into your stories? Can you "relate" to any character in any of
your Ender-based novels, and if so which?
After reading the Ender Saga, I found a copy of Enchantment in a used book store,
I loved it and couldn't put it down'What I found most intriguing was the how you
intertwined history, legend/fairy tales, and magic.
I wrote that to ask you this: Where did you get the idea for the premise of
Enchantment and for the Alvin Maker Series?
The folk magic/alternate history of the Alvin Maker series is really great, but how
did you come up with torches, sparks, doodlebugs, makers and other knacks,and
what inspired the alternate American History? (I have a bachelor's in history and I
find the alternate history not only excellent, but also truly thought provoking.)
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 18, 2004 |
Most of the protagonists in the OSC books I have read (all of the Ender/Bean and
Alvin Maker books) either struggle with, have no use for, or do not believe in
religion. When they do believe in God, they believe in him in more of the
Newtonian "Wind-up Clock Universe" theory in which God creates the universe to
run by itself without interference or help.
I see myself in their opinions. It amazes me to think OSC could understand their
characters so well if HE was very religious. Yet I know that he is LDS, and yes
this is a generalization, but I have yet to meet a half-hearted Mormon. Ah, finally
to my question. DOES Orson Scott Card believe whole-heartedly in the Bible and
the Mormon doctrine? And if so, did he ever struggle with his beliefs? How can he
write so well for his protagonists if he does not see validity in their views, and if
he does see validity in his views, does it effect his beliefs?
I realize that these are involved questions requiring an involved answer, but I do
hope to receive one. I always burn with curiosity and I beg you to dowse one
-- Submitted by Britton Boyd |
OSC Replies - February 18, 2004 |
My question is about OSC's military knowledge. Although I'm only 16, I aspire for
a position of leadership in the military, and I wonder where OSC gets his
knowledge of the fine skill of military leadership. From Ender's actions as a
Commander, I've already got some ideas on how to lead men willingly and would
like to know where OSC learned this.
Why do you write? What is your inspiration?
I was re-reading Shadow of the Hegemon in preparation for Shadow
Puppets, and a question came back up that had bothered me the first time through
the book: why invent a new word ("jeesh") and then state that it was a Battle
School term that everyone knew . . . but that we readers knew was not a word that
occurred in the book? This question is not about the word itself but rather about
the way you went about bringing it out. I know you must have a reason, but I
haven't been able to figure it out yet.
I have another question, one whose response I will use in a few weeks as I
re-teach your exquisite Ender's Game: What changes would you make in the novel
if you were writing it for the first time today instead of in the mid-80's?
-- Submitted by Ryk Stanton |
OSC Replies - March 28, 2003 |
Throughout the Ender series, of course, one of the main topics in the
book is destroying the various species. Are you trying to convey to the reader that
it is alright to destroy a race to insure human survival? Or, are you trying to take
the other approach by telling us that it is wrong to do this?
-- Submitted by Matt Kauffman |
OSC Replies - March 28, 2003 |
I was wondering if you could tell me the major events in U.S. history (if
any) that influenced or that you included in Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the
Hegemon, and Shadow Puppets. I have read through all the books and I have
found a few, but I thought that there might have been some more important events.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - January 29, 2003 |
How long did it take you to write the book "Ender's Game"?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - January 29, 2003 |
I am doing a research paper on the opposing viewpoints of censorship
for my AP Eng. class. Have any of your books been censored? What is your
opinion on censorship in public schools? Any other feedback would be great.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - January 29, 2003 |
I noticed many analogies in the Ender sequels to Mormonism, but I can't
find any official statement by OSC to confirm the ones I've found, or to shed light
on ones I hadn't seen before. Are there intentional ties to Mormonism in the Ender
-- Submitted by Dane Hunt |
OSC Replies - January 29, 2003 |
I was wondering if when you wrote "Ender's Game" in the novel form,
if you had any backstory with Bean that might have included Anton's Key? Also,
where did you get the idea for Bean's genetic difference?
-- Submitted by Miranda Hester |
OSC Replies - January 29, 2003 |
Do you think that your religion has inspired you to use the fantasy/science
fiction genre? (Especially in the case of Alvin Maker) It seems to me that a large
number of science fiction stories are written by Mormon authors (Battlestar
Galactica, Titan A.E., your books, etc.)? Am I imagining things, or is the
knowledge of this fact due to the increased scrutiny given to Mormon authors by
the media? Likewise, does the importance of proselytization in the LDS religion,
reflect in your writing? Are any of your books conceived of by you as ways,
though certainly not offensive nor overly aggressive ways, to expose readers to
some Mormon values and stories? (Again with special respect to the Tales of
Alvin Maker.)
-- Submitted by Jesse Dungan |
OSC Replies - September 30, 2002 |
I am writing an analysis essay for Ender's Game for my High School
English class. After reading many reviews and interviews, I put together some
ideas that somehow worked. You have said that history is usually doomed to
repeat itself, as well as that you have been influenced by American history. In my
American History class we just finished studying World War II, and as I thought
about both, some things began to click. My thesis is that Ender is symbolic of
American involvement in WWII. Obviously, you did not write Ender's Game with
that in mind, however you have said that much of your writing is influenced by
subconscious ideas. Although the idea is not perfect, many parallels are there. For
example, the fact that Ender's life is controlled from his birth parallels American
foreign policy, in which America was almost controlled by European events.
