Sorry if it seems I'm directing all of my research to this forum. But it's usually the place to gather the best results.
Please tell me to quit asking dumb questions if I'm over stepping the mark.
I would like to know what the strongest material known to man is. I want to build a cannister out of it. Pop in a nucleur power source and a message and send it back in time 1 million years. The cannister has to survive through to the present day.
I've heard of Titanium. That's supposed to be pretty tough -- right? It's what Wolverine's claws are made from. I also searched the web and something called Tungsten popped up too. Never heard of it before though.
Are these choices any good? Or is there some other thing that is more appropriate?
Edit: Just found out that Wolverine's bones were made out of Adamantium, not Titanium. Is that real stuff?
[This message has been edited by benskia (edited January 13, 2006).]
"Adamantine" refers to diamond, I believe, because diamonds are the hardest rocks. I think we're supposed to understand that Wolverine's claws are hard as diamonds, but I think adamantium only exists in comic books.
I believe Tungsten filaments were what Edison used in his first light bulb.
The problem with something really strong and hard is that it can also be really brittle. It depends on what kind of forces you want it to be able to resist.
They reinforce concrete by compressing it. They put rebar where they're going to pour the concrete, and then stretch the rebar when they pour it. After the concrete has set up, they release the rebar and it pulls the concrete together (compresses it). The reason they do this is that concrete is very strong when you compress it, but it is very fragile when you pull it (or it expands). By compressing it first, they make sure that when it gets hot in the summer, the concrete only expands to its normal (uncompressed) state, instead of expanding beyond that to where it will break.
Anyway, you want something that can withstand the forces you will put on it. If it's going to be twisted, it needs a different kind of strength than if it's going to be stretched, and a different kind of strength than if it's going to be compressed.
[This message has been edited by Corky (edited January 13, 2006).]
Within the Marvel universe, yes. In the real world, no.
My vote for strongest, toughtest substance would have to be some sort of carbon-based fiber. The kind of stuff they envision building a space evelator with. It's yet to be produced but it seems the most credible option.
I don't know anything about strong materials - I just wanted to say that it cracks me up that the question was framed in terms of Wolverine's claws.
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Come to think of it, the strongest substance might be something like a spidersilk cable (a bunch of spidersilk filaments all together), though cloth made from something like that might not be bullet-proof.
As Corky says, it depends a lot on what you want it to survive. For the past million year geological history has been pretty cool (somebody correct me if I'm really screwing the timescale) ie no major ice ages, not too many eruptions or huge meteorites striking.
If you just want something that survives that long...well, many stones will (fossils are still around and they're much older than that). Flint, granite, etc. No need for fancy carbon. Glass, at a pinch, will do (I'm less sure because a million year ago we didn't make glass, but there's no reason for it to disintegrate abruptly). But any volcanic or stone that contains fossils will do.
You could try the box-inside-a-box-inside-a-box method. That way, even if one thing, like titanium fails, there'd be another box inside of it that might do the trick. If the scientists in your story listed all the materials that might be able to resists time like that, and made boxes like a series of Russian dolls, hopefully one of them would eventually work (oh, it wasn't titanium, but two layers in, such-and-such didn't break).
Posts: 189 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Corky's point about which kinds of forces you want it to be capable of resisting is very pertinent.
Carbon nanofiber is in the 100 GP range for tensile strength, but the individual fibers (being molecule sized) have basically zero compressive strength and they even "squash" sideways at the molecular level. It's also totally flammable, a simple cigarette lighter could burn right through a cable strong enough to support a million tons.
Diamonds have extraordinary hardness and resistance to compression (they aren't quite at the top, though, a complex carbon based synthetic molecule rates higher, but you've probably never heard of it) but they can be broken by sudden shocks (like from a hammer) and they also can be burned, though less easily than carbon nanofiber.
Elemental metals are a couple of orders of magnitude weaker than even the current carbon synthetics, and most of them will also burn or at least corrode in the presence of oxygen. Alloys can reduce both problems, but can't totally eliminate them.
