I recall them playing only rap music and me wondering why since it was 98% white kids. I also remember not eating anything because the catered food sucked.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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I try and block out the fact that we had people who showed up in our group without telling everyone, or that the resturant sucked, or that my boyfriend and I were only still together cause he had promised to be my date.
But my dress war freaking amazing.
Posts: 1733 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I was floating, it was wonderful. A very happy night, except that I stepped on a nail after ditching my heels at a party. Fyfe and I got ready together before the dance, I felt like a princess, went with a group of my best friends, and had a wonderful time in general.
(This was my senior prom - I also went to prom freshman and junior years...they were great, too. )
Posts: 1225 | Registered: Feb 2002
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I remember having to leave the party early to take my girlfriend home, then going back to the party to hang with my friends.
And a drunk tramp tried to get us in trouble with the administration by claiming her date (my friend) had spiked her orange juice with vodka, unbeknownst to her. Gimme a break.
Posts: 5462 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I remember my girlfriend at the time straightened her hair and it flowed down to her thighs, and that was with a quarter of it wrapped up in a fancy hair bun thing. And she looked like some sort of physical manifestation of beauty. Also her dress has sparkly things on it and it got all over everything. There were sparkles in my brother's car (which I borrowed) and the couch in my living room for literally a year and a half after the prom.
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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I went out with a girl. That was odd in itself. I danced. Again, odd for the time. I had a good time. VERY odd. Shame I hadn't met my boyfriend yet, taking him would have been a blast.
Posts: 4953 | Registered: Jan 2004
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Both of my proms were disaster, but probably only because I wasn't very mature. Both times I went with boys I didn't want to go with, though both of them were nice. For sr prom, I took my boyfriend, who, being a sophmore, wouldn't have otherwise been able to go. He and I had broken up the week before, but I didn't have the heart to break the date, since he was so obviously looking forward to it. I don't know how he felt about it afterward, but since it was clear I didn't want to be there with him, I doubt he had a very good time. I should ask him sometime...he was really close friends with my brother, and they've recently gotten back in contact. He lives not too far south of me now.
The other boy (for jr. prom) was just kind of awkward, in that he had feelings for me that I didn't reciprocate. We hung out a lot at school, though, so when he asked, I didn't think to say no. It would have been fun if we hadn't had this crush on me, and hadn't insisted on being so obvious about it.
I loved both of the dresses I wore, but loved *buying* the dresses more than anything else. I still remember those adventures. The jr. prom dress we bought on our summer vacation trip to Washington DC. It was something like 90% off, and fit me perfectly -- a real feat for the time, as I was a sub-zero. Eighty lbs and 5'2" made it hard to find clothes that fit. For sr. prom, we found the dress on our vacation to Edinburg. The two girls who fitted me in the little shop giggled madly the whole time and wanted us to talk so they could hear our American accents. One of the girls was not from the city, so her accent was so thick as to be nearly incomprehensible, which was not made any better by the giggling. It was wonderful. Posts: 5948 | Registered: Jun 2001
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Getting surprised by my then boyfriend with the last limo in the city.
Then when we went to sit down at our tables, I sat down and, no joke, my dress came off! Thank God for tux jakets and fast thinking friends!
Posts: 113 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I have been to formal dances since, however, and they were wonderful.
Balls are all about socializing, which means it lives or dies depending on the company you are keeping.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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I can't stand dances. I hate them. Dances are by extroverts for extroverts. They involve trying to get into somebody's idea of a good song mix while I stand in a circle trying to talk to anyone else through lip-reading. Then the ones with any clue socially suddenly disappear, leaving me usually facing someone's back until I do a slow, embarrassed shuffle toward the door.
Kind of like a bad day on Hatrack, now that I think about it.
Posts: 5957 | Registered: Oct 2001
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I don't disagree with the "by extroverts, for extroverts" thing.
AFR, what would you do instead of dances? This is a legitimate question, because I need to help plan activities soon for a mixed group(just got made Beehive advisor). (Probably need to start a thread about that.)
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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I preferred more casual dances myself, rather than formal ones. I think it's because with formal dances everyone usually has dates (and you dance only with your date), but with casual dances you can dance with anyone since no one has dates. So yeah. That's my opinion on it.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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Eh, don't put a bunch of Beehives through a dance. Aren't they supposed to wait until they're 14?
