OH way wierd. I do about 1000 words a day, about 4 hrs worth of thought, typing, and rewriting--hmm wonder how I would do with mega pepsi, and working round the clock for three days----no thanks. Getting to old for that stuff.
That sounds interesting. Doesn't mention a length, though, does it? And it's in Canada. Quite expensive for postage. Maybe I'll just do it as a personal challenge. JK
Posts: 503 | Registered: Sep 2000
Only about 25,000? THat's not that bad-- certainly possible. IF the juices were really flowing... If I'm in the zone, you know that really rare place where the Muse is singing so loud you can't possibly miss it, I can crank out about 5,000 words in 2 hours. IF I'm in the zone. Big if.
But, certainly doable.
I'm thinking about trying it-- not for them, but just as a personal thing. Let's see what I can produce if I lock myself in my den, kick out the cats, and sit up all night with Jolt cola.