Ender's growth and development through the story-learning to use his resources
for war-parallels the industrial development of the United States. Mazer's victory-a
turning point in the bugger war, could be paralleled to the key victory, caused by
only 12 lost bombers, at Midway. The buggers could be the Japanese, and
therefore, the invasion could be paralleled to island hopping. Finally, the final
bomb dropped on the bugger world could symbolize the atom bombing of
Hiroshima. These are just a few of the possible parallels between the story and
American history. Am I completely wrong? Do you think that the story could not
be interpreted in this way, or that it was unintentional and should not be
interpreted in this way? Or is it possible that, at least subconsciously, you were
making these parallels in your book to learned history?
As I was reading Shadow of the Hegemon, I noticed the unique "language"
that the children use to communicate. By language, I mean mostly, the use of
slang, (Terms like "greeyaz" and "kuso" come to mind), but it is more than the
individual words. Somehow, it feels like a separate language of the 'insiders' --
battle school grads. Like real groups of friends do, they speak more than the sum
of the words, there is additional meaning, between friends, that the reader can feel
a part of.
How do you create this language so that it comes across to the reader as
more than English with a few random slang-terms, and allow the reader to feel like
a part of the group, albeit a silent one? In addition, how did you come up with the
actual words?
-- Submitted by Andrew Shelansky |
OSC Replies - Septebmer 30, 2002 |
Mr. Card, in my opinion, Peter was the most intriguing character in Ender's
Game, and yet, there was still much that the reader had to guess. My question is,
when Peter told Ender that he loved him (page 15) was it another planned move by
him, or were we really seeing another part of him? Any information about Peter
would be amazing!
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 11, 2002 |
I am doing my junior thesis on you and the topic is "What is Orson Scott
Card's view of the future in the books Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow?" I
read the whole Ender's series and when I tried to approach the question, I was
dumbfounded. How you have one view where the government is controlling
population growth and the Earth seems to be in a rebuilding stage and a totally
opposite view where the city is overrun by poverty and there is a serious
overpopulation problem. And also, all of the subtle hints that you provoke to the
reader, can you just give some in-depth information at what you were trying to
aim for in the books?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 11, 2002 |
This question is going to be quite a contrast to the rest of the serious literary
questions posted at this site. As part of my research project on Orson Scott Card
my teacher asked me to find out what his favorite food was. Hopefully you can
answer or tell me where I could find the answer.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 11, 2002 |
Hi I have been working on a report on your books in the subject Swedish,
yes I'm from Sweden. Let's get to the point, what I'm working on is how much
the readers influences you in your writing. After reading the Alvin and Ender
sequences I took a look on your prefaces and there I saw that you wrote the last
Alvin books because the readers demanded it. Is that true? Is it usually like that?
How do the readers contact you? Do you keep the contact with some of them?
-- Submitted by Robin Norstrom |
OSC Replies - February 11, 2002 |
My question is about Xenocide's Gloriously Bright and her faith.
GB starts out with a pseudo-Buddhist faith, with no reason to question it.
As the story progresses, her father discovers the truth and abandons belief in the
gods -- GB doesn't. In fact, she constructs a series of arguments that have a
certain logic to them (at least barring close examination). GB has what I would
call "blind faith," as opposed to "unshakeable faith."
So my point . . . how do you know your own faith (which I have seen you
competently defend on Beliefnet) is of the unshakeable variety, instead of blind?
-- Submitted by Mike Coutu |
OSC Replies - November 30, 2001 |
My question is when I finished Speaker for the Dead I remember reading
that when Ender was in light speed space travel he loses all contact with Jane and
when he comes out she gives him a follow up on what he missed. I just started
Xenocide yesterday and I am reading the section with Miro in lightspeed travel.
He says he is in contact with Jane the whole time. How could this be if Ender
could not originally do it in speaker for the dead, or am I missing something
entirely? I thought I should ask the source since you are the mind behind the
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - November 30, 2001 |
I've been wondering if you based Ender's personality, leadership style
and/or character on any historical persons.
I noticed a parallel between Ender's relentless final battle with the Buggers
in Ender's Game and U.S. Grant's battles against Robert E. Lee. Grant was cool
under pressure and was willing to fight battles even as his losses were staggering.
During breaks in battle, he was overcome with emotion and wept, but then was
clear headed and emotionless when it came time to fight again.
Was Ender based on any historical character(s)? Is there one standout
character that he is modeled after, or is he a synthesis of characters?
-- Submitted by Susan Detlefsen |
OSC Replies - November 30, 2001 |
I was wondering if you could explain who the shadow is supposed to be
throughout the "Shadow" companion novels of Ender's Game. I have had a few
ideas, but none of them are quite satisfactory. I'm not even sure if all four books
refer to the same person in their titles, or if to different people. I think it's pretty
clear that Ender's Shadow refers to Bean, but what about Shadow of the
Hegemon? I have constructed for my self arguments that this could be Peter
because of his desire to become Hegemon, or Bean. I already gave you my main
reason that it could be Peter, I think it could be Bean because of the progression
the books are making. Bean spends his whole life in the shadow of others.