You could do something formal, like pairing them off and teaching them some ballroom dance steps, or just basic dance etiquette. But just from having 3 sisters, I never heard any good comments about those kinds of evenings.
Take them on a trip or a hike somewhere where the focus isn't a forced social situation. Let them be themselves.
Posts: 5957 | Registered: Oct 2001
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I am actually very excited for all of this. I'm also glad that my new bishop trusts me enough to let me near the youth, despite my appalling life example.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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I enjoyed my prom, although I went with my ex-boyfriend . We're still good friends and we had a great time. A bunch of my friends all went together and we enjoyed ourselves.
The thing I most remember about prom is spending most of it in a little nook that we found away from the dance floor. They played bad rap most of the time, so we found refuge in this little room.
The best part of the night was the afterprom though. We had big bouncy things and could just spend hours hanging out with friends. Our school locks us in so that we can't drink after prom, so we had to be there until 3 AM. It was a good time though, let me tell you.
Posts: 1789 | Registered: Jul 2003
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My strongest memory of prom is the pre-prom picture taking, because i looked so nice and i never get dressed/made-up and it was such a novelty.
Second to that is the guy i took, a friend from theatre (didn't go to the school) and how i kinda was a bad date because i had a huge crush on a guy at my school and was eyeing him up the whole night. My friend was a dear and a real trooper, though.
Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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My best friend asked me to go to her prom with her as friends.
It was my third prom. I maxed out on high school dances at that, that was after 6 homecomings and 3 proms. Oy.
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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I had a and my best friends all were on prom court, and my date that night just happened to be as well. The dress I wore was white and strapless...but by the end of the night, the entire bottom hem was black after I danced all night.
Posts: 57 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I was still recovering from the worst of my depression, and I also didn't know very many girls, since I went to an all-boys school (Thanks, Dad!). Although my life was actually a good deal better than it had been a couple of years before, I was still that crazy dark depressive kid, social-wise. (This was back before being goth was cool. I would so have had it made fifteen years later.) Overcoming the reputation I built for myself during my depressed stage was simply not possible in high school. I had to wait for a fresh start in college for that.
In college I did go to the Spring Formal with my girlfriend the one opportunity I had. (Sophomore year. Junior year I took off, and senior year I was in a different state from my girlfriend and focused mostly on graduation and graduate schools.) It was absolutely wonderful. A dance is only for extroverts when you are single. When you are attached to someone, then you have nothing to fear, and it can be a wonderful experience.
Posts: 13680 | Registered: Mar 2002
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Icky, Goth was never cool. It's just that uncool kids gravitated to goth at a certain point.
In the interests of making up for all the "I didn't go/I had a bad time" ones, here are my more memorable ones:
My Junior Prom (Jackie): Probably her signing "Keeping Out of Michief Now" at the after-party. Very sultry song that went well with her off the shoulder black dress. I nearly passed out from lack of blood going to my brain.
Her Junior Prom (Tracy): Didn't really know her beforehand. She needed a date, was a dancer (I both love to dance and love dancers), and I was ever a popular rent-a-date. I remember thinking the equivilent of "Sweet mahumba-jumba" when I first saw her in her amazing greenish blue dress. I also remember I was in the midst of ending a relationship at the time, so while nothing "happened", we looked for any excuse to touch each other, especially the next day at the amusement park.
Her Senior Prom (Brooke): Her falling asleep on my chest while the Live (the band) CD played over and over in the background while I couldn't fall asleep. It was all kinds of romantic and stuff, but after the third time through, I really came to hate that CD.
I didn't actually go to my Senior Prom. Neither of the girls I was dating were worth the expense in my opinion.
Her Senior Prom (Jen): Definitely her popping out of her dress during "Jump Around". I and another male friend of hers moved so quickly that I don't think anyone else even noticed it happened.
Posts: 10177 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I remember (this was all of a few months ago) playing cards during the crappy music, then teaching my date and the couple we were with how to Cha-Cha ... but as there wasn't the right beat, I had to improvise, so we cha-cha-ed to rap music. And I remember my date (also my really good friend. Not girlfriend) looking absolutely stunning. And me looking not half bad in a tux. Maybe I remember this because the pictures are standing on the headboard of my bed ...
