Forgive me if this sounds somewhat crude, or if I'm breaking shocking news....
But girls are people too.... We have skin... and.. wait-wait! Get this: On the skin.... we grow hair! That's right... hair just like you, fellas!
So tell me... why is it that we have to shave and you don't??? I mean.... what's the big deal about hairy legs? Everything these days makes it sound so unnatural.....
And we can get acne just like you! So why do we have to cover it up and you don't?
And while I'm up here embarassing myself... PUT DOWN THE DAMN TOILET SEAT!! thank you.
Posts: 1245 | Registered: May 2002
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I'm best friends with 6 girls. Not one of them ever puts down the LID of the toilet when they come over. There's germs a plenty just flying all over my bathroom now.
I, on the other hand, always put the whole thing down.
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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The thing about societal beauty standards is that you don't have to buy into them if you don't want to. We don't have to shave. I shave my legs maybe once every-other month, if I feel like it. I get zits regularly, and I don't cover them. If it bugs you, don't do it. If people give you crap about it, look them dead in the eye and ask how they figure it's any of their business. *shrug* Things change because you decide to change them, not because you decide to vent about them.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Not only are you not made of plastic, you have hands, too, which are perfectly suitable for changing the position of toilet seats.
Posts: 26071 | Registered: Oct 2003
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I check the seat. Every time. Even in the middle of the night. I have this vague memory of sitting on the rim once because one of my brothers left the seat up.
Anyway, it's not a big deal. I just check the seat. So does my husband. And sometimes he leaves the seat up. And sometimes he doesn't. Eh. Whatever.
I simply don't care. Well, I care just a tiny bit. I wish we'd both remember to put the lid down all the time.
And I hate shaving my legs, too. But I much prefer the look and feel of when they're shaved... I just rarely bother.
I happen to think that all people should shave under their arms, definitely including guys. It would be a lot less smelly if they did.
I like wearing a little makeup. I like being girly every once in a while.
A little concealer now and then on a guy would probably be a good idea.
Sometimes I go out without any foundation, letting all of my varied blotchiness, dark circles, etc. show. I just shrug. Eh. I'm taken anyway. I don't need to impress YOU.
I just hope that a raised toilet seat is not a deal breaker in a relationship. If it is...hmm.
Posts: 5957 | Registered: Oct 2001
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quote: why is it that we have to shave and you don't???
I heard on NPR that leg shaving originated with prostitutes. Then regular woman wanted to be more appealing to their men, so they started to as well. Now it's expected.
I hate shaving my legs. When I go swimming, I shave. Other than that- I generally don't. I just wear pants. It's one of those things that society has so deeply entrenched in us. Intellectually, I think, "hey, this is ridiculous! Women shouldn't have to shave their legs when men don't." But any time I see an unshaved girl wearing shorts or a swimsuit, my first thought is, "eeeeeeew".
My boyfriend won't shave. it annoys me to death. I mean, sometimes he does. But he didn't shave before we went to prom. I'm thinking, "If I spend $300 bucks to get hair done, buy a dress and shoes, put makeup on.... why can't you shave?" I mean, guys dont even buy the tux. they rent it. Is there a rent-a-gown anywhere in ohio? But on the concept of shaving... hmm, do you think if I told him I wouldn't kiss him unless he shaved every day, he'd do it? It might work...
Posts: 1591 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Of course, a decent tux rental often costs more than many girls spend on the dress . . .
But he should have shaved.
As for girls shaving their legs, I think both shaved and unshaved legs are attractive, and am all for switching it up between the two.
Posts: 15770 | Registered: Dec 2001
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quote:So tell me... why is it that we have to shave and you don't??? I mean.... what's the big deal about hairy legs? Everything these days makes it sound so unnatural.....
Back at you. Why do you feel the need to shave? It's not because of pressure from me.
quote:And while I'm up here embarassing myself... PUT DOWN THE DAMN TOILET SEAT!! thank you.