Advanced ceramics are totally fireproof, can be nearly as hard as diamonds, and the newest ones are "composites" (like rebar-concrete) at the micro level so cracks don't tend to propogate. Though brittle, the forces required to break through them are on the order of depleted uranium armor piercing rounds. They are also quite diverse and more are being invented, so you can just make up the particular properties of the stuff you want to invent. They aren't going to be making them flexible anytime soon, though. And their very hardness and resistance to wear limits the applications somewhat. Since it's basically impossible to fire a ceramic to end up with a machine-precise shape, you usually have to grind parts of it down, and the more nigh-indestructable a material is, the harder that job becomes.
Ceramics also tend to be very good insulators. A nuclear power source won't work long in a thermally closed system, so it may or may not be such a good idea to make the whole capsule out of such a material anyway. Besides, how strong does it really need to be? You only want it to last a million years, right?
Hum, it is durable, but it's not going to protect what's inside from the blows. I had forgotten the nuclear prop.
Posts: 1075 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Why make the canister out of only one substance? If you are capable of making such a specialized container entirely out of the strongest (and subsequently, most expensive and/or hardest to obtain) substance known to man, it stands to reason that you can afford to--and are capable of--doing more. Make the outermost layer a substance capable of withstanding great heat and moderate kinetic force. Use a non-corroding substance for the second layer, a shock absorbing substance for the third, and so on...until you have a capsule that can truly withstand the test of time unless a moon falls on it or the sun goes supernova. Redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
P.S., I would also include a lead layer around that nuclear fuel, or the person(s) you intend to dig it up might lose important body parts in a prolonged and unpleasant fashion.
Inkwell ----------------- "The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp." -Anonymous
Well...look, the fuel pellet isn't going to be really dangerous, you want something with a half-life of thousands of years, after all. Something like carbon-14 might work okay.
Of course, the amount of it you'd need...well, it depends on the power output you need, really. What are you using the power for after all?
^^^ Okay. You can be the one holding aluminum foil over your...uhhh...valuables. I'm going to stand about ten yards away, smirking when the rads come out to play. (Hey, that rhymed...kinda.)
But, seriously...I little lead couldn't really hurt from a safety standpoint. Or some very large warning signs written in multiple languages about not letting small children near the pellet...or young turtles, for that matter.
Inkwell ----------------- "The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp." -Anonymous
[This message has been edited by Inkwell (edited January 14, 2006).]
Hmm. As a geologist, I can think of no material strong enough to survive 1 million years, on earth. Even carbon/ceramic/wolverine claw composites would eventually adjust to geologic pressures (asuming the container was lost and eventually buried) and crush the materials inside.
I suggest creating a container capable of surviving re-entry, whilst protecting the materials inside, and sending it into space on a trajectory that returns it when and where you want it.
Watch what happens in Utah this Sunday around 5am, when Stardust returns. Sure, they're using 'chutes to return it undamaged, but you can conceive a structure that would not depend upon any mechanisms.
You could simply adjust the specific gravity of the container as a whole so that it wouldn't tend to be deeply buried by erosive forces. And naturally you'd want to avoid landing it on a subduction plate boundry. Really, even if it did get deeply buried in a sediment layer, there are plenty of million year old rocks around.
Space isn't such a good idea, the chances of it being hit by something or other at very high relative velocity is pretty good, basically a certainty if you leave it up there for a million years. Reentry would be the very least of your worries. Even if an impact didn't punch through the container outright (or simply scramble whatever you had inside by applying a couple thousand g for a fraction of a second), the chances of it never making it back to Earth (or making it back at totally the wrong time) are pretty significant.
Just thought of another thing: a planet's surface (not just its subterranean geology) can undergo a lot of change in a million years. Specifically, water can change terrain quite dramatically in the form of a flood or tusnami...or slowly, over a long period of time. In any case, you'll have to consider the 'burial site' carefully from an altitudinal (or sea-level) standpoint. I'm not sure how much water (and its penchant for moving things around) will affect the materials, construction, and/or placement of the canister.
