Not much here. A little work on my queries. Waiting for the "new" clean computer to arrive, maybe tomorrow. And printing out things to be sure I don't lose them. Last Week's Goals:
DREAMER'S ROSE: Continue to let this one rest.
Okay, I can take credit for this one. 
THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Work on this query.
Yes. I did. In fact, I think I may finally be getting to something I like. 
THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Wait for feedback.
Still waiting.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Think a little about a possible sequel.
No, I can't say I gave this much thought.
SEVEN STARS: No specific goals for this one.
I didn't do anything on this at all.
OTHER: Work on revisions to my two short stories, Dragons Are Forever and The Seeker, so I can get them out there.
This Week's Goals:
This week's goals will be the same as last. I can't really work on anything very much until I get set up on a clean machine. It'll probably take me a while to get everything back together. Some things I know I'll just have to type back in.
However. I will be ready to start exchanges and critiques again sometime next week--early next week, I hope. So get ready BoredCrow, Unwritten, Kitti, and Merlion.
Continue to let this one rest.
Work on this query. I'd really like to start sending this back out before the first of the year.
Wait for feedback.
Think a little about a possible sequel. I love these characters.
No specific goals for this one. This is my playground right now.
Same as the last three weeks. I still need to work on revisions to my two short stories, Dragons Are Forever and The Seeker, so I can get them out there.