Physically, because of his height, but also internally as he struggles to find who he
really is. He makes a progression standing first in Ender's shadow, then that of
Hegemon, in the shadow of death as he struggles with the truth about his short life
and finally comes into his own in the fourth book. This is pure speculation. It is
impossible to know, until you write the other two books and maybe we won't even
know then. But, please let me know what you have planned and if my idea has
any merit or if it is completely bogus.
-- Submitted by Lara Hoover | OSC Replies - November 30, 2001 |
My upcoming project on an author of our choice needs us to go deep into
that author. My teacher told us we should know their favorite color by the time
we're done. I have chosen one of my favorite writers, OSC, but I'm having troule
with this one idea. I have noticed in many books, especially yours, that a main
character of a young child who is wiser than those around him is very common.
This is in the Ender Saga, of course, and in Sarah, Lost Boys, the Homecoming
series...the list could go on. I've also noticed this in The Giver (Lowry), From the
Corner of His Eye (Koontz) The Dark is Rising Sequence (Cooper) and other
books, which all seen to effectively draw one into the character. Why do you think
that a child's loss of innocence and premature maturing has such an effect on the
reader, and why do you and other authors of great books keep going back to this
common theme, which nevertheless is fresh and new in each situation though the
idea is the same?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 25, 2001 |
In '"Speaker for the Dead'" you state or imply that if you really understand
someone, or put yourself in their place, you end up agreeing with them. Could
you do this exercise with the mastermind of the terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon? Can you understand him? Put yourself in his
place? Agree with him?
Also, in '"Ender's Shadow (I think) you say that the best teacher is your
enemy. What can we learn from these terrorists that could help us?
-- Submitted by Samuel Silva |
OSC Replies - September 25, 2001 |
>You mention that Science Fiction was the vibrant literature of the last 50
years but that it is now dying. What made is so vibrant, and what is it now losing?
And what are young writers like myself to do, if we would really rather write
Fantasy-SF and not another genre?
-- Submitted by Adam Greenwood |
OSC Replies - September 25, 2001 |
I am a senior in high school and I am working on my senior exit essay. The
topic for my essay is how science fiction writers have influence science. I would
just like to know if you think this is true and if so how have they influenced
-- Submitted by Brandon Eaker |
OSC Replies - September 25, 2001 |
This is a question that came up often during our class discussions of Ender's
Game. We found passages to lead us either way, so our question is, "Were siblings
allowed to attend battle school at the same time?" There was no record in the
books either way, so we were curious.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 25, 2001 |
As a person who is as religious as you are, how do you write generally
atheist characters like Bean so well? Is it just through your own logic, or do you
have a model, or what?
In a prologue or introduction or something I read of Card's, he said that
he likes playing the game Risk but with modified rules. What are these rules?
I am writing a research paper on Ender's Game and Children of the
Mind. In both books you present your main characters as innocent children. You
also continue on the same plot that a specie or species is about to be wiped out and
you chronicle their lives trying to save their world. My question to you is: Is there
a reason you kept these two elements constant for a reason or just coincidence?
You also incorporate many characteristics, such as brilliance and strength,
throughout these books, I was wondering is there a reason for this?
-- Submitted by Kenneth Pitchford |
OSC Replies - August 3, 2001 |
Did you have to get permission from Ursula K Le Guin in using the idea
of or the term "ansible" in your books? Having read the Le Guin. book,
(something about utopia) I noticed that the book wasn't all that concerned with the
idea of instantaneous communication. But does that mean that any writer can use
it in their writings or is permission from the author required?
My class was split up into two groups and every person in my group
had to read a different book, written by you, and compare them. One of the things
we noticed is that the number seven comes up in your books very often, Such as in
Alvin Maker, He is the seventh son of a seventh son, and in Ender's Game, Ender's
father is a seventh son, and more sevens in Wyrms.Is there any reason for this?
Does it have anything to do with your religous beliefs?
-- Submitted by Cooper Vaughan |
OSC Replies - August 3, 2001 |
Just out of idle curiosity, do the same metaphysics/physics aply in the
Ender and Alvin universes, specifically are the "atoms" that Alvin teaches the
same as the philotes of the Ender series?
I'm doing research for a paper I'm writing about Ender's Game and I
came across a criticism by Elaine Radford. In her criticism she claims that you
purposely modeled Ender after Hitler and your novels are a defense of genocide
and race hatred. There are many similarities between the two that she points out
and much of what she says makes sense.
-- Submitted by Rachel Tyhurst |
OSC Replies - March 12, 2001 |
How has religion influenced your writing?
what is your purpose for writing your sci-fi novels? what do you want
to warn humanity about? or what do you want people to learn?
I was wondering if Mr. Card has ever considered writing a novel
adaptation of "A Thousand Deaths". I'm suprised that it hasn't happened. I think it
is a great story and I would definitely buy it. Has Mr. Card looked at it and
decided against it or has he just never thought of it.