Inkwell ----------------- "The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp." -Anonymous
Hey all. Thanks very much for the suggestions so far. I'm thinking the boxes inside a box approach might be a good fit for my needs.
Just a bit of clarification about what the material is needed for. It has to survive being buried for 1 million years. I'm counting on layers of rock etc forming on top of it with the geological changes and what not. That helps to confirm the genuineness of the age of the message when it is found. The future humans will know that the message was planted millions of years ago, and is therefore not just a hoax. Also, it needs the nuclear power device to keep a digital timer running for 1 million years. When the clock reaches the year 1990, it's going to start sending out a tracking signal, so that the UFO detectors used by folk like NASA pick up the signal and go off to dig the thing up.
Oooh. I have another question you might be able to help me with:
I'm sending 6 folks back in time to bury this thing. But wondering if the readers will question - Why Bother? Why not just send it through & if the box is as tough as its meant to be, it will survive and get buried naturally anyway. Any ideas how I can give them a reason they *must* oversee the burying of it.
Perhaps maybe something like - The box has to be buried at the edge of the oceans. But we cant be 100% certain that we know where the beaches are because of geological shift??
>> I'm counting on layers of rock etc forming on top of it with the geological changes and what not. <<
One more time. Yes, and those sediments and rocks are altered structurally as well as chemically, over time. (ie geological changes) The structure of the box is unlikely to retain its integrity, thus exposing the contents to geological changes over geological time. I know these things. I'm a geologist with multiple degrees with much experience in the microscopic examination of sediments and their contained structures, and my thesis was on predicting the physico-chemical changes over time.
But go ahead. After all, if the crappy science in Star Wars is swallowed whole by the ignorant, then this should be as well.
I had a trivia book as a kid that said rubies are tougher than diamonds. I don't know if they would be tougher than some of the other stuff being mentioned. I'm also not sure if they can be synthesized. I think Topaz can.
Posts: 366 | Registered: Sep 2006
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It occoured to me that all of this discussion is based on the idea that the geological circumstances of the area won't be known. We have hominid remains from 1 million BCE. There are things, unlikely things, that have survived that long because the conditions were just right. Why not do some research, locate such a place (maybe Oldavai gorge?) and deposit the box there? If we know that very fragile things will survive a million years in a certain spot because the conditions were just right...why not put your box there? I think that would also make it more believable for the reader. They wouldn't have to believe that such-and-such material was strong enough to stand the test of time: we don't have any scientific data for that. However, we do have records that frail things survived in certain enviorments, so why not a well-made box designed to resist the known pressures that will be at a certain location? That would also give your team an excuse to go back in time with the box -- it has to be placed in just the right spot to ensure its survival. Throwing it anywhere won't do.
That's great thinking, Miriel. Location, location, location! Also, if you're terribly concerned about what changes in the land will do to the capsule, why bury it in land at all? The Greenland ice cap is well over 1 million years old. If you've got layers of gold or platinum that can resist the corrosion that water will bring, and the carbon-fiber materials to withstand the enormous pressure, that should be enough. There are no major chemical changes, since only one chemical is involved: H2O. No big temperature differences. The only things you have to guard against are pressure and oxygen, and we can do that.
And as for the research team, are they meant to return home? If so, then their mission doesn't revolve around placing the pellet. Sure, it's handy to have them do it, but imagine the added perk of half-a-dozen people observing the planet and learning what earth was like a million years ago. They're scientists - they learn. Have them study the flora and fauna of Greenland when the glaciers were only just forming. Think outside the box (within a box within a box...).
Strength isn't the only issue to consider. The chemical composition of the container must be considered. Titanium reacts with nearly everything and would rot away before long. Steel rusts. Diamonds shatter. Gold last long but isn't very strong; besides, there's the danger that someone would come along and melt it down for its monetary value.
From the context, I don't think something made up will do here.
Some of the environmentalists brag that plastics and disposable diapers will last millions of years. Maybe something encased in plastic would do the trick...
(Oh, and Edison's first light bulb filaments were carbon from bamboo. Some of these bulbs are still known to be working after more than a hundred years. Tungsten came later.)
