Hi everyone,My apologies for the lateness of the challenge.
Please post your first thirteen in this thread by August 11th if you can (bit of slack due to my slackness), using the following format:
Word count:
First thirteen:
Please do not post anything else in this thread.
I’ll post instructions in this thread as and when necessary.
For reference here’s the overall monthly cycle:
By the 11th day of the month everyone is invited to post first 13s. The earlier the better, so that people have more time to choose which stories tickle their fancy for full crits.
This week is not time for writing since the stories should be ready for market, but just recognizing that we can't all get to things immediately.
During the week after entries close, we
- grade first 13s
- request at least one manuscript (via an e-mail to the writer) of the story we'd like to read and grade (probably one whose first 13 we scored highly). The more, the better.
By the last day of the month we
- grade at least one manuscript
- grade more stories if we want to (e.g. those that have great first 13s in addition to our favourites)
The "end of the day" is the end of the day in your local time. There's no need to be more precise than that.