I'm doing research on the use of pseudonyms in journalism and
publishing and understand that you have published a few things in the past under
assumed names. Most of the people I am studying are dead, and I would love to
have the insight of a living author. Could you please share a little with me about
what motivated you to publish this way, and what advantages/disadvantages you
-- Submitted by Don Kauffman |
OSC Replies - March 12, 2001 |
I know you hear it all the time, but I have read the Ender saga countless
times, and still it is intriguing, there is always more to analyze. In Children of the
Mind, Peter seems to undergo a paradigm shift. He is no longer the violent or
uncontrollable; no longer as ambitious. He is more of a cocky, skeptical person.
My question is, is this an effect of Peter maturing, or did your feeling about him,
your image, change?
-- Submitted by Jeff Tuzik |
OSC Replies - March 12, 2001 |
Could you please tell me what a Hegemon is?
How do you manage to draw my imagination in so well that any
problems, or stresses I may have at that moment in life go away? How do you
manage to keep me reading and not watching TV, or playing games or other things
I have done so often?
Looking back, what do you consider to have been the "low points" and
"highlights" of your career?
What made you want to write? Did you ever not know what you would
do with your life or aspire to be something different than what you eventually
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 1, 2001 |
Have you ever done anything musical?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 1, 2001 |
Who is your Hero?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 1, 2001 |
In many of your writings you pay a lot of attention to religion. Who
introduced you to Mormonism?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 1, 2001 |
Though I am not a writer myself, I have a question to which I think you
could provide an answer. I am an oil painter, and though I have been painting for
quite a while now, when I look back on my previous paintings, I often feel that
they never quite said what I wanted to say.
My question is this: As you are unable to re-write any of your previous works, yet
they are always open to criticism, are you frustrated at this situation, or are you
proud of every story you wrote?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 1, 2001 |
An interesting discovery today during class discussion of Ender's Game. I had
asked a reflective question on the study guide: "Do you think Ender and Alai are
seriously racist, or are they just playing around?" The question was meant to refer to
page 61, where the following exchange occurs: ....
-- Submitted by Ryk Stanton |
OSC Replies - September 20, 2000 |
I am a teacher trying to design multi-disciplinary unit around the
Ender's Game series. I would like to know, is there any scientific basis for the
difference between subjective time for light-speed travelers and "real" stationary
time? If so, what sort of formula could one use for calculating subjective time at
light speed?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 20, 2000 |
In the Ender Saga, I see standard patterns of values and attitudes and
here I pose my questions.
1. What values and attitudes do you hold dear in real life?; and
2. Why did you write the Ender Saga?
-- Submitted by Justin Sideris |
OSC Replies - September 20, 2000 |
I'm having trouble with the terms "raman and varelse", I really enjoy
your books and want to have a better understanding of them. The term "raman"
was used in the Philmont Grace at boy scout camp. Please help and keep writing.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 20, 2000 |
I've noticed that the Peter character in "Ender's Game", and the one in
the "Shadow of the Hegemon" preview, he seems to have completely different
personalities. In Game, he appears to be cruel, to an almost unusual extent, while
in Hegemon, he does what he does to help Ender. I was wondering, is Peter just a
normal older brother who likes to beat the younger one down, as is common in so
many homes, and is portrayed in Hegemon, or is he abnormally cruel in his
approach to others, and is this how you were attempting to depict him in "Ender's
-- Submitted by Brian Gandy |
OSC Replies - September 20, 2000 |
I am a thirteen year old boy, and have been thinking about whether or
not religion has a bad or good affect on human lives. You tend to bring up
religion in some way or another in most of your books, and you are a religious
man, so I thought that you would be a good person to ask. From what I can tell,
religion has caused more death than saved life, more pain than pleasure, and
created more evil that it ever has good. To me, it seems like religion has a
negative affect on human survival. I could go on and on with reasons to back
myself up, but I'm sure you have already heard most of the arguments I could
come up with. I just wanted to know what you think about it. I am not closed
minded, and will be very interested in what you have to say.
-- Submitted by Dylan Black |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
Religion features prominently in many of your books, certainly more so
than in the books of most SF authors. You write with understanding and you seem
to suggest that no one religion has a monopoly on truth. From reading your work,
I would guess that you do not consider one religion to be the only path to
Heaven/salvation/Nirvana etc.
My question is this: How do you reconcile this view with your own religious
beliefs? Do you subscribe to the view that all paths lead to God, or do you believe
Mormonism to be right but wish to cause no offense?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
My question is about the connection between ethics and religion. I do
not dispute the need for ethics. The 10 commandments form an very compactly
stated ethical system. Why not take that system and follow it because it is sensible
and leads to an ordered and happy society. Why follow it because it was divinely
You are devout follower of the church of Jesus Christ of LDS. In your opinion, is
it not possible to separate the ethics form the divinely revealed parts of a religion?
Why would you choose to believe something there is so much scientific evidence
against? Is it not enough to take the message, the ethics and work from there.
PS: I'm not saying that I have scientific evidence that there is no God. Nobody
can proof or disproof that. There is however plenty scientific evidence that there
is no supernatural involvement such as handing over stone tablets etc.
-- Submitted by Bert Corluy |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
In the Homecoming series, What was your inspiration for Basilica, the
"City of Women"?
Was it simply an ideology that you explored whilst writing the series or is it based
on fact, either historical or contemporary?
-- Submitted by Chris Riding |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
I'll be the first to admit I have a tendency to "jump the gun" as it were,
but I've read some of the posts you've made here and something caught my
attention, and that's not always an easy thing to do.