(Oh, again..."adamantine" from "adamant," adjective, something hard and impenetrable..."adamant," a substance impenetrably hard, sometimes meaning "diamonds" or "lodestones." (Cribbed from the dictionary.))
Okay, what if, along the line of what Miriel said, you have to put the box at a specific location. Not only does it have to be in a place where it will survive (a place where we have fragile fossils from +1 million years), but it has to be a place that won't be unearthed too early. Remember, we've been digging up fossils since the 1800's and you want this thing left undesturbed until 1990. So pick a particular site that's unearthed in, say, 1997. If that's not enough of an excuse to send a manned team, say that in modern day (whenever that is) the site is off limits to the society sending the box back because the political climate degraded. So the manned team has to go back at a different location (as close as they can get) and hike to the location, and in the meantime--to add some tension--they have to survive while interfering minimally with their environment a la "The Sound of Thunder."
Edited for spelling.
[This message has been edited by apeiron (edited January 16, 2006).]
Heya. This is getting really interesting now & I'm pretty sure we're all on the verge of coming up with the perfect solution.
I reckon the question of why my folks have to go back along with the object has been found: 1) They've got to find the correct location to place the message...or: 2) They've got to launch it on its voyage to the moon.
Mike - Thanks for you valuable input. Just for clarification, the capsule wouldn't last a million years if it were randomly buried, because the pressure of the geological change would never ever be able to be withstood.
In that case, I think Miriel's answer is almost my solution. I just got to figure out some object that is found recently that backdates that long ago. I've done quite a bit of searching so far & only turned up fossils that have been found. Which, I guess, is not quite right for me, because they've been through the same geological pressures as we've talked about already.
So --- what about this. I find a recent fossil discovery that dates back to 1 mill BC. Send my people back to that date and time, and they somehow create the message as a fossil instead. So, rather than taking back this capsule thing, they spell out the message in the ground with something & the fossil discoverer's can read the fossilised message. That way the date of the message would be proved too.
Now then, any answers as to how they could create a fossil message? Mike?
Or could they write the message with a trail of diamonds?
Edit: Oh, forget to answer a question from earlier: The team aren't coming back. This is a one way ticket. And that's not the kind of one way ticket that is sung about in the Darkness's recent hit (One way ticket to hell and back).
Edit2: Oo. Just thought of this. What about if it put the message in a blob of amber. Doesn't that preserve insections for millions of years, like in Jurassic Park? Or was that made up?
[This message has been edited by benskia (edited January 16, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by benskia (edited January 16, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by benskia (edited January 16, 2006).]
A company in Israel a few days ago announced beginning production by 2007 of a nano-based armor. 1/8 inch would stop a .308 shot. The material is called Inorganic Fullerenes.
They will be the largest producers of nanotubes. Hopefully, they will go into nanotube cables and other composites for civilian use.
Imagine a jet liner than weighs half as much as present day ones? Cars and car engines. Maybe a step closer to those space elevators.
quote:Rubies are corundum, and diamonds are four times harder than corundum.
Tough and hard are different.
I seemed like Wolverine's stuff was metallic, or at least processed as a molten liquid and magnetically active. But I only know about what was in the movies. Coding a meaningful message seems the bigger problem. The progress of languages is pretty bizarre. How is this item certain to be discovered by someone likely to make good use of it?
I was just reading in the back of today's Watchtower that Moses sealed up a gold jar of manna in the Ark of the covenant, though later records say only the stone tables were in the ark. The idea that there could be a gold jar of manna somewhere out there is really interesting, given this conversation. Granted, any kind of material that is generally thought of as inherently valuable would be a liability to the longevity of the thing. I think whatever it is made of, it should be shaped like a cow femur so people don't start worshipping it.
[This message has been edited by franc li (edited January 16, 2006).]
The hardest substance currently known to man is Depleted Uranium. It is what comprises the hull of the U.S. Army's M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank series, by series I mean M1, M1A1 and M1A2. However, Depleted Uranium hulls did not become standard issue on the Abrams Tanks until the mid-series M1A1-DU - - nicknamed by soldiers the M1A1 Heavy Metal - - was produced in 1989-1990.
