I just signed on here today, until now I've been in the Young Writers Forum even though I've been 18 for a couple of months now. This Forum seems to operate a lot differently than that one, and I'm not quite sure how it works here. Would someone please care to explain simply what I should do and how I should do it?
Well, if you want to be in a crit group (a.ka. you write something and have others critique it and you critique their material) you email Kathleen and request a group.
Or you can post in the "feedback and fragments" for critiques, but you can only post 13 lines (to preserve your electronic publishing rights), sending the rest through email.
For others "what should you do and how should you do it?" there's really no guidelines or formality. Just check out the discussions, and if you've got something to say, say it.
Just curious, if I join a crit group are there guidelines beyond that I submit things at my turn in the rotation and critique where appropriate? Word minimums and maximums for example?
Otherwise, I hope to become active in discussions around here.