You presented, in an answer to one of the questions here, an exhausting list of
authors that you have read, and who out there doesn't have such a list; however,
the list of authors you currently read blew my mind.
I fancy myself a budding writer, though the secrets hidden within that bud have
yet to fully reveal themselves. I read constantly, though very little contemporary
literature. In fact, with the exception of Ann Rice and yourself, very little indeed.
The most contemporary works I have read recently, outside of studying, for school
or personal reasons, is Frank Herbert and Tolkein.
Bear with me, I am coming to a point, and if you post this, if it pleases, use only
the snippets you need out of this plethora of rambling. I have recently noticed a
difference between my two favorite contemporary artists. While you seem to have
enough to read to keep you busy for a lifetime and more, Ann Rice reads very
little modern literature, and in fact considers all reading to be study. She says, "I
read almost no contemporary fiction at all. I don't like it. It hurts my head. It
makes me sad. It upsets me."
My point, my question if you will, is the following: "What are your views on
modern literature, compared to 50 or 100+ years ago? Also, is this merely a stage
you are currently in, reading as much contemporary literature as you do, or have
you always delved into modern fiction with a vigorous appetite?"
-- Submitted by Chris Lynch |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
What was the very first story about that you scribbled down on a sheet
of paper late one night? Was it something you just crumpled up and tossed a few
days/months/years later, or did you ever do anything with it?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
You have written books of many genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, historical
fiction, suspense fiction, etc. What is most enjoyable for you?
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
Is the link between Ender and the Roman Catholic belief in God
intentional? It struck me one day as I was thinking about your books, that there is
an uncanny parallel. God, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three beings, one
God. Ender, Ender, Peter and Val. Three people, one philote. Ender is clearly
father to the others. Peter is his son. Val is a pretty holy spirit as far as Ender is
concerned. Was this intentional, or am I reading way too much into your writing?
-- Submitted by Luke DeSmet |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
Is the Ender universe one in which America "lost" the Cold War? I am
asking this in response to several things in the books. One is the mention of the
Warsaw Pact in Ender's Game. Another in the policy in which only two children
are allowed per family. That sounds like the One child policy in communist
China, which might be the case if we had lost a war to a communist country.
Thirdly, in the second chapter of your new "Ender" book about Petra, the
characters include America as a nation which used to have power but does not
anymore. Anyway, I was just curious if these books were set in an universe where
the U.S. lost the cold war, since it never actually says this in the books.
-- Submitted by Sara Chatfield |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
Is Han Tzu related to Han Qing-Jao? The family name is the same, so I
wondered if Han Tzu were an ancestor of Qing-Jao's.
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
When I originally read the Ender's Game series yeas ago, I was
absolutely fascinated with the beauty of the theory of philotic physics as presented
in Xenocide. Recently in my philosophical studies I have begun reading about
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz's monadic theory. The similarities between this
theory and the fictional concerns of the characters in Xenocide are remarkable.
My question for Orson is, are you familiar with monadic theory and were you
conscious of it in any capacity when developing your fictional theory for
-- Submitted Anonymously |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
I have read every book in the Ender Series, finishing "Ender's Shadow"
just today. Because of my love of the series, I managed to work it into a research
paper topic for school. I love the didactic motif that I've identified in the novels.
Therefore, I'm using that as my basis for the research paper.
I read several reviews of "Ender's Game" that mention the delineation of good vs.
evil being a matter of empathy. One does the same act, and the motive for the act
is what really makes it good or evil. I identified that in "Ender's Game." What is
your take on this and what were your intentions in the novel by its inclusion?
Also, it is my interpretation that Ender's book, "Speaker for the Dead" in which he
told the story of the Buggers, and caused humanity to feel great sorrow for their
destruction, ultimately turning the populous against him, was very similar, and
symbolic in my opinion, of the Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation. I would
really like to use this argument in my paper. Am I on track?
Did Catholicism have any basis in your writings for the Ender Series? I also
noticed the religious conflict between the parents, and the placing of Saints'
names on all the children, in accordance with the Catholic requirement of raising
children in the Catholic Church.
Any comments you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
-- Submitted by Hazel Warde |
OSC Replies - September 4, 2000 |
The more books of yours I read the more curious I get -- how many
languages do you speak? And how well? Every time I read a book of yours I'm
determined to go out and learn a new language!
In Ender's Game you portray children as innocent humans that are taken
advantage by adults. Do you think this statement would be correct and if so, to
what extent does your portrayal compare to traditional views of children?
Do you ever find yourself writing the same elements into your stories?
(A good example being the similarities in The Worthing Saga and The
Homecoming Series.) If so, would you say that maybe your way of understanding
LDS scripture is reforming it into ideas more comfortable, or more personal, to
yourself? As I read more and more I wonder if you ever just write something and
then later go, "Dang! (That) is so much like (this)."
Please don't take this the wrong way, I really enjoy your stories and am practically
wetting my pants waiting for the nest Alvin Maker series book and Shadow of the
Hegemon, it's just that a lot of elements in your stories seem to repeat themselves
just a little and I would like your opinion.
