Greetings fellow writers,This is Snapper, presenting you with the latest hook challenge. If you are unfamiliar with this writing challenge allow me to explain.
The theory is most editors, due to the volume of submissions they receive, will reject the majority of the submissions based on the first page. With the title, information required, and guidelines (double spacing, size font) the first page is usually the first 13 lines of your story. This exercise is to see who can write the best opening with the same story synopsis.
Each challenge a new synopsis is presented. This weeks is written by Shimiqua Other future synopsis writers are...
Philocinemas (already have his)
If you like to provide a future synopsis copy the list above and add your name to it in your post in this thread.
If you are not sure what '13 lines' is, it is Courier 12 pnt in a 65 character line. (Kathy will probably provide a template). If your submission is longer than 13 lines it will get cut down to size (whining will do you no good).
Now here are the rules.
1) All submissions are based on the synopsis below. You can start anywhere you like in the synopsis as long it is how you would start your version
2) All submission are to be sent to me (my email address is up there) Send your email in the subject line
13 line hook challenge
and place your submission in the body of the text. Please write your submission as such
Your hatrack name
Entry # (I'll fill it in)
Your wonderful 13 lines etc, etc, etc...
3) I will start posting submission when I get a sufficient number. The competition will last about a week after I post this message.
4) Voting will begin after I close the submissions. Please do not post anything in that thread until I close the submissions and open the voting. Everyone that submits an entry is encouraged to vote for your top three and favorite title (which can be part of the hook). All that did not submit an entry but would like to vote are encouraged to do so. And no voting for your own (that's lame)
5) At the close of the voting I shall tabulate the votes. First gets 5, second 4, and third 3. Winner is declared and you get to wear a pirate hat and say ARRGGH all week.
Now for this weeks synopsis...
Its 1937, and American Amelia Earhart has just disappeared.
The Bermuda triangle, and the Dragon’s Tooth, a triangle at the same longitude as the Bermuda triangle of the coast of Japan, where lots of ships and planes have sunk, (it’s true look it up.) is the entrance and exit to an underwater space station hosted by a group of aliens called the /insert chosen name here/
Amelia Earhart and a Japanese Fisherman are human prisoners on the space station. Perhaps prisoners is the wrong word. The humans held down below are actually tools used by the stations resident artist, an alien named. /insert name here./
This alien thinks of his humans as one might a bonsai tree, free to be plucked and placed into any manner of indigenous art. He prefers Amelia and the fisherman because of the look of her pale skin and red hair against his dark skin and strong body. Amelia and the fisherman do not speak the same language, though they try to communicate to ease the uncomfortableness. The fisherman is married, and feels “the Art” is being unfaithful to his wife.
August sixth 1945: the bombing on Nagasaki and Hiroshima collapse the exit of the space station. The aliens are afraid and angry. They decide that the humans are trying to kill the aliens, and it is up to Amelia and the Fisherman to convince the aliens that the humans don’t need to be destroyed. They try to communicate to the alien artist in the only language they all share. Art.
They try to convince the aliens that humanity is worth saving, even as the Fisherman discovers that the town the Americans have bombed is that of his home, Nagasaki.