Posts: 2827 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I was a really shy guy in High School when it came to girls. The girl I took to my Senior prom was a really, really good friend of mine. When I met her, she was pregnant, but didn't know it until a few months later. The father wasn't very supportive, so I became the guy she called at night when she needed someone to talk to. As a result, we became very close friends--and I learned a LOT of facts about pregnancy and childbirth that I'd classify as Too Much Information. Anyway, by the time prom came around, her daughter (Madeleine) was 6 months old and breastfeeding. My date left Madeleine with her mother for the night. The most memorable moment was about midnight, in the middle of a nice romantic slow dance, my date turned to me and said:
"Brian, I've got to get home soon. My boobs are about to pop."
Posts: 786 | Registered: Jun 2003
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quote:In the interests of making up for all the "I didn't go/I had a bad time" ones, . . .
It seemed to me like the strong majority of posts were positive. Even in the case of mine, I mentioned going to my Spring formal in college, which was basically a prom for college students, and having a wonderful time.
Posts: 13680 | Registered: Mar 2002
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The most memorable thing about my prom was the handful of jiveable songs; only six or eight people of the hundred-plus in attendance knew swing and/or ballroom dancing, and I was one of them -- we'd all taken classes together. I think it was Ricky Martin, Livin' la Vida Loca, of all things, and nobody else was expecting anyone to actually be able to dance to it. We turned heads. It was a blast. Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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quote:Originally posted by Ela: I didn't go, either. No guy asked me.
Aw. No guy asked me, but I wanted to go anyway, so I asked a guy that I was friends with, but was not romantically involved with.
I wanted the "prom experience", and kept getting annoyed when he kept giggling through all the slow dances.
That's what I remember most.
I don't remember that I wanted to go enough that I would have tried to rope a guy I was friends with into going with me, actually. And I probably wasn't brave enough for that in those days, anyway. Posts: 5771 | Registered: Nov 2000
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Realizing I had locked my keys in the car when we went to Dennys afterwards. Which meant we stayed there all night until I could call my mom to bring the spare key in the morning.
Also at Dennys, our waiter had the nickname Boo Radley but had not read To Kill a Mockingbird. And at 5 in the morning, it became hilarious to just yell "Boooooooooo Radley!"
Actually, almost all of my fun prom memories are from Dennys. I mean, I had fun at the actual prom, but nothing that's stuck with me.
Posts: 3801 | Registered: Jan 2000
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I have lots of great memories from Denny's.
LawGuy: According to a sister-in-law. I'm cheered that it doesn't seem to be the general opinion, though. Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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Went without a date with all my friends, I felt like it was just one of those American experiences I didn't want to miss. I'm so glad I went:
- Danced with 2 girls who are still very special to me.
- Had a great time mingling with all my friends and acquaintances
- Have a lot of pictures we took at prom which I looked at not too long ago and made me realize how much weight I've actually lost since I started working out... wow.
quote: I went out with a girl. That was odd in itself. I danced. Again, odd for the time. I had a good time. VERY odd. Shame I hadn't met my boyfriend yet, taking him would have been a blast.
Telp, are you a guy or a girl?
Posts: 1480 | Registered: Dec 2004
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kojabu, I don't know the name of the CD. It had ummm..."Shiptown" on it.
Icky, I saw a majority of negative ones and expected things like Tres's
quote:I remember not going, being very pleased with that decision, and wondering why anyone would willingly put themselves through it..
I find that when Hatrack is made up primarily of peopel with the same sort of social background and I try to make it clear that the way they experienced things is not the way everyone experienced them, as too often seems to me to be the assumption.
Posts: 10177 | Registered: Apr 2001
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My tuxedo had tails. That was cool. And though my date and I were at the dance for two solid hours, I don't think we actually danced once. It was held in the state capitol rotunda, so we spent most of our time wandering around looking at column capitals.
A couple of us waged a campaign that year for the theme to be Unchained Melody, but we were squashed in favor of yet _another_ Peter Cetera song. I can't believe my senior class could look themselves in their collective mirror after voting against the Righteous Brothers.
*shrug* On the whole, it was kind of a ritual; not nearly the most memorable event of my high school experience.
Posts: 794 | Registered: Aug 2000
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I remember that I was a low down slim bag sophomore year and I ditched my date... The sad thing is, she still speaks to me, it's the girl i ended up with that hasn't said a civil word to me since that spring...
Then Junior year I went with a friend and behaved myself...
I hope to god this year i don't get roped into going again...
Posts: 1094 | Registered: Mar 2004
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