I havn't cried in a movie during over 5 years... and I just cried during the movie Click... is that odd?
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Odd, I know three other guys who cried during that specific movie. I fit the female stereotype of being easily moved to tears, but this movie did nothing for me. *shrugs*
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I'll be the first to admit Titanic made me cry. ... What? It really was a good movie, despite it's big success!
Posts: 208 | Registered: Jun 2005
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I can easily be moved to the verge of tears, but I know I world get teased if I cried over a movie, so I control the urge. My biggest triggers are anything about fatherhood, particularly fathering girls and the idea of your baby growing up, or of children developing a late appreciation for the love and efforts of their parents.
Icarus, I think those are close to my husband's triggers, too. That and kids losing parents. When I was pregnant with Emma, he cried during Lilo and Stitch. We had to stop the movie and talk about him losing his father and his fears related to fatherhood... Not that that's a bad thing.
Me, I cry at the drop of a hat. But kids in danger and parents giving away their children to save them are my biggest triggers.
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By the end of Serenity, I was an absolute wreck. I bawled pretty much through the entirety of the credits. That was one of maybe three times in the last seven or eight years that I've cried more than a tear or two at a time, and the only significant crying event brought on by a movie.
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I was ready for . . . um . . . the first thing in Serenity, not because anybody had spoiled it for me, just because if I'd had to guess, that's what I would have guessed. I was not ready for the second bad thing (or the last two, depending on how you look at it) and I was stunned for a good bit afterward, but not particularly emotional.
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I don't think I've ever cried during a movie. But I've come close, most recently when watching Radio a few years ago.
Posts: 5462 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I cry during movies, I cry at certain songs. Cayla's favorite song this time of year is "Christmas Shoes." I start crying even before the kids start singing at the end. There's a book based on the song - all I need is for them to make a movie from the book! Posts: 2034 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Icarus - my friends loaned me their DVD of Serenity months ago and I still haven't worked up the nerve to watch it. I don't know what happens yet, and I don't want to, but I am too afraid to watch. I really love those characters. I'm sure I'll bawl when I finally get around to watching it. :'(
I cry frequently during movies. I'm so sentimental.
Posts: 1006 | Registered: Jun 2006
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quote:Originally posted by CaySedai: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good news. The movie (IIRC from last year) is so incredibly cloyingly sweet that it will provoke nausea, not tears.
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quote:I was ready for . . . um . . . the first thing in Serenity, not because anybody had spoiled it for me, just because if I'd had to guess, that's what I would have guessed. I was not ready for the second bad thing (or the last two, depending on how you look at it) and I was stunned for a good bit afterward, but not particularly emotional.
The movie was a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing [Added: that is, I might not have broken down so compeltely had I seen it at a different point in my life], though what affected me most wasn't either of the events you're talking about.
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I started crying during sports movies a few years back, then I randomly lost it watching the trailer for the movie Evelyn.
Posts: 5600 | Registered: Jul 2001
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quote:I was ready for . . . um . . . the first thing in Serenity, not because anybody had spoiled it for me, just because if I'd had to guess, that's what I would have guessed. I was not ready for the second bad thing (or the last two, depending on how you look at it) and I was stunned for a good bit afterward, but not particularly emotional.
The movie was a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing [Added: that is, I might not have broken down so compeltely had I seen it at a different point in my life], though what affected me most wasn't either of the events you're talking about.
What was? I might have cried at the same thing.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Don't watch Chinese movies then KQ or Sophie's Choice.
I've never cried at a movie yet, though I got close during the long resolution of Return of the King (loved that it was long by the way).
When I saw The Elephant man if I had not left the room I probably would have cried (I was 9 at the time though). I can be moved to tears when saying goodbye to my family, I know I am quite capable of tears if worked right, but movies just don't do it to me...yet.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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the only movies I've cried at: City of Angels (every time when he's shopping for pears at the end) 50 First Dates (watching the movie at the end) Finding Neverland
but that's just me, and I get crap for the 50 first dates, but it's a really touching movie. I'll have to see once I get around to click
Posts: 1038 | Registered: Feb 2006
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quote:I was ready for . . . um . . . the first thing in Serenity, not because anybody had spoiled it for me, just because if I'd had to guess, that's what I would have guessed. I was not ready for the second bad thing (or the last two, depending on how you look at it) and I was stunned for a good bit afterward, but not particularly emotional.
