I would call it a good week.Last Week's Goals:
Dreamer's Rose: Write 5K new words.
Blew right past this. I wrote about 17K net words on it this week. I'm on Chapter 23. (This one has some really short chapters.) It's finally coming together. 
The Shaman's Curse: Go through the first five chapters with the checklists for beats, paragraphs, and saying it only once.
Nope. I didn't touch this. Or the query. Or the synopsis.
Dreamer's Rose was flowing and I didn't want to stop that.
The Ignored Prophecy: Let it rest a bit longer, except for the chapter exchange.
Easy goal. 
Blood Will Tell: Let it rest at least another week.
Another easy goal. 
This Week's Goals:
Dreamer's Rose:
Keep working on this. In about ten chapters, I'll come to a place where I need to add a lot of new material. So I'd like to get up to that spot by the end of the week. Get to what is currently Chapter 32.
The Shaman's Curse:
I'm keeping my goal from last week. Go through the first five chapters with the checklists for beats, paragraphs, and saying it only once. Keep working on the query. Force myself to go back over the synopsis. I'm fairly happy with what's in the synopsis, now. But I think the writing style sounds like I tried too hard. I want to make it sound more like the same tone and voice as the novel.
The Ignored Prophecy:
Let it rest a bit longer, except for the chapter exchange.
Blood Will Tell:
Let it rest at least another week. (It would anyway, as long as Dreamer's Rose is going well.
Edited to Add:
What I Learned:
For Teraen, who has been plugging it mercilessly at every opportunity, I did download and read Lukeman's pamphlet on query letters.
Meh. It was worth about what I paid for it. (Free.) If you already know how to write a business letter, there are maybe one or two points of interest. Otherwise, far too didactic for my taste. "There is one way. My way. I will tell you, but I will also hit you over the head in every single chapter to buy one of my other books." Evidently, he never read SELF-EDITING FOR FICTION WRITERS. Specifically, the chapter titled Once is Usually Enough.
[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited October 16, 2009).]