Post them here! (Whether you're wearing them on Halloween proper or wore them to a party this week. )
Our costumes from last night's ward Halloween party (alternate shot) were Christmas tree and Christmas present. (We didn't win the costume contest; some guy dressed as a pirate did. But we didn't mind, especially since about half the ward told us we should have!)
Emma was overstimulated and tired and screaming, so we'll take pics of her costume tomorrow.
Let's see those pictures!!! Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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In one of the other threads there was some discussion of people who didn't like halloween because people shouldn't dress up as witches, ghosts, demons, etc. Somehow, even though I found a suitable counterpoint to that kind of "evil" costume, I still doubt that those people would find my halloween costume holyappropriate.
Because I look awful, and it wasn't a final version of the costume. My honey just took some good ones, with the fangs and everything.
Posts: 9293 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Tyler was a pumpkin last week for the ward party. He was a dalmation for the actual day. I'll upload those pics later.
Posts: 161 | Registered: Jul 2002
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*BURNINATES EVERYONE* AoD dressed up as Trogdor. Using construction paper.People here thought it was the shnits. Too bad I don't have a digicam... Posts: 3389 | Registered: Apr 2004
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After we got Emma's costume off, she went over and sat in her rocking chair and poked through her haul, just like a big kid, with no prompting! It was so cute. Unfortunately, Jeff had already put the camera down and missed it.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I love your chicken, Scott! What a great outfit.
Your other two look cute also - well, one that I can tell for sure. I'm sure the other is cute behind the skeleton mask.
Divaesefani - your little pumpkin looks absolutely precious. And, hope you don't mind me saying, but your husband doesn't do badly on the cute stakes either!
<-- Happily married. Just commenting. Posts: 4393 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I didn't do a costume this year, but I went all out on my pumpkin. It's an image of my youngest daughter. It got high praise at the church party last night (even thought it didn't win).
Posts: 16 | Registered: Nov 2003
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Here is my cutie and our pumpkins. Julia painted the two little ones. I am trying to find the picture of her in her costume but it is lost in my computer files.
Posts: 1319 | Registered: Jul 2005
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This is a great thread! I promise I'll dress up next year. I was totally not in the spirit this year and I just wore my orange old navy shirt with the pumpkins on it.
Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Our little trick or treaters. We've never had online nicknames for our kids, and Porter suggested these would be perfect: Mario, Princess Peach, and Bedtime Bear. Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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And thanks to everybody posting on this thread. Y'all and your kids are adorable, and brought a smile to my face at the end of this long, long day.
Posts: 1894 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Well, I feel rather odd posting this picture after all the adorable little kiddie pictures. But, I went as a rather...umm... risque vampire hunter(you cant see my bad a** sword set in these pictures, though), and my boyfriend went as Chaeron. Normal , Strange facesPosts: 499 | Registered: Mar 2004
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These are such awesome pictures. Unfortunately I didn't dress up this year, but I promise I will next year. divaesefani - Tyler is so adorable! I'm jealous.
Posts: 1789 | Registered: Jul 2003
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The jedi girl costume is absolutely fantastic, ctm.
Our church party was canceled because of the hurricane, so we have yet to dress Abby in her costume for a picture. I'm going to and will post accordingly.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Feb 2005
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