The movie was a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing [Added: that is, I might not have broken down so compeltely had I seen it at a different point in my life], though what affected me most wasn't either of the events you're talking about.
What was? I might have cried at the same thing.
I'll be intentionally vague to avoid spoilers for Libbie: the landing sequence, near the end.
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Howl's Moving Castle My Neighbour Totoro (It was so sweet the way the children loved their mother so much) That movie with Robin William's playing a 10 year old which made me feel uncool, but what could I do? I got weepy during L of the R, especially the last one... Weep city! Endless amounts of uncool mushy eye drippage! It's like they did it on PURPOSE! There's several others, but I can't think of them right now, or maybe it's too embarassing. I also got weepy in parts of the anime Haibane Renmei. Stupid parts like when one character made lunch for the other one becuase she knew she couldn't get home in time to eat... That was so sweet of her! Human kindness in movies tends to make me get weepy for some reason and stuff with kids in danger. I think I got weepy during Nobody Knows, i WILL cry if I watch Grave of the Firefly again, but i'm never watching those again ever.
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My Andersen cousens are all notorious for crying at almost anything. I made the mistake, once, of actually going to a movie with a group of them. It was "Imitation of Life". I never did that again. In fact, I can hardly see a white mule without adverse memories.
Posts: 1167 | Registered: Oct 2005
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I cried at Snoopy Come Home when I was little. More recently, though, "What Dreams May Come" and the ST:TNG ep "The Inner Light" had me out and out sobbing. I think "Somewhere In Time" had that effect as well, which should teach me to stay away from Richard Matheson movies.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Forrest Gump, The Little Mermaid. I cried during both. I think I may have cried in A. I. as well, please don't hurt me. Posts: 3389 | Registered: Apr 2004
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quote:Originally posted by TheGrimace: the only movies I've cried at: City of Angels (every time when he's shopping for pears at the end)
Aw, jeez... the first time I saw that movie, I saw it coming. I remember going back in forth in my head, "They're gonna kill her." "No, way. That's beyond wrong." "There's no way she's riding her bike like that and makes it out alive." "Absolutely not. That's gratuitously mean." "Sh**, I can't believe they actually did it."
I don't remember if I cried or not. I just remember being so horrified that I was like in shock.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion: Forrest Gump, The Little Mermaid. I cried during both. I think I may have cried in A. I. as well, please don't hurt me.
I did as well (AI), but I was furious even as I was crying, because I knew how blatantly I was being manipulated. I don't think I've seen a Spielberg movie since then, and it's going to take something really spectacular to get me to give him another chance after that.
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God, I sooo hate City of Angels. It was an ex GF of mines favorite movie. Every time she watched the scene with the bike she would break down and cry. Well HBO has this very bad habit of showing the same movie over and over again and to my horror every time she flipped to HBO the movie was on. It's like Groundhogs Day, but worse.
For me the last movie I cried while watching, I'd say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the scene near the end .
Clementine: This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon. Joel: I know. Clementine: What do we do? Joel: Enjoy it.
After that I just lost it.
But the piece of media that has caused me to cry the hardest? The end of the Graphic Novel Maus II. I can only read both books once every like 10 years.
Posts: 796 | Registered: Mar 2005
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I cried when the Mariner's boat got blown up in Waterworld and when the boats got blown up in Sahara.
That downward spiral in Click was so drawn out that I nearly gagged. Such an obvious attempt to pull the viewer's chain.
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I have gotten quite weepy in recent years. My low point was the tears streaming down my face after watching the trailer for Eight Below. Yep, the sled dog movie. I told Paul right there that I didn't think I could handle seeing that movie.
Posts: 1635 | Registered: Aug 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Icarus: My biggest triggers are anything about fatherhood, particularly fathering girls and the idea of your baby growing up, or of children developing a late appreciation for the love and efforts of their parents.
quote:Well I never cried when old yeller died atleast not in front of my friends but when tough little boys grow up to be dads they turn into big babies again
I tend to get misty eyed when it comes to stories of parents that really love their kids a lot... That's so sweet.