Tinros, only do that if you're willing to break up with him over the issue. Ultimatiums are something to be very, very careful with. Only use them if you mean it.
(If a significant other refused to kiss me for an arbitrary reason, I would consider that the end of the relationship.)
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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It all just comes down to what we as a society are taught is "sexy" or "appealing". I can't give any good reason why I perfer the look of shaven legs or shaven underarms on girls, I just do. I have a few friends who go for the "all natural" look, and I just don't find it attractive. If you are looking for a mate, then it helps to be conventionally attractive, just to get that initial attention. Once that has been accomplished, then I think other things like personality become more prominantly important. However, physical appearance is still a factor in any relationship. If you aren't attracted to someone, you aren't going to want to be physical with them, unless you are truly altruistic (and who can really claim they are).
So I suppose what I'm saying is that if it was considered attractive in our society to be 400 pounds, most people would strive for that weight, and skinny people would complain that they just can't put the pounds on, etc. So don't blame us men, we're all just big tools.
Posts: 441 | Registered: Jun 2005
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quote:Back at you. Why do you feel the need to shave? It's not because of pressure from me.
Maybe not from you individually, but you have to be joking if you're claiming there's no societal pressure for girls to shave their legs.
And I'm not just talking about from potential mates. I could name, for example, two -female- high school teachers who gave lectures to the class, while staring straight at non-shaving me, about how it was gross and unhygenic for women not to shave their legs. (This was in Spanish and World History, by and by, not health class or anything like that.)
I was mortified. I'm a stubborn woman; I still don't shave. But I do wear opaque pantyhoes whenever I wear a skirt. . .because it's easier to hide than to deal with other people judging, especially when those people are surprisingly unhesitant to make their judgements known.
Posts: 650 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Yeah, we are brainwashed from our childhood on what we find attractive.
Imagine finding this attractive, or the stretched earlobes of Borneo or the stretched necks of Burma attractive. You probably would were you raised in those cultures.
Edit: I like what Porter has to say on the subject. People should be able to decide what they find appealing in spite of what culture says rather than being "slaves" to it.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I can get by with not shaving for a very long time, because I'm a redhead, so my leg hairs are very light, few and hard to see. But I know some women with very dark hair that feel they must shave constantly.
So if I go to my male friend's house and find the toilet seat up I return it to that position when I leave. *shrug* I figure it's just a courtesy.
Also a lot of girls around here don't shave. I prefer to shave my legs personally. Once I started there was no going back. Hair just doesn't seem to grow back the same way once it's been shaved. I find that hair on my legs tends to itch so I shave in the winter too. I think it should be noted that it is my preference though. I don't like getting those looks that say "oh no *she* bought into the social norm. Ugh conformist" In fact I also paint my toe nails *gasp* But it so I don't have to worry about them looking dirty all summer long not becaue I'm trying desperately to get guys. I do other things to do that err umm...*runs away
Posts: 872 | Registered: Mar 2002
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I have very very dark hair and very very light skin. If I don't shave, I disgust *myself*. >.<
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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sarah, just so you know, if you wait it out the itchiness and the stubbliness goes away. Naturally, if you choose to shave your legs, that's cool, just wanted to let you know that you can pretty effectively "go back" to not shaving after you start. You might find it worth it for the winter, at least.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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I don't like shaving, but I do it because I don't like the way it feels when the hair is growing and stubbly. I also have dark hair and really pale legs so it's very apparent when I don't shave; I don't like the way leg hair look on guys or girls who have pale legs and dark hair, so why would I like it for me? In my opinion it just makes the person look hairier, which is neither good nor bad, just an observation.
Posts: 2867 | Registered: May 2005
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I have very dark leg-hair which basically means I have to shave all the time (or I would have to). Because my hair is so dark I prefer to shave my legs although I'm not obsessive about it- to shave my legs every day (Which would be the only way to actually have the "hairless" look all the time) would cross the line for someone who doesn't wear makeup .
