I go thru phases. Sometimes I cannot be on the site at all, other times just read, very rarely post- but then I post a whole burst of messages and replies.
I don't know how some people do it.
JB Skaggs
[This message has been edited by JBSkaggs (edited May 02, 2005).]
I've done the work full-time and attend school full-time thing and I had no free time whatsoever. I lived on about four hours sleep a night because it's all I had time for! So...I feel your pain. If you're getting too overwhelmed, you might consider taking a lighter load for the summer semester. I took 18+ credit hours for five semesters in a row before I finally had to take a break or go insane. Don't let yourself get to the point where you feel like quitting school entirely.'s all about balance.
Posts: 225 | Registered: Feb 2005
I will say that I've been guilty of spending too much time critiquing, not enough writing, and not nearly enough time with my wife. So, I've made changes to all three of these things.
I think if you can spend XX minutes of day writing, then it's time well spent. If a day goes by without any writing (and you truly want to be a writer), then it's a wasted day -- except of course for holidays, vacations, sabbaticals, illnesses, tragic accidents, deaths in the family, et al, and any time where you've made a conscious choice not to write.
The thing is this: You have to make time for the important things. My wife will always top that list. Nevertheless, it's very possible that day jobs and school should take priority -- after all, you don't typically see homeless people penning away their novels while out on the street. Though that could happen, I suppose.
Hatrack is my favorite form of procrastination!
I really don't know how I get everything done and still have time to write. Recently, I have hardly had time to string two words together outside of schoolwork because when things get down to the wire, all the professors suddenly realize how much they didn't teach you over the semester and try to cram it into two weeks. Which never works, so I don't see why they try, but they do, and it makes things rather difficult for those of us trying to do all the stuff they forgot to have us do earlier.
Although, I must admit, I spent Friday evening watching Hitchhiker's Guide, and Saturday watching Pride and Prejudice... but I was just too drained to write anything. The most I could do was concentrate (sort of) on a story I already knew.
But this summer, I'm planning to get back into things. Hopefully, given that my mother doesn't spend too much time yelling at me for wasing my life away in front of a computer screen, Wendell will be piling up the rejection slips by the end of the summer.
April was somehow a vast waste for me. I was on a regimen in March and managed to average 2 hours a day despite significant obstacles. I don't know, I had a few extra hours scheduled during April. Didn't seem like it would be enough to really throw me off whack. I sort of pulled my house back out of the fetid dregs of crapulence. I kind of got obsessed with some non-fiction book ideas. I actually spent a lot of time on that. Yesterday we were reading the story of Jesus banishing the legion demon to a herd of pigs, and I wondered if this non-fiction book is a product of an unclean spirit, distracting me from my novel. It's been a while since I wondered if I am in fact possessed.
P.S. Oh, I don't submit a lot of fragments, so I guess this question was even directed at us.
[This message has been edited by franc li (edited May 03, 2005).]