Ok, the fact of the matter remains that the Debate Center was one of my better ideas in the Fresco Pictures forum. It was where we mainly used to gather the posts and considering the fact that the last time I think we at Fresco said anything about writing or any books was a couple of million eons ago I think that starting it anew might give this forum a slight kick in the @$$. So once again, here we are. Ladies and gentle men, I enter your lives as either a friend or a foe. Take it however you will. So, the first topic, I feel I shall bring one up is one that I have been itching at in my mind for quite a while. This topic might tickle the fancy of certain ones more than others— namely the serious writers. I am a Writer. I feel as though I have an inclination to bring up the fact that I see the ability to write a good piece as the key to power. I mean think about it. In the palms of your hands you hold the ability to create whatever you want, and inject that thing into the minds of others. I don't think correct punctuation honestly matters when it comes to writing. What matters is the ability to clasp the heart and soul of someone and wrench it clear out of their chest, and shoot it up with heroin.
Upon the grasses of some forgotten hill,
There lie a stone beneath a man of shrill,
One of talent to wield a raven’s ebon quill,
This man would sit upon the stone and out pour his skill.
And as he sat, worlds were born and met their end,
And lives were born, and stars would rend,
People were brought to their lives mend,
And where lives were brought their thoughts would bend.
This man with the power a universe to mold,
To bend and twist the lives and time so cold,
To leap through the very elements of old,
And in his hands creation does he hold.
This is a poem that I wrote a couple minutes ago. Now think about this for a minute. It could be seen as a controversial topic. Some people might see writing as simply a form of entertainment, or to get a point across. Some people might HATE sad stories with an agonizing ending when a character that you have come to know and love becomes subject to that which no terror could give it justice. But when it comes down to it, which ones are the ones that stay with you? Do you remember the stories that have a happy and cheerful ending or do you just feel happy for a minute or so and then forget all about it?
In my opinion, happy endings suck. I hate them. I would rather have something terrible happen than something happy and cheerful. Some people might call me cruel for saying this. For wishing that the words on a piece of paper would truly mean something, rather than just having a conflict to resolve and then have it be resolved in the most obvious way possible. Some have twists. Some have emotional or physical stress on people or other characters but I feel as though if it doesn't tug at your mind and get you crying or laughing or cursing at the author then it simply was not worth reading. There are few good books in the world, in my opinion. VERY few. Ender's Game was good. But it was good in the sense of character development. It tugged at my mind by truly getting me to know and understand thoughts of Ender and few of the other characters.
Game does have a powerful sense of emotional conflict. It makes you feel SO good about Ender’s situation when *SPOILER* he finds out that the “games” were real battles. I remember specifically the time when I found that out. My chiropractor Dr. Falcone recommended the book to me saying that she knew that I would love it. She told me that there is just this one part of the book where you would just want to stand up and sing for joy. She said that the author touches on human emotion in an incredible way. That is the reason that it was so appealing to me. So I go out and buy it and then I get transferred to another chiropractor and it was in that waiting room where I got to the part where Ender defeats the Formics. And, believe it or not, I did get up for I could not be restrained. I did not sing though. That would be awfully silly (jk).
So what is it? What is it that makes you love Ender’s Game or and book so much and I would also like to hear your opinions on my ideas regarding writing and such.
“(I always put a quote from a story I am writing at the end of my posts) And on the off chance that the embers would fade and all things would come to ruin, does it give you the feeling that afterwards we shall have no where to turn as battle is all we have ever known?”