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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quote: the ST:TNG ep "The Inner Light" had me out and out sobbing.
Yes, yes, yes. Every time.
My trigger is older or elderly people (they don't even have to die, just be alone or sad). Gets me every time.
Posts: 3636 | Registered: Oct 2001
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That's a nice song. There's another nice country song about parenting a daughter out right now that gets me--not that Tim McGraw one, though. I can't think of what it is. Something about the father reminding the daughters' suitor that he loved her first.
But I get the same reaction as Lisa described having to the movie A.I., to the song "Butterfly Kisses." If I am forced to listen to that song from beginning to end, I will cry, but I loathe and detest that song, because it's so calculatedly manipulative, right down to the #$@%! sound effects. If it comes on when I am getting ready in the morning, I turn off the radio. On Father's Day, I pretty much don't listen to the radio at all.
Posts: 13680 | Registered: Mar 2002
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quote:Originally posted by MyrddinFyre: My trigger is older or elderly people (they don't even have to die, just be alone or sad). Gets me every time.
See, for me, it's old married people. The success that they have had keeping their relationship alive is overpoweringly beautiful to me. And then when one partner in an elderly marriage passes on, that gets me in a whole different way.
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One song that's sweet is this country song where this guy got his girlfriend pregnant and he says, "There goes my life, there goes my future." Then his daughter's grown up and driving off to college and he says it again. *misty eyed, but it could be the onions i cut, yeah, it's the onions.*
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Yes, the old married people gets me too, in the different way. I forgot about that. I will just bawl seeing old people hold hands.
Posts: 3636 | Registered: Oct 2001
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I really feel like people who never cry in movies are not wholly human.
I cried all the way through Grave of the Fireflies, and now I can't watch any part of it or hear any part of the music without bursting into tears.
Sometimes I'll get so that the covers of children's books will make me want to well up, but I usually suppress that.
For me, movies are so much more real than life is because they're like life, image-wise, but they're more straightforward. The feelings are more pure from movies.
And of course I cried at the end of Manon of the Spring. And the end of Cyranno de Bergerac.
But really I cry at any well-made movie with sad bits.
Posts: 1751 | Registered: Jun 1999
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quote:Originally posted by Icarus: But I get the same reaction as Lisa described having to the movie A.I., to the song "Butterfly Kisses." If I am forced to listen to that song from beginning to end, I will cry, but I loathe and detest that song, because it's so calculatedly manipulative, right down to the #$@%! sound effects. If it comes on when I am getting ready in the morning, I turn off the radio. On Father's Day, I pretty much don't listen to the radio at all.
I have that reaction to "Butterfly Kisses" and "Cat's in the Cradle". And "Seasons in the Sun" (God help me). And... "Rocky". Not the boxing one, but the song. "Rocky, I've never had to die before, don't know if I can do it..." Sheesh. I just got chills typing that line.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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quote:There's another nice country song about parenting a daughter out right now that gets me--not that Tim McGraw one, though. I can't think of what it is. Something about the father reminding the daughters' suitor that he loved her first.
quote:One song that's sweet is this country song where this guy got his girlfriend pregnant and he says, "There goes my life, there goes my future." Then his daughter's grown up and driving off to college and he says it again.
I like both those songs. Posts: 26071 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Daddies and their children are sure to get me weeping in no time flat. I am afraid to go see Pursuit of Happyness for this reason.
And music. You can have the sappiest scene going on, and if you put the right music to it, I'll cry anyway. It's awful.
Posts: 2849 | Registered: Feb 2002
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I want to see Pursuit of Happyness, but I don't want to embarrass myself. We ought to get a group of weepy Hatrackers together, for the strength in numbers. Posts: 13680 | Registered: Mar 2002
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When I first saw "Steel Magnolias" I cried a bit, but I saw it again a few years later, after I was a mother, with a daughter and I just lost it. I guess I identified with the mother more that time, and it got to me, especially when they ask her if she's okay and she says "I'm fine! I could jog all the way to Texas if I wanted to! But my daughter can't!"
Return of the King is a sob fest for me, in so many ways. I cry at all the great scenes but the one that caught me by surprise was when I first saw the extended DVD and saw Eomer finding Eowyn on the battlefield.
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