Next competition...1. This is a micro-fiction competition. This means, for those unaware, that the story must begin and end within the thirteen lines. The story should feel complete (a judging criteria).
2. Stories will be judged on smoothness of prose, sense of a complete story and reader satisfaction and compliance with the prompts.
3. The prompt is colour. The story must feature a SINGLE colour in more than a passing way--like blue. It can be in relation to something else--the sea, for example--but the actual story can be about about something else. Don't feel you can't use blue/sea combination just because I mentioned it...
The story shouldn't be about the colour...but it should be evident.
EDITED TO ADD: You can use other words for shades of the same colour to avoid echoes.
4. I would STRONGLY recommend writing your intro without looking at what anyone else has posted (if they have) as there are a limited numbers of colours (likely to be used I mean). It would be shame if you were inspired, but didn't write it because it was similar (same colour) someone else chose.
5. Be aware that any story posted here has been posted in its entirety and is therefore considered published (you will have used up your 1st publication rights).
6. You have until next Saturday 15th (midnight GMT) to post your entry.
7. Discussions on this thread, entries on the other.
[This message has been edited by skadder (edited May 09, 2010).]