I have a question regarding a problem with a couple of programs. Does anyone know the answer?
I have a 70 page booklet in Word, and I need to turn it into a PDF file. I print to Adobe PDF, but the links do not work in the new PDF file. There are links on almost every page, and I will print it to Adobe PDF several times in next while as I update the document, so I really don't want to add in the links by hand. Does anyone know how to make sure the links work in the PDF? Is it because I am using the print function? I can't find anything in the help for Word, and the help for Acrobat is just terrible and I can't find anything there, either.
*flounders* And, I think it's laughing at me. *pout*
I'm hoping I didn't push anyone away who has an answer with the disclaimer above. Of course I didn't mean you. Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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What version of Word and Adobe Acrobat do you have?
I would try the macro from the Adobe toolbar in Word (it may not be showing, right click on a toolbar and choose PDFMaker to show it) or the Adobe PDF menu in word.
I don't know if it will work, but it's something to try while we research.
Posts: 26071 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Kat, Check the print options under the setup tab of Adobe. It may be an option that is turned off.
Posts: 1480 | Registered: Dec 2004
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It's really bizarre, but I don't have either the menu or the toolbar. I definitely have it in other documents, but not this document.
I'm going to try to copy and paste the document into a new one, just in case the toolbars are linked to the document, and since it is so old it won't show up.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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Okay, even in new documents the macros and toolbar won't show up, although I have Adobe Acrobat 6.0. Maybe it got corrupted?
I have already checked the print options, and turned all of them off and on. It didn't do anything.
There was one that said "Update Links", but even when clicked, the links still did not work. They are blue and underlined, but not links.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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Grrr...I have a pile of things to do today, and I've been wrestling with this document for the past four hours.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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Oh, I just knew I scared away the gurus with disclaimer.
I've given up, though. I can't find the place to fix it, so it will have to wait for Monday and in the meantime I am getting upgraded to Acrobat 7.0, so with any luck the new batch of bugs will not include this one.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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Everything I found that might help suggest using the Conversion Settings item in the Adobe PDF menu in Word. Posts: 26071 | Registered: Oct 2003
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What happens with you use Acrobat to convert the Word file (ie. from inside Acrobat, you Create a PDF from a File)?
This is a really stupid question (and will show my very limited familiarity with pdfs), but is it even possible to have links within a pdf document (since a pdf is essentially a document that's been turned into an image)?
Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I tried creating the PDF from inside Acrobat, and the same thing happened.
There is a button there called "Settings" but it was grayed out, which led me to believe it's the piece of hud I'm working with that's the problem, and that upgrading might fix it.
It is very possible to have links. You can also make forms and limited workbook functions.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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What about trying an alternate 'word to pdf converter'? It's worth a shot.
I use freeware called 'gotopdf', which can be found at Brief instructions: After download and installation, open the word document, open the print window, change printer to 'Virtual PDF Printer', then press 'Print'. A 'Save As' window will appear, and then proceed from there.
Links in the word document are preserved in the pdf file by gotopdf. Or at least it does for me. Hope this helps.
Posts: 32 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I exclusively use Open Office. I have never had a problem with links or PDF conversion. Open Office has a built in PDF converter/exporter in the menue.
EDIT: By "had no problem with links," I mean that the links in OpenOffice works. I haven't tested PDF. Sorry.
I just tested it and the links in the PDF document worked. Open Office will read word documents.
Posts: 2445 | Registered: Oct 2004
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