I wrote on Three novels.
I didn't really have any goals last week, that I can recall anyway.
But I started an added scene for "Bright Lights and Chaos". In this one my MC has to rescue some children who are too scared to move from a building falling down around them. Lots of crushes and thumps. I'm over 70.000 words and on my way to 75 to 80 thousand. Be hard to get to 85 though.
I'm in a slow scene for "New Mage On The Block" Again in the middle of the night she felt a very powerful being near her place but when she looks again all she sees is a guy walking his medium sized dog. She also spotted a bird flying toward her place and wondered if it was a mini dragon...she's never seen a dragon but heard they are very powerful. She has figured a clue to what the bad guy is up to even though she doesn't know yet there is a bad guy. Various low powered Mages and pre-mages are getting sick and/or weak. She thinks it could be some type of disguised spell or Trick, kinda like a computer virus. I started chapter five and seem to be over a third of the way through. At least with the word count.
I have worked on "Storm Born" also My MC is still trying to figure out where the bad wizard is going to try to call the Lightning demi-god into our world. MY MC is out of ideas. Tried to talk to an ex girlfriend who is a cop but he got half drunk and she had to drive him home. On the way across his pouch he tripped and fell on her. She accused him of trying to kiss her because of how he landed. Later his newly ex-fiance will accuse him of the same thing therefore being a hypocrite but she will end up believing him. Right now he is in the middle of a wizard made thunder storm. Even though it wasn't sent for him, it is hanging out over his house. The wizard made lightning seems to like him but they will be getting too friendly. 
Am around 45 to 50,000 words along with this one. I think I have enough ideas for 66 to 75,000 words. I might be able to come up with one or two more chapters but as of right now 84 thousand is stretching it a lot. But we shall see.
My goals for next week is to finish the Collapsing building scene, and to get at least a quarter of the way through a revision. For Bright Lights that is.
I would like to add a danger scene to New Mage and maybe get to, if not finish, another danger scene with Kyle from Storm. This one is where he is hit by a magic booby trap that makes him think he is fighting for his life after being sent to another dimension