I saw March of the Penguins with my son. Beautiful film, no explosions, but just a tad weak on the dialogue.
Wallace and Grommit just doesn't seem grown up enough. I'll talk it over with Hubby and see what he thinks.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Serenity. Esther, if you had to ask what Firefly was on the other thread, you simply must see Serenity.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Personally I would wait until Goblet of Fire comes out... but that's me.
But if you can't wait to see Goblet, go see Wallace and Gromit... it seriously is awesome and good enough for adults!
Posts: 1417 | Registered: Aug 1999
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Serenity isn't playing at a theatre near me.
I've cross-checked listings and reviews, and your suggestions, and am considering one of the following: North Country In Her Shoes The Weatherman Good Night, and Good Luck Wallace and Grommet
Feedback on this list?
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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I've actually heard (from the man who pays for this place) as well as friends of mine that In Her Shoes is a pretty good flick.
Posts: 5462 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I think W&G is plenty appealing to adults, I was almost falling out of my seat from laughing so hard. It does sound like it's more "action" than you're in the mood for, but none of the rest of those movies look too appealing, really.
I can't wait to see W&G again. Posts: 6 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Just a warning, The Weatherman has a lot of profanity. Not as much as say, Pulp Fiction, but far more than your average movie.
Posts: 102 | Registered: Nov 2005
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While I was able to appreciate the artistry that was Pulp Fiction, I must say that I really disliked the movie. So much gratuitous violence, profanity and graphic drug use.
Not like I'm a prude, but, yuck.
Other movies that I really didn't like (that were tremendously popular): Lord of the Rings, Star Wars.
I thought the Harry Potter movie was incredibly slow-paced. I was, like, an hour into it, and they were still on the train on the way to school.
I saw Die Hard. Big mistake. Hated it.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Good Night, and Good Luck! With the greatest actor of all time, Joseph McCarthy! I swear, that guy should win an Oscar.
Posts: 1735 | Registered: Oct 2004
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Blacwolve, if we both can, wanna go during thanksgiving, it's extra credit for my sociology class, and looks good.
Posts: 5362 | Registered: Apr 2004
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We landed up seeing Good Night, and Good Luck. It is rated PG, but is very much a grown-up movie. It was set in a 1950's television newsroom. Golly, men were made of stronger stuff back then. Everyone smoked all the time (indoors! at work! on the air while reporting the news!), and apparently the only thing anyone ever drank was Scotch. McCarthy was on a witch hunt, ruining the country and everyone's lives until Edward Murrow got on the news and gave an editorial about how that wasn't nice.
That showed him!
Evidently, Murrow singlehandedly put an end to McCarthy's abuses. Awfully nice of him.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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I saw that last night. I was sort of disappointed. With all of the hype I expected it to be better. It was still worth the money, but it didn't meet my expectations.
Posts: 4655 | Registered: Jan 2002
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