Depleted Uranium hulls are what made the M1A1 such a formidable weapon in the first Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm. In that war, the M1A1 was basically indestructable. As a gunner on one of these dragons, I can personally testify to this fact. We took three direct hits from an Iraqi manned Soviet built T-70 MBT (Main Battle Tank) and still kept trucking. Several M1A1's received friendly fire from the U.S. Army's Apache Attack helicopter's Hell Fire anti-tank missle system and and kept rolling and it was only then that the Apache pilots realized they were firing at M1A1s. Even friendly fire from the Air Forces' A-10 Thunderbolt, nicknamed Wart Hog because of its ugly appearance, an attack plane designed for ground support and armor vehicle destruction did not stop the Depleted Uranium M1s. It has been theorized that the only thing that can stop an M1 is another M1 or anything that fires a depleted uranium tank round, which is what the M1 fires. With that said, the M1 has an achilles heel, like most tanks, this weak spot is the turret and the turret ring, the area between the turret and the hull. These areas are not made of Deplete Uranium. Pierceing these areas will score a kill. Mines designed to destroy the tack the tank crawls on are effective in stopping the tank. With that I have probably said enough as W and his homies will probably be raiding my house tonight.
Depleted Uranium also is radioactive. How low or high is that level of radioactivity remains debatable. Because of the radioactivity of the substance, it was believed that this is what contributed to "Gulf War Syndrome" which was the string of horrible birth defects that plagued children of the Desert Storm vets. Some of these birth defects included children born with no skeletal or partial skeletal structure or their skeletins being on the outside of the body, children born with no limbs or limbs attached to the wrong places on their bodies as well as children born with missing organs. Because of the birth defects my wife and I have resigned to the fact that we will not have any children, at least natural born.
Uh, I don't see how revealing the tanks weakness is relevant to the discussion. Not that everything I've said is extremely relevant. "Skeleton on the outside" sounds fascinating, but unlikely in an ironic sort of way.
Posts: 366 | Registered: Sep 2006
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Because one can find a picture of a burning and destroyed M1. This can be viewed as refute to the claim that the tank is indestructable due to its DU armor. When, in fact, the achilles heel of the tank is not covered in DU armor.
DU also has some drawbacks..its radioactive. Something the writer may want to consider or look into should he/she decide to use the DU angle. But, then again, in science fiction why would radioactivity matter, one can just write a line in a book "Thank God we developed that anti-radioactive covering...."
Then again, since its science fiction and fantasy, why worry about what is the strongest substance known to man. Make something up. "Thank God we developed this *insert your own name here* metal..."
Peace, Scott
[This message has been edited by Zodiaxe (edited January 17, 2006).]
Inobtainium That's a reference to "The Core", which I assume most of you as Sci-Fi fans skipped.
P.S. On a personal note, Scott, I can relate to the conundrum of whether to risk reproducing as our first child had a fatal birth defect. Though related complications were as much of a reason to not. You know, there were a lot of birth defects at our installation, but none of us were actually in Desert storm proper. I wonder if the water in the Middle East just really is that bad.
[This message has been edited by franc li (edited January 17, 2006).]
DU isn't very radioactive, but it oxidizes easily and both the oxides and the elemental metal itself are highly poisonous (radioactivity left completely aside).
DU also isn't the hardest substance, a significant part of the advantage it has over cladding a tank in diamonds (cost aside) is that DU is a metal, and it bends rather than breaking outright. That's the essential hardness/toughness distinction. They don't make the entire hull out of it either, the hull is a macro-composite (like reinforced concrete) derived from Chobham. The DU takes the form of a heavy mesh that is incorperated into the layers of ceramic and steel used by the British system.
As per Inkwell's posts about geological forces acting over geological time-frames, a composite would suffer from "weak link" problems fairly quickly. "Tough" doesn't cut it, you need something hard, that is, something that resists force absolutely, doesn't give a millimeter unless you just plain break it. The basic importance of hardness in geology is that you can't do much to a harder material with a softer material using a steady force. But the basic problem with hard materials is that they tend to be brittle, particularly if you make something large out of them.