I have been wondering (especially after reading the first 5 chapters of
Shadow of the Hegemon) if you truly believe or have associated with brilliance of
children measuring up to those in Ender's Game/Shadow or Battle School,
excepting the genetically altered minds. The quick thinking and analyzing
demonstrated by the young Battle School alumni is something that almost makes
me feel inadequate as a teenager. I would have thought you to be one of those
children yourself, except for the obvious fact that it is much easier to interpret
situations with responses in writing-time as opposed to real-time. I'd like to know
who you base your genius characters' brains off of or if it's purely your
imagination. Also, do you believe children as young as your characters are
capable of cruel intentions as portrayed in Peter, Achilles, Bonzo, etc?
In Ender's Game, and even more so in the sequels, you depict a very
detailed view of the human response to an unknown life form. Do you believe
that the response (both political, on earth and militarily) is accurate, considering
human nature and the political state of the world?
-- Submitted by Preston Thomas |
OSC Replies - August 2, 2000 |
When you wrote Ender's Game, were you criticizing anything about
humans or the world as we know it today?
How much of Pastwatch is real fact and/or the speculations of real
scientists? Atlantis, Tlaxcalan, Colombus, his father's involvement in Genovese
power struggles, his early career, his possible attack on the Muslims? I thought
that the speculations were very interesting and was wondering how much of them
was real 'fact' and how much was your own conjectures as a science fiction writer.
-- Submitted by Luke DeSmet |
OSC Replies - August 2, 2000 |
Does Mormon doctrine teach that Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit
are one in the same forming the Blessed Trinity the way that Roman Catholicism
does. Is it taught completely differently, or a variation?
-- Submitted by Luke DeSmet |
OSC Replies - August 2, 2000 |
Do you think that children are capable of being as intelligent as Peter,
Bean and Valentine? Are children smart enough to use propaganda for their own
benefit, or are children just innocent? (This includes teens as well.)
-- Submitted by Colin Gatenbee |
OSC Replies - May 12, 2000 |
I am a gay man who has loved your books since I was introduced to
Ender's Game in middle school. Your stories have provided me with the passion
to write and I am currently hard at work on my first novel. My question is in
regards to the Homecoming series. Zdorab is a gay man that lives his life the early
part of his life in shame, but, once away from the gay culture, spends the rest of
his life content to be married and love his best friend Shedemei. Were you trying
to make a statement about gay culture or homosexuals in general and what relation
does that have to the priest that rapes Ilihiak in Earthborn?
-- Submitted by Gregory Hambrick |
OSC Replies - May 12, 2000 |
What inspired you to write Ender's Game?
Who are your favorite authors and what are your favorite books.
This might be a stretch, but is Mazer Rackham's name derived at all
from "Ockham's Razor" -- the scientific principle that states that when all
possibilities are explored, the best answer or solution is the simplest (or something
like that)? It seems that Mazer Rackham followed that principle in his victory
over the Buggers in the 2nd invasion.
What are your scientific beliefs? Do you feel that science is a bad thing
or a good thing?
I am not a student, just a housewife, but I have a question that might be
of interest to students doing research on OSC's writings.
I am intrigued by OSC's use of "the outsider" in some of his stories. I have
noticed that "the outsider" is often the key to bringing a cohesiveness and healing
to characters in the stories. There are many examples: Ender in the Speaker for
the Dead series when he marries; Neeraj in Lovelock; some of the stories from
Folk of the Fringe, etc.
Is this a conscious decision on your part to have someone from outside the
group (family, religion, society, culture) bring a new dimension to the character's
lives so that they can change and evolve the way they want and need to? As
opposed to the characters sorting things out amongst themselves?
-- Submitted by Bobbie Barry |
OSC Replies - May 12, 2000 |
A reader asked earlier about your depiction of "communist-style"
governments in some of your stories. Since you were a missionary for two years
in Brazil during a long period of political turmoil in that country, I would like to
know whether you had any interesting experiences that were a result of the
situation in Brazil. You use the Portuguese language in a couple of your novels,
and the colonists on Lusitania are descended from Brazilians. Are there other
examples of your experiences in Brazil that you include in other stories?
-- Submitted by Robert Henderson |
OSC Replies - April 26, 2000 |
Can you describe your experience when you were a missionary for the
Mormon Church in Brazil?
-- Submitted by Kenan Aker |
OSC Replies - April 26, 2000 |
How has your religion and the upbringing you received influenced the
person you are today and what you believe in?
I'm doing a research paper on you as an author. I have read many of
your books including Ender's Game and Songmaster. I was wondering whether
you were attempting to make a statement about children, and the effects of being
pushed too hard (growing up before they are ready). I was just wondering whether
you were making some kind of statement.
-- Submitted by Ellena Fickett |
OSC Replies - April 26, 2000 |
In both Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow, were you trying to portray
Ender and Bean as how powerful and how intelligent the human race can be? And
if so, then were you and are you trying to send a message to today's youth?
-- Submitted by Kaseem Bristow |
OSC Replies - April 26, 2000 |
Could you tell me some things about your childhood that maybe
brought your interest in writing?
Are you worried at all that the movie Ender's Game may not be as
powerful and brilliant as the novel? The book is amazing to read and for example,
while the beatings of Stilson and Bonzo are very violent and obviously wouldn't
be very pleasant to watch, they are necessary events for the development of
Ender's character. What if the omission of some things like this takes away from
the brilliance of the story.