Posts: 8473 | Registered: Apr 2003
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My husband likes it when I shave, I don't mind doing it, and I like it when he shaves, so it seems like a small sacrifice to make to be as attractive to him as possible. *shrugs* I don't see the big deal.
Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I have a somewhat hairy chest that many women I've talked to are very turned off by (which isn't fair, it's not bad at all). They want smooth chests, or not too much hair. Most girls only have to worry about their legs and underarms. Many guys have to worry about everything above their waists. How's that for a trade off?
Posts: 21898 | Registered: Nov 2004
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I like when my girlfriend shaves her legs because it is the opposite of what I am. I have really hairy legs she doesnt. If I wanted someone with hairy legs I would date a guy, and im not up for that.
Posts: 473 | Registered: Sep 2001
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I don't buy for a second that only guys put pressure on girls to shave their legs. It's absolutely rediculous. If anything, girls put more pressure on girls to do it. I hear much more about how not shaving "feels gross" than I do about how it "makes boys not like me." So, give it a rest.
And seriously, quit being selfish about the toilet. We have to pick up the toilet seat to pee after you leave it down. You have to put it down after we leave it up. Since guys never complain about having to put the seat up, who's being the insufferable jerk? And really, who gives a crap? Just move the seat.
And don't give me the "it's a matter of consideration" crap either. That's just a BS line you feed us because you need something to justify your anal-retentive behavior. If it were a matter of consideration, you would consider for a moment that both people have to shift the seat around to fit their personal hygenic needs and that demanding the toilet be in one position at all times is rather small-minded.
And don't try the "but I'm afraid I'll fall in at night." Here's an idea: turn the GD light on. We have to- unless you want us to pee all over your precious toilet seat in the dark since you left it down and we couldn't tell if it was up or down in the dark. Another alternative would be for us to feel if the toilet seat is up or down. There's an idea! Why don't you try it?
Seriously, the whole toilet seat thing is easily one of the most idiotic arguments in the world. It is easily solved by both people just shutting the toilet lid down after they are done. I'm talking about both the seat and the cover. That way both people have some kind of action needed at both the beginning and the end of their bidness. In the end, you both lose, but that's America, right?
Posts: 4753 | Registered: May 2002
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quote: You might find it worth it for the winter, at least.
Because there's nothing like a good, thick coat of glossy fur to keep a woman's legs warm in the winter?
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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If you're really annoyed by having to shave all the time, the obvious solution is to get a skin transplant with one of those spiffy new plastic fake skins. No hair, no fuss, no muss! All plastic and smooth! Don't wait, buy now - it's the American way!
Posts: 10645 | Registered: Jul 2004
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"But now that my girlfriend's moved in, I do my part to keep the apartment clean too. Now, when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I turn on the light. I used to just go by sonar." --Comedian whose name I can't remember right now, but have on tape.
I think that everyone should strive to get to a point where they don't care what anyone else thinks about their appearance. I know it's hard, but it gets somewhat easier with age. I'm at the point where I don't care how almost anyone thinks I look (the exceptions being Andrew and my mother).
I'm not saying that I don't like it when people think I look good, but it doesn't matter unless I think I look good. And I'm always going to be true to my personal idea of pretty - if not shaving your legs and wearing high-waisted capris came into fashion, I would keep right on shaving and wearing my lowrise full-lengths.
Instead of being upset about shaving and using cover-up, ask yourself why you feel the need to. Why do the opinions of others matter more to you than your own preferences?
As to the toilet seat - both the seat and the lid should be down when not in use. It's more sanitary. That's how we do it in my house and everyone wins because we're all cleaner.
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I figure that girls always need the toilet seat down, and guys sometimes need the toilet seat down, so if the sexes are in equal number, the toilet seat's natural resting place is down.
Posts: 2409 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I'm not sure how that follows, but if you insist...
(I suppose I can always get a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend, and then there will be no more squables about the toilet seat.)
Posts: 2409 | Registered: Sep 2003
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