Had an idea late at night, when most of my ideas are though up. Scribbled it down on my notebook and decided to post it up here. Wondering if it could go somewhere. I hadn’t left that light on had I? Oh, what difference does it make? I should be asleep by now. I suppose I had left it open.
But what is that light. I hadn’t left that light on had I? What a crazy old man I am, I’m sure I did, first the door, then the light. Did I leave that door open? No matter, time for bed, I need my rest.
Now what is the noise? I don’t suppose I’m making that myself. What an interesting concept, but one I most certainly must explore later. No time for thinking, only time for sleep. Well there it is again. Where did that noise come from?
Edit: Title was supposed to be "The Danger of Insanity"... dont know what I was thinking...
Thank you all!
[This message has been edited by Rilnian (edited June 28, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Rilnian (edited July 29, 2006).]