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Uncle Orson's Restaurant Guide

Washington DC Area Restaurants
Amazonia Grill
(formerly Dona Flor)
L'Auberge Chez Francois
Rio Grande Cafe
American Cafe
La Madeleine
The Restaurant
at the Ritz-Carlton
Legal Seafood
Quick Takes
Old Angler's Inn
Hard Times Cafe
We've only been to this one once, partly because it's a bit out of the way for us in Annandale. But we found this strip-center location quite easily (and enjoyed browsing at the delightful Amish furniture shop next door while we waited for a table). And once we got our meal, we were blown away, particularly by the appetizers.

Here is the dish worth coming for: the brisket of beef quesadilla. I don't usually like beef quesadillas or fajitas because Mexican restaurants rarely do a good job with beef that isn't shaved off a roast. This brisket, however, is as good as it gets, and next time I go there, this quesadilla is probably going to be my entree so I don't have to share it with the others at my table.

The other dishes we had were quite good, though the chips and salsa were a grave disappointment, and not just by contrast with the Rio Grande. While the chips were merely ordinary, the red salsa was all the way down to bad, with that nasty thickening they use in the storebought salsas. If I wanted indigestible junk I'd go to Chi-Chi's and get the real thing. The green salsa was at least edible, but it had no bite to it and it's only virtue was that it was boring instead of nauseating. ("Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?")

It guess what I'm saying is that I haven't been to Silverado enough to know how it holds up across many entrees and appetizers. But despite the salsa, I'll be back for that beef brisket quesadilla again and again. It's so good it's worth the drive ... and we can always order the pretty good guacamole and avoid the salsa altogether!

7053 Columbia Pike, Annandale VA.