Last Week's Goals:DREAMER'S ROSE: Work on the revisions.
Not much actual writing, but I have a good idea on where this story should actually start, now. 
THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Try to cut 10-15,000 words.
I've marked about 8500 words to cut in the first pass.
Some of them will hurt. 
THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Work on the query and synopsis.
SEVEN STARS: Get through this pesky scene that's been bothering me.
Yes. This one is finally moving again. 
OTHER: I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker. Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
No to the stories. Yes to the blog. I put a new post up yesterday. 
MISC. If my shoulder allows, try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.
Nope. Shoulder still hurts. 
Next Week's Goals:
Work on the revisions. I got a really good idea last night on where to really start the story. It will bring the male MC's character forward more. I like it.
I'm going to leave this one alone for a while before I go back, read it through, and make those cuts final.
I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back. I'm beginning to have a better idea of the changes I want to make to the beginning. I want to put my MC off balance right at the start and keep him there for a while.
Work on the query and synopsis some more. Prepare to submit it again--and again . . .
Keep on writing. Don't let it lose momentum again.
I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker.
Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
If my shoulder allows, try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.
[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited February 19, 2010).]