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Author Topic: So very, very bored
Member # 8085

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This is my problem with college. I spend my weekends bored out of my mind. I have a handful of friends here at UTD. Most of the ones who live on campus go home on the weekends (and if they don't go home, it's because they are busy with something from school). The one or two friends I have who live off campus live pretty far off campus and usually have a lot of stuff going on the weekends. So that means I spend my weekends alone. Pretty boring.

So what should I do with my time? What can make me not so bored? I considered going out to dinner (after my mother mentioned something that got my mouth watering), but it's sort of pathetic to go to a restaurant by yourself (at least that's how it is in my mind). I've been trying to write, but I have some partial form of writer's block where my ideas don't flow as well. On top of all this, I'm feeling sort of sick (I think due to a guilty conscience although I already fully apologized for the action of which I feel guilty). *sigh* What to do, what to do.

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Member # 1227

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Well....there's always studying... [Wink]
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Member # 8085

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Yeah, but who wants to study on a weekend? Actually, I should probably start writing my 7 pages Humanities paper since it's going to suck, but I just feel so lousy that doing it might make me feel worse.
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Member # 4774

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Go see a movie.
I used to just hang out all day in the computer lab and watch movies, play video games, play computer games, chat, read. I was seldom bored in college even if I was alone.
Freshman year I hung out with people in the artist guild and we'd talk about paganism and religion, watch anime and eat decadent chocolate cake. On Sundays I'd sometimes have brunch with some Christians. I worked on Saturday ages later and would listen to the opera, drink earl grey tea and read HP, go to work for 3 hours, go to Richardson and sometimes someone would hang out with me.

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Member # 5024

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I do all my studying on the weekend since I don't have time to work during the week! What is this "bored" thing you speak of?!

This weekend though, I going to see a movie. Probably Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

You could see a movie, go to library and get that book you've always wanted to read but never had time to, study, watch movies in your room, go for a long walk with your camera, visit a museum...

The possibilities are endless!

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Member # 8085

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Maybe I should just go walk around campus with my camcorder and film stuff. That might be kind of fun.
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Member # 2576

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Yeah! If I ever have a spare moment, I like to drag my camera around campus and take lots of pictures.
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Member # 7130

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You could always sleep. Sleeping is always fun.
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Member # 8085

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I can't sleep during the day. Even with all my shades closed and my door shut, the light's too much for me.
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Member # 7130

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Or you could go around scaring random college students. Wear a Jason mask and jump up at people from behind a bush.
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Member # 8085

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That'd be funny if UTD had any real bushes. Our campus is pretty bare and utilitarian. I guess I could hide in the small little alley-like things between buildings. *shrugs*
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Member # 5162

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What's UTD?
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Member # 8085

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University of Texas at Dallas (although technically it's in Richardson). Smaller school, mainly focused on science and business (which is why I often complain as a history major).

Thanks for the suggestions so far guys. At the moment, I'm doing my laundry for the week. After that, I may take the suggestion and go out and about with my camcorder.

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Member # 6423

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If you were a girl, I'd suggest learning to knit, I mean you can do that anyway. Or you can up your post count on hatrack.

I'm always glad to know i'm the only one who can't sleep when it's light, well I can continue sleeping (till 1 or so) but I can't fall asleep with any lights, street lights near hotels are the worst thing ever. I currently have black satin curtains up in my bedroom.

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Member # 8085

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If I can sleep straight (not waking up at all), I can sleep till 12 or so. That rarely happens though, as I often toss or turn. But yeah, I definitely can't get to sleep when it's light out. In fact, it took me a few days to get adjusted to the very small light on the side of our building that sits half between my window and the next.
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Member # 5162

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My brother's going to that school. You could go give him a hard time.
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Member # 7900

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A college student who can't sleep during the day?!? Wow. Well, actually, my roommate used to be the same way until she discovered that it was possibly to get so tired that a person can and will sleep anywhere, anytime.

I like to use my weekends to read nonscholarly books, see school plays, play computer games, watch the tv shows I taped during the week because I was too busy doing schoolwork to watch them, and go for walks.

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Member # 8085

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Well I can sleep during the day if I'm totally exhausted (I know this because I basically passed out one weekend in high school because I hadn't slept all).

As for watching the TV shows I taped during the week, I did that last night. I caught up on Smallville. I guess I could read a book or something, assuming I can remember where I am in the last nonscholarly book I was reading.

