Just rented the DVD from Blockbuster and watched it last night with my brother. My only previous experience with Dr. Strange was his appearances in Spider Man the animated series from the 90s.
I have to say I actually greatly enjoyed this one. The animation was surprisingly good, the voice work felt crisp and interesting.
I liked the story and the development of the character even if it was moderately predictable.
Spoilers* I was somewhat annoyed that even though the writers say in the bonus material that they were aware that unless they placed limitations on what Dr. Strange could do, nothing he did would feel like it had risk, they still failed to really fix that problem. When Dr. Strange finally starts learning about his powers he is basically told, "If you accept that there is a sword in your hand, there will be one, and if you accept that this huge block of granite is not really heavy, it won't be."
This basically left me and my brother laughing the entire movie as we posited solutions to all of Dr. Strange's problems.
"I accept that my sister is not really dead and that her brain condition is completely cured."
"I accept that Mordo does not really have a sword but instead is carrying a carrot!"
"I accept that the dreaded Dormmamu does not really exist!"
"I accept that I am packing massive heat in the form of a machine gun with unlimited ammo that does not weigh much."
Ad infinitum.
End Spoilers*
I just wish they had more firmly established his limitations, I can understand that he has a VERY deep well of power to dip into but STILL. And for somebody with lots of powers at his disposal Dr. Strange's typical response to an attack is pretty dumb. He usually throws up a barrier and attempt to use mind muscle to keep it up against the attack, which frequently just does not work and even when it does it leaves him mentally exhausted and unable to respond. How is THAT an effective strategy?
In anycase, I really enjoyed it and even though it clocks in at about 90 minutes it felt like the right length. If they make another movie I'll watch it.
For some reason, I was picturing this thread linking to a youtube video someone posted of the war room in Dr. Strangelove with some clever CG, editing and voice work to make it sound as if the characters are playing D&D.
Scene: <Doctor Strangelove's hand leaps into a particularly vehement sieg heil > I cast... MAGIC MISSILE!
<President Merkin Muffley looks up from behind the DM screen> The spell glances off the Drow's skin harmlessly
<Strangelove nearly leaps from his wheelchair> But it is a force spell! There is no saving throw!
<General Buck Turgidson takes a long drag from his cigarette> Don't you know that Drow have natural spell resistance, knumb nuts>
<view switches to General Jack D. Ripper on the phone> Yeah, didn't you pay attention <cut back to the war room, Ripper's voice now is filtered to sound as if he's on speaker phone> the last time we tried to take on a Drow? The guys are tough, but crazy. Must be all the flouride.
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quote:Originally posted by Lisa: So... in England, do they call him the Philosopher Supreme?
Some of his incantations certainly sound more coherent then many an utterance made by your average philosopher.
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The problem with Dr. Strange (and 99% of the other mystical super-heroes) is that his power limits depend of the plot.
In Bendis' (ugh) New Avengers, it's all he can do to keep his team mates invisible from Tony Stark's scanners.
In his own comic, he regularly kicks the metaphysical butts of greater demons and is on a first-name basis with Cosmic Beings.
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This was fun. Not bad for a straight-to-DVD B-movie-style super-hero flick.
My only real disappointments were we had to wait until the last 60 seconds to see Strange wearing the iconic cape...and that the Ditko Dormammu and Dark Dimension designs were dropped for far less trippy, conventional looks.
Loved the reference to Clea. If they do a sequel I hope they keep her unique look.
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I think what disappoints me most about Marvel's direct-to-DVD projects is the lack of creativity and risk-taking.
For instance, Dr. Strange's origin story is about the least-interesting story in the Strange canon.
He's the Sorcerer Supreme! Don't be afraid of a character who can go anywhere and do anything! Most of his enemies can go everywhere and do it all too! Posts: 6689 | Registered: Jan 2005
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I saw half of the Iron Man one and was very dissapointed in the animation quality. It often felt like it was animated by four artists using the same computer.
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