-- Submitted by Emily Jones |
OSC Replies - April 5, 2000 |
I loved "Enchantment" and enjoyed the "Homecoming" saga very much.
It seemed that both had tremendous amounts of Russian culture. I was wondering
if something made your books take on these great Russian flavors. Do you have a
Russian Heritage, or do you just know a lot of cool stuff about the culture of
Russia that you put in your books?
I have noticed that in several stories you have written, you illustrate
communist-like governments that can easily be taken as an evil in the story. For
example, these governments force the lawbreakers to admit their wrongs on live
broadcast or face several deaths ("A Thousand Deaths" in Flux); control TV
viewing for the good of the people ("We Try Not To Act Like It" in Flux); and
suppress religion and limit the number of children a family can have (Ender's
Game). Are you trying to make a point with these strong examples, or is it merely
coincidental that this element appears in your stories?
-- Submitted by Justin Ng |
OSC Replies - February 2, 2000 |
In Ender's Game, are the names of the characters symbolic?
-- Submitted by Thomas Thompson |
OSC Replies - February 2, 2000 |
After reading Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers and Ender's Game, I
have noticed them to be very similar. The enemy is similar. The training is similar.
There is some similar philosophy, or at least it seems the way of philosophy
expressed in dialogue is similar. You have said yourself that you have read
Heinlein's work. My question is: to what extent is Ender's Game, if any,
influenced by Starship Troopers?
-- Submitted anonymously |
OSC Replies - February 2, 2000 |
For a digital media class, I have chosen to report on the ansible
"internet," the existence of Jane, and other technological communication devices
and their psychological influence on the characters in the Ender quartet. I was
wondering if your representations of computers, technology, and public reaction
are in anyway based upon real life opinions of you or anyone else. Are things
symbolic, or only as symbolic as the reader makes them?
-- Submitted anonymously |
OSC Replies - January 11, 2000 |
I would like to know information on who Locke and Demosthenes
really were and what the Warsaw Pact is.
-- Submitted anonymously |
OSC Replies - January 11, 2000 |
Many young readers recommend and read Ender's Game. Did your use
of youthful protagonists anticipate a young adult audience?
Is the choice of a computer simulated environment (The Giant's Game, 3D Fighter
Simulation) to develop/measure Ender's character related to this audience?
-- Submitted by Shan Thayer |
OSC Replies - January 11, 2000 |
In Ender's Shadow you mentioned the book "Makers of Modern
Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age." Is this where you received most
of the tactics that Bean and Ender display in the books?
-- Submitted by Michael Dumler |
OSC Replies - January 11, 2000 |
What was your main influence for the brilliant "A planet called
-- Submitted by Stephen Farrelly |
OSC Replies - January 6, 2000 |
I just finished reading Stone Tables and could not help but notice
that the relationships between Moses, Miriam and Aaron somewhat resembled
those of Ender, Peter and Valentine. (Youngest brother given preferential
treatment in the world, Older brother jealous, Older sister caring and
understanding.) Knowing that some of the research you conducted for Stone
Tables preceded that of Ender's Game, is it possible that the relationships for the
siblings in Stone Tables was the precursor for the relationships of the siblings in
Ender's Game?
-- Submitted by Patrick Poyfair |
OSC Replies - January 6, 2000 |
I don't suppose you could just lay out for me the entire metaphor of the
mind game (in Ender's Game). I'm very curious; I've been thinking about it for
a long time, some pieces are obvious and that's no problem. It's other things
that just don't make sense. You mention plenty of times the fact that the mind
game is developing with the child, etc., and in that sense you can see how it
works with Ender in some stages. But what I'd like to know is how those very
peculiar scenes fit in (e.g., the giants corpse, how it grows old with time, how it
becomes a home for the buggers, Ender and Valentine walking down the stairs
with all those fairy tale creatures, etc.).
-- Submitted anonymously |
OSC Replies - December 20, 1999 |
I was wondering if you could write me back a brief response of some
important events in your life, when they occurred and where. Also, if they
influenced your writing at all that can also help.
-- Submitted anonymously |
OSC Replies - December 16, 1999 |
So when are we going to see your "Secular Humanist Revival Meeting" published again? We're swinging into another election year and the religious nutcases are likely to be out in force again, and I think it'd be a wonderful addition to your Web site. I'd heard a tape of one performance, and I'd love to see the thing transcribed into text.
-- Submitted by Rich Bartucci |
OSC Replies - October 5, 1999 |
I'm enrolled in a class teaching aspects and ideas behind Aerospace Art and all its derivatives (namely Space Art). What were your influences and driving ideas behind the ansible, the art conveyed in and on the covers of your books? More to the point, how is it you have been able to imagine detailed plans of the battle school, the ships flying near relativity, mid-flight reanimation from suspension, and the ability to "float down the wire" of the "ansible" to any world instantaneously? The new worlds the "Buggers" left for the Human Species to develop and cultivate surely brings new ideas and scenes of futuristic societies with different suns and other planetary bodies as backdrops. What were your "mental images" also trying to convey to us?