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Member # 5024

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And when/if you go out with your camcorder, try catching things that you ordinarily wouldn't see. If it;s quiet on campus, do a "tour" or something... take advantage of the fact there's no one around to film whatever you like.

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Member # 8085

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Campus should be pretty dead, but I could probably film almost anywhere there.
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Member # 2972

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What my boyfriend and I are doing tomorrow, but which might be funner alone, is going driving around the countryside and taking pictures of whatever cool things we see.

I say it might be funner alone because my boyfriend and I frequently disagree on what constitutes a cool thing.

Whenever I'm lonely and bored I go out and spend lots of money. But that might not be the most effective method of combating it.

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Member # 8085

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Yeah. I don't have tons of cash, particularly if I want to buy a new video game next week (hooray for Mario Kart DS). I may just take my camcorder out. Take some film footage and some pictures. Might be fun.
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Member # 2972

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Neither do I. As I said, it's not the best method, but it does work.
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cheiros do ender
Member # 8849

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If your board why not run for politics here on hatrack? You can apply to be Minister in any of a number of specialist fields. Just work out what you're best at and begin your talks with the new President. That is, right after he's done giving his victory speech.
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Member # 5108

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I guess I could read a book or something, assuming I can remember where I am in the last nonscholarly book I was reading.
You might consider an investment in a bookmark.
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Member # 8085

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Well typically when I read, I can remember what chapter I'm on when I take a break. With this last book, it's been 3 months since I've read any of it. I don't recall what chapter I was on. I'm sure it'll come to me once I start looking over it.
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Member # 5130

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In the short term I recommend things like surfing the web, or reading a book. Another fun thing I like to do is explore the town/campus on foot. Taking pictures is cool too. Older campuses usually have some really neat architecture, the occasional newer buildings look decent too, but if your campus was built during the ugly period (1950-1970 I'd guess), you might be out of luck.

But if this looks like it is going to be a long term problem, I'd look for a club or something. Maybe you can volunteer at some local place that needs help on weekends. Or maybe there's some obscure sport club that practices only a couple times a week, and has the occasional weekend game to travel to. Usually club sports don't cut, and are willing to take anyone who shows up. I played Ultimate frisbee at my old school, and really enjoyed it.

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Member # 6776

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pfresh, please take this in an encouraging way. Boredom is not a quality of the environment. It's a property of the mind. It's a little bit humbling to have to realize and understand the truth of that concept.

The good thing about that realization is that nobody is ever forced to be bored ever. Boredom can end for you right now for all of time. The difficult or challenging thing about that understanding, though, is that it's totally up to you to change the situation if you ever find yourself to be bored.

The resources you need to fully engage your entire heart, mind, spirit, and being in something that requires your utmost effort are all around you, as well as inside you. Seek inside yourself for what really matters to you, what you truly care about. When you spend some time thinking about that, you'll find that there's far more to do than you can possibly manage, and every moment of your life is entirely precious. Then for the rest of your life, whether you're striving with all your might or simply goofing off, every minute of every day will be filled with interest and vitality, and you'll never be bored again.

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Member # 8085

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Thanks for that piece of advice/wisdom, Tatiana. I guess I need to find out what really matters most to me and then do it.
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Member # 5162

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Good one, Dr. Phil. [Razz]
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Beren One Hand
Member # 3403

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You need a blog!
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Member # 8085

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I already have two blogs, although neither gets updated much because people tire of me complaining about stuff.
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Member # 5024

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So don't use them to talk about your personal problems, use them to write about the world around you. I have a diary in which instead of writing about me I write about stuff that's happening in the world.
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Beren One Hand
Member # 3403

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If personal blogs are not your thing, you can write a blog about a specific topic you're interested in. If your blog is good enough, you can start making some decent money with Google ads.

Here's a blog from a friend if you'd like any ideas:


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Member # 8085

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I think I'm going to make a post on my blogs about some writing stuff I'm doing for a film project. That should occupy me at least for a little bit.
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Member # 6877

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You are aware that there are several Jatraqueros living very close to UTD, and some of them might have a free weekend now and then, are you not?
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Member # 8085

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The only one I know personally (Amanecer) is busy this weekend. The rest I don't know, although I'd be more than willing to meet and hang out with them if they'd speak up.
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