All metals, both alloys and elemental forms, are totally disqualified unless you find a way to sheild them pretty completely from elemental forces. They just aren't as hard as common minerals like silcone dioxide. Certain mineral forms have the proven capability to reside in sedementary strata and remain intact for geological time scales. There are also some advanced materials that match or exceed the relevant stats while being somewhat easier to work or at least less expensive.
If you send a team back to bury the object, then certainly they could place it with a high level of precision. Of course, you run into the problem of chaotic changes in a big way. Presumably, the past you're trying to change didn't have such a team living in the million year past for an extended period (this can be bypassed if it is a past that you're trying to preserve, in other words, the mission must be sent to prevent a universe destroying paradox). Ordinarily readers will ignore this problem, because it is hard to see any particular chain of causality which would result over the course of a million years. As long as you aren't stupid enough to make the team potentially fertile, the most obvious causal chain isn't likely.
The hull is DU. The Chobham composite you refer to is the fender skirts that cover the track and only the front skirts are equipped with the Chobham armor. The Chobham composite functions like a heavy weight version of a balistic vest. The Chobham armor is not metal but rather layers of honeycombed plastic.
Depleted Uranium may bend, I don't know, but it is what the APFS Sabot round is made of. So it can't bend that much as it pierces tank armor like a hot poker going through paper.
When going through the US Army Cavalry and Armor school in Ft. Knox, it was taught to us that Depleted Uranium was the hardest substance known to man and that was the reason it was chosen for armor piercing anti-tank rounds. Things may have changed, but I can tell you nothing pierces like DU and nothing protects like DU. And because it is Uranium there is a radioactivity risk. The risk is minimized which is why it carries the Depleted modifier. Prior to Desert Storm, it was not known if DU had any adverse affects. In the months leading up to the Desert Storm ground war, the US Army did state that prolonged exposure to Depleted Uranium may be a health risk, which is why we had to carry dosometers - - I think that's what it was called - - insde the tank to monitor the amount of radioactivity we were around. What were the results of all those tests? I have no idea I ETSed shortly after the war. The only thing I knew was what I heard on the news and when I was called in by the VA to undergo a physical and a barrage of medical tests as well as having to fill out a massive amount of paperwork detailing how long were we in the tanks under various situations, how many rounds were fired, what was the cyclic rate of fire of those rounds.
^^^ Another reason I was slightly worried about the rumor that they were testing long arms versions of DU projectiles back then (and even now--with, for example, the Barrett XM109...a prototype man-portable rifle system that fires a 25mm 'cargo round' at decidedly non-cargo targets). I also heard a rumor that it might be tested in small arms to counteract steel plates in body armor (though how many of our current enemies actually wear it?). However, due to the fact that small arms do not usually feature projectile impacts of the necessary magnitude for DU ignition (at 1132 degrees, I think), such a rumor seems less likely, if not completely wrong. When the DU ignites (again, if memory serves) it gets so hot that it literally vaporizes both a portion of itself and the armor...the remainder then behaves much like magnesium within the tank. Which is to say ugly...very, very ugly.
Anyway, sorry for the sidetracking. benskia...after reading your post mentioning a use of amber as a lasting substance...I had a thought. Why not encode the message in the DNA of some creature and utilize the amber method. In fact, why not ‘plant’ many, many identical creatures to ensure the message survives intact (in fragmented parts from different specimens, at the very worst). Finding multiple examples of a fossilized species with the SAME genetic code would probably get the scientists’ collective attention. I'm not sure how they'd translate the code into the actual message, though. Oh well, probably just another useless thought.
Inkwell ----------------- "The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp." -Anonymous
[This message has been edited by Inkwell (edited January 17, 2006).]
