Intro competitionRules:
1. This is an intro competion, so intros will judged on smoothness of prose and desire to read on. So make it hook...
2. Post your own entry, or get a Hatrack friend to post it for you using the format specified. The closing date for posting is 18th August...if you posted yours prior to this you may edit it up until the 17th.
3. Any genre is acceptable. 13 lines only...KDW has sharp scissors.
4. Judging will commence on 19th August (any timezone) and will last approximately one week. NON-VOTERS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED, so don't enter if you plan not to vote. The usual shuffling of votes will occur if you fail to vote (see previous competition).
5. You must use one of the following prompts:
a) An archeological dig on a mountain top in Peru.
b) A space-ship prospecting in saturn's moons.
c) A trading caravan travelling through a dusty hot desert.
Comments and discussions on this thread,please.
[This message has been edited by skadder (edited August 09, 2009).]