I thought it was awesome. I dropped out about half way through, but even my reason for dropping out was caused by mid-sommer madness. I got really excited when I finally figured out why this plot wasn't going anywhere, and I decided to delve more deeply into that instead of continuing on.Here are my thoughts, whatever they are worth:
1. I learned that it is really smart to drag out your outlining over a month, thinking about it from a new angle each time. It really got my creative juices flowing. I might do some version of this every time I map out a new novel. (Which I hope will be often)
2. It was really hard to do this in June. I thought November was a crazy month for Nanowrimo, and June is no less so, especially for moms who suddenly find themselves trying to map out a book and take care of kids during summer vacation. Maybe it's the craziness of it that makes it work--you have to be super committed. If not, then picking a month closer to Nanowrimo might be a good plan.
3. I posted some of my work in the NSG thread (until it got too cumbersome--which was shortly before I dropped out, hence...) and it is important to have the accountability of knowing a group is expecting you to post something. It made me do a better job than I might have otherwise. On the other hand, I was glad I was the only one doing it because I really needed to take breaks on those days when we were supposed to be critiquing everyone elses posts.
Thank you so much for doing this! It was well worth it for me. If I think of anything else, I will let you know.