-- Submitted by A. J. Werner, Jr. |
OSC Replies - October 5, 1999 |
I finished Ender's Shadow. It seems as everybody loves Ender so much because in game you made him out to be this innocent kid who couldn't help but to kill people and win and all that stuff. In shadow you made him seem all cold and unfeeling . . . was that because he really was cold or was it because that's the way Bean perceived him?
It seems as though in some of your books you have a hard time with a character doing anything without an intricate explanation of his/her motives. Do you have motives in mind before deciding on the specific actions of a character or do you write specifically to a story then decide on the motives of the characters as your explaining them.
-- Submitted by Josh Bowen |
OSC Replies - October 5, 1999 |
The question deals with character conflicts amongst each other. Wolverton calls these conflicts prods, and envisions a rose with thorns wound together. It's most evident in the buddy cop movies, where you have two cops working together but they almost hate each other.
In analyzing Star Wars New Hope vs. Phantom Menace, I noticed that New Hope is filled with these internal conflicts. They are minor, but they are everywhere. Darth Vader and his generals bickering, the generals themselves bicker, C3PO and R2D2 never stop, Han and Leia go at it, Luke and Han to a degree over Leia's affections, etc. They are constantly bickering with each other. Han and Obi Wan.
But Phantom Menace lacks this kind of bickering, this interaction. Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jin are boring. They get along so well it's ridiculous.
The question however, is not about whether these ‘prods' are good or not. The question is ... why are they good? Why do prods work in a story? They do, we can site thousands of examples. But why do they work? What's the reason they create interest in the audience?
As I am reading Ender's Shadow, I noticed that Bean disapproves of Ender's choices quite often. Does 15 years of hindsight and experience as an author cause this, or is it just Bean's character? More specifically, is Bean a method of correcting your younger self without changing your original work?
-- Submitted by Mark Knapp |
OSC Replies - October 5, 1999 |
I was wondering if there was any real basis to the terminology "philotic effect?" Are there any real theories in quantum physics that deal with this concept?
In many of your books the characters are trying to find peace within the human race. For example: In Earthborn there is a struggle for peace between three species. The earth people, middle people, and sky people. The Kept (those who follow the keeper) are trying to teach the people of earth to love each other despite the three species differences. Is this idea something that you hope for the human race? That one day the people will be able to live in peace, in a world where everyone follows the same god, because that is what is right.
-- Submitted by Lyndsay Bushey |
OSC Replies - August 31, 1999 |
I was wondering, if during or before the process of writing Ender's Game you consulted research on the behavioral science of highly gifted (or, perhaps the word "brilliant" will suffice) children to supplement your ideas. It appears that you have painted a remarkably accurate picture and I am interested in how you were able to do this.
Several readers have asked this question: What is the theme of Ender's Game?
-- Submitted by many people |
OSC Replies - August 31, 1999 |
You've said in some of your introductions that your wife helps you in your writing. Have your children helped you as well, and have you noticed a interest in writing from them?
-- Submitted by Phiilip Sharpe |
OSC Replies - August 5, 1999 |
When reading Mr. Card's belief, I was just as hopeful and delighted as I was with reading his PASTWATCH piece. What I am inquiring though, did he have an experience in his life that compelled him to change his life as the "new" Christopher Columbus did? I'm doing a research essay for a critical thinking class about the PASTWATCH book and Card.
-- Submitted by Jodi Jones |
OSC Replies - August 5, 1999 |
At what point did you become aware of the impact your writing has on readers, and what prompted your decision to respond to them with this degree of accessibility?
Do you have any advice for child authors like myself . . .?
If you were not a writer what would you be doing and why? What
would be your greatest statement of advise to any young up and coming writer?
How did you get into all of the exact emotions of Ender? I think that
would be very hard to get into the emotions and put them all on paper.
I am curious about the origin of the Philotic Parallax Instantaneous
Communicator, or the ansible. Did Mr. Card simply create this by himself or did
he get it elsewhere? I would be very thankful if you responded to my question.
I was wondering about the impact of Mr Card's religious awareness (religious
"mind," I don't know how to put it) in his writing -- writing available in
bookstores, not writing within the LDS Church -- on readers. Are the author's
"Mormon moral values" actively perceived by the reader? Does the reader make
a distinction between the story and the moral mindset behind it? I could
imagine a reader liking the story, the way it is told, but putting aside the
religious implications as "yet another Card moralism." Does the reader include
it as part of the author's style?
Have readers been attracted to the author's religious mindset so much as to look
for more religious writing by Card? (From reading SF Ender's Game to Lost
Boys, Saints)
I have a secret question . . . have there been readers who have gone to the
Mormon Church because of what Orson Scott Card writes -- who have felt
drawn to not only his moral values, but to the religious background? As a matter
of fact, I myself feel more and more drawn to the religious aspects within the
writer's novels -- but afraid of being attracted to the religious Card, and not to
the religion -- whose church I wonder if I want to join.
If only I could have Mr. Card tell me what he thinks (or is the word "feel" more
appropriate here) . . .
My question is, are the characteristics and skills that Ender possesses a reflection
of your views on leadership?
I was wondering how long it took you to write the Ender Series and how much
you like it compared to the rest of your work that you've done in your career?
What is your favorite series that you have written as of now?
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