DU rounds do not ignite. At, least the U.S> rounds do not. I can only imagine that a high source of heat would have to be applied to cause them to ignite. The rods are 18" in length and are designed to penetrate the tanks armor. Test in the U.S. at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland showed one DU anti-tank round penetrating the turrets of five tanks and eventually falling to the ground with just scratches to its surface. With those scratches aside, the rod was not bent or in any other way distorted. I remember finding the rods lying all over the Iraqi desert in perfect shape, which is a perfect test of its strength, hardness, durability and lethality.
The heating up effect you describe is more than likely the spalding effect that happens when the round actually strikes the outside of the tank. The rod travels at an extremely high velocity, I can't remember just how fast, but it was incredibly fast. Though the rod is aerodynamic it does heat up due to the friction that it gathers on the way to its target. When the rod hits the heat from friction is discharged into tank. The impact from the round is so great that shards of hot metal break away from the inside of the tank's turret and flies through the inside of the turret like shrapnel. The hot shards of metal fly with such velocity that they tear through the ammunition storage area, as well human flesh, and ignite the rounds stored inside the turret causing secondary explosions and setting the inside of the tank on fire. Sometimes the explosion of the rounds are enough to decapitate the tank - - sends the turret flying into the air.
^^^ I beg to differ. DU is 'pyrophoric' burns spontaneously when small particles are exposed to air. I used the word 'ignition' (perhaps erroneously) to describe the process by which tremendous pressure, generated from high kinetic force at the actual point of impact, causes the tip of the penetrator flechette/rod to heat up and 'self-sharpen' (the DoD's term, not mine), burning/cutting through the enemy tank's armor.
I assumed we were both speaking of Kinetic Energy Penetrator rounds here (specifically, the M829A1 design)? I believe they called them "silver bullets" back in Op Desert Storm, though we're using type M829A3, M830, M830A1, and M908-OR (obstacle reduction) rounds by now, I'm sure.
In any case, the impact and subsequent release of heat energy causes the rod to disintegrate into dust, combusting when it reaches the air inside the tank (due to that aforementioned pyrophoricity). After a disintegrated DU penetrator reaches the interior of an armored vehicle, it explodes, behaving exactly as you so vividly described.
Finding intact rods in the desert as you mentioned (and I believe you, wholeheartedly) probably indicates that some of the penetrators punched all the way through the targeted vehicle(s) and survived impact with terrain due to reduced (albeit slightly) exit velocity. But that last bit is just my own personal opinion/assessment. After all, I'm not exactly an accredited expert in offensive weapons systems...merely an admirer.
Inkwell ----------------- "The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp." -Anonymous
Well, it seems to me that the existence of the DU container would risk distorting the scientific progress of the recent past. But then one can only assume the contents of the package are rather meant to.
Posts: 366 | Registered: Sep 2006
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Let's not get into an argument over exactly how a DU enhanced armor is made. For one thing, we aren't even supposed to know that information in the first place. For another, DU is a metal and is therefore unsuitable for our container, it's various attributes aside.
Posts: 8322 | Registered: Aug 1999
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Yes, but what about this fullerene material? No radioactivity. Super strength. Exists, not fiction.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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Depending on the fullerine you're talking about, it may not provide good (or any) resistance to compressive forces (the main difficulty for a buried object).
In fact, even the base fullerines (buckyballs) tend to deform easily under compression, it could be regarded as an essential trait of anything that could reasonably be called a fullerine. The molecules aren't rigid, which is part of what makes them so amazingly strong in tensile applications.
Really, I think that benskia's take on Miriel's idea is probably sufficient without getting too exotic materialwise. Just find an early hominid fossil known to have been found in the time period you want, and bury the capsule nearby (or even inside the body, why not?). The capsule only has to survive in a stable, mild, sediment layer that way. Yes, for a million years, so it has to be something that won't corrode or deform over time. But it doesn't have to survive being subducted into the mantle or anything like that.
One last question about this... What about if the message was just engraved on a solid bar of steel or titanium. Would that still get destroyed over the years and lose its shape?
Posts: 329 | Registered: Mar 2005
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That Israeli fullerene material must be good for compressive forces since it's initial use is a new, lighter bulletproof vest. Talk about compression! A bullet hitting it.
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