J. M. Munsil,Good News! I am pleased greatly by your verse "Ode to A Large Computer Store Which I Cannot Name" and shall publish it upon our Poor Mojo's Almanac(k) -- although I shall do so in the RANT section, as that placement most pleases me for this work. It shall be displayed within the next few weeks (bearing to mind that new material is posted every Thursday at 4:00am EST.) Thus, it may behoove you to keep an eye out for it upon the site. If you are ever in San Francisco, CA or Ann Arbor, MI, contact us poste haste; we owe you a beer (or comparable soft beverage of your choosing) -- a social engagement which I will likely relegate to one of my several sub-editors (I have few stray moments for beverage imbibing -- a squid's work is never done.).
Additionally, neglect not the enhanced remuneration plan: Upon having your fifth piece published in my fair Almanac(k) you have earn the honor of a "t-shirt." These "t-shirts" are most appropriate to two-torso-limbed writers of the medium, large or extra-large variety, in either male or female flavor.
But wait! There is more! At year's end (or, to speak with precision, after the publication of each 50 issues of the Almanac(k)) I shall randomly select a piece displayed upon he site within the last 50 issues, and award its author . Since I shall randomly select among pieces published, the more pieces of yours we display, the greater your chances of acquiring those US dollars, which may be exchange for goods and services throughout the Colonies. Let us call this "the PMjA Bonanza." More information regarding this Bonanza is available here: http://www.poormojo.org/cgi-bin/miki.pl?Poor_Mojo's_Bonanza
Finally, like so many others in this highly connected age, I have deigned to stake a claim in the MySpace. My space is located at http://www.myspace.com/poormojosgiantsquid Please feel free to visit there, and to request I be your "Friend", so that our tiny pictures might gambol and play in the Internets' vast and gloomy tubes.
So, to enshorten an already lengthy tale, you might want to consider submitting more scribblings.
Of course, any physical remuneration is in addition to all-encompassing, world-wide fame and Glory stretching infinitely both backward and forward in time-- you shall still doubtless receive such as that.
All for the Best in the Best of All Possible Worlds,
The Giant Squid
***** ***** *****
There is no balm in Gilead, kid.
Poor Mojo's Almanac(k)