Speaking of 'Does any one know...?' questions, I have to ask what the name of that uberfunny heroic fantasy piece (the one they read at SF-Fantasy conventions for laughs) and where I could find it (I know this thing is posted about a million places online)? I read part of it before, but became physically impaired and had to stop at some point.
I'll look for it in a sort of desultory fashion, but I'm not sure I'll find it and I know that some of you know what I'm talking about.
I think you might mean "The Eye of Argon", by Jim Theis. You can find it at or the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment of it at [URL=].
If this is NOT what you meant, I still recommend it .
[This message has been edited by Marsh (edited November 10, 2003).]
It is indeed the Eye of Argon and is the funniest piece of steaming horsehockey you'll likely ever read. The contest at cons usually consists of people struggling to read as much as possible without cracking up...whomever makes it the furthest wins. Most don't get past a paragraph or two.
The link provided will do it, or you can type "Eye of Argon" in any search engine and access it. Enjoy!
[This message has been edited by Hildy9595 (edited November 10, 2003).]
Yes, it is indeed The Eye of Argon, which recounts the mighty funny deeds and words of 'Grignr' (does anyone know how that is pronounced?).
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