I enjoy your posts, Tante. I'm just surprised you've posted so many in such a short time. I'll catch up to you *looks at watch* never.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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Ok I found this. Which pretty much sums it up.
Originally posted by Tom D. in the 'Your jaws may all drop now... -- *New* Now also celebrating Tom's post count!' Thread:
quote: I feel compelled to point out that while I may have the highest post count of any individual under the same screen name, there are at least two other people here who, by my reckoning, have not only been here less time but passed 20,000 posts some time ago when you take their multiple login names into account.
Ooo Dagonee I didn't relize you had such a high post rate. Probably because I started coming over to this side of the forum when Tante joined. So is Tante just the Dagonee of her time? Hmm this changes the whole perspective of things. Tante you better up your post per day count a bit if you want to retain your image of the crazy fast Hatrack poster.
Posts: 879 | Registered: Apr 2005
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All right. If I can just do 1,000 posts a day I'll catch up with Tom in no time! I will lose my job and starve to death and sit in my own waste but it will be worth it!
And in only two months, too. Holy crap, I keep forgetting Tante joined us so recently. It feels like she's been here forever.
What I've never understood is how you folks with the really high post counts can actually find things you want to say all the time. I don't have the time to read every thread that comes up, and in the majority of threads I do read, I have nothing to add. I always thought I was opinionated, but I've got nothing on some of you.
Posts: 1814 | Registered: Jul 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Verily the Younger: What I've never understood is how you folks with the really high post counts can actually find things you want to say all the time. I don't have the time to read every thread that comes up, and in the majority of threads I do read, I have nothing to add. I always thought I was opinionated, but I've got nothing on some of you.
Likewise and ditto. I'm just not creative or opinionated enough to have a ridiculously high post count. Or daily average, for that matter.
But I'm okay with that.
Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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She posts a fair bit in what are the wee hours of the morning over in the US, so I admit to wondering if she works the night shift, and perhaps logs in during quiet times at the hospital or something.
But that's just me. Since I see so few people this time of day. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Aw, shucks, guys! It's a mad obsession, but to be fair, some of my posts are pretty short (like the first one on this page)
And I spend a fair amount of time with BunnV and Hamson "Begging the Question". We can't seem to leave those questions alone.
On Shabbos, when I can't go on the computer, my son and I pose answers to each other for the questioning, to pass the time and amuse ourselves.
We crack each other up. My husband just looks on in bemusement, wondering where all this came from.
I work a day job, full time, but not in a hospital. I am a nursing supervisor for a home health care company, so I divide my time between the office (when I can sometimes sneak a Hatrack fix, surreptitiously), and out in the field, visiting my patients at their homes. Most of my posting is done after I get home in the evening, and after my guys are tucked in to bed.
I joined about the time that school was wrapping up for summer break for my son. He'll be starting high school in September, so I expect that he may need to use the computer more for school work. Since we share, expect my post rate to decline.
Unless I get the urge for my own laptop. That would be really neat. I'd be unstoppable.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Do you play the word associations game too?
Or try to get the last word? My dad and I play that game, but it usually involves a lot of Me. Me. No Me. No me. Posts: 2867 | Registered: May 2005
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quote:I think it'd be pretty amazing (slightly) if this thread lasted till 3000.
Considering it's only been, like, three days, and she's already a quarter of the way there, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Edit: Okay, four days. Stupid time zones. I keep forgetting "tomorrow" comes to planet Earth before it comes here.
Posts: 1814 | Registered: Jul 2004
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Yeah, and I don't post on the Sabbath either. To honor the L'rd. And to give you non-Sabbath observers a chance to catch up.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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I just can't figure out how people have the energy to post as much as they do. I used to prowl from thread to thread and regale people with my wit and charm, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
Five and a half. You have no idea how people prepare for Sabbath. Well, that's even more true with big families.
Posts: 2978 | Registered: Oct 2004
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What can I say, I can't get enough of you guys. But, Jon, I work full time -- I can't take off a half day on Friday to prepare. I do my shopping Thursday night, after work, and set my alarm clock for 4 am Friday, to get my cooking done before I leave for work.
And what makes you think I have a big family? High maintenence, for sure, but not so big.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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