Now that Harry Potter has come and gone it's time to move on to bigger and, dare I say, better things.
"A Feast For Crows" is set to release on November 8th and I am already excited for it. I'm hoping we'll see a lot more of both Bran's and Jon Snow's stories.
I know that we are only getting "half a book" with this installment. I wish I knew which half! Who's stories will we follow? Who's stories do we have to wait for next time to see?
All the people that you've been waiting to read about in this next book -- they won't be in this half. Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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According to Martin, "The focus in FEAST will be on Westeros, King's Landing, the riverlands, Dorne, and the Iron Islands....Meanwhile, all the characters and stories removed from FEAST are moving right into A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, which will focus on events in the east and north."
Posts: 16059 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Surely I can't be the only one who really doesn't care about Dany, and consequently is happy with the focus in Feast...Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Bev, it's been a little too long since I've read the book to answer that with certainty. I started to reply to you, and realized that way too many of my answers started with "I *think* that...".
I'm sure that before too long someone will come along that can give you a definitive answer on where all of the major characters were at the end of the third book.
In the meantime, the question I'm wondering about is how many books will end up in the series. Martin now says that splitting A Feast for Crows in two will result in it going to a 7th book. I had been thinking for quite some time that it was going to take 7 books for him to wrap everything up, and with the splitting of AFFC I think it'll go to 8.
Posts: 16059 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Greyjoy, Asha, and crew are in the Iron Isles. The Dornish characters are new. The others I'm not sure about, and I'm also not sure which character locations are supposed to be a surprise. I mean, did George say in Book 3 that Bran is married to Danaeres?
Just kidding. I think some character locations are meant to be a surprise, though, and I didn't read Book 3 so I'm not sure which. So I'll keep my mouth shut about what few details I do know about Book 4.
Current estimates on total book numbers vary. Bear in mind, it was originally supposed to be a trilogy.
Posts: 700 | Registered: Feb 2000
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I want to know what happens to Arya, Sansa, Tyrion (evil?), and (spoiler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zombie-Mom (I never much cared for her character, actually. I have little respect for a woman who abandons her toddler and tags along with her oldest son who doesn't really need her so she can feel "important", and messes stuff up in the process. Makes me sick. But now she's a Zombie!)
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Tom, No you are not the only one. I have just never been able to care much about Daenerys (or however the heck you spell her name). But I DO want to know what happens to that bastard Jon.
Posts: 232 | Registered: Jan 2005
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Oh! And of course Jamie and what's-her-face. (I honestly can't remember her name!) Oh, the irony....
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Tom, you're definitely not the only one. I know she's a major character and all, but I just never warmed to her.
Bev, what's-her-face's name is Brienne. I'm curious about her and Jaime, but primarily, I want to know what happens with Arya, Sansa, and Jon. Thus, I have mixed feelings about the split.
Also, Nymeria. I want to know what happened to her. I got VERY attached to the wolves my first time through the first book, and so I
spoilers below
. . . . . . . . . was heartbroken when Ned killed Lady. I'm worried about Ghost and Nymeria. I also want to see Cersei get what's coming to her.
Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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I think now that daddy's dead, things will start crumbling around Cersei's pretty, diabolical head. The teaser chapter on GRRM's website seems to show that already happening.
Posts: 194 | Registered: Feb 2005
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This ain't exactly your average fantasy series. But I will let you find that out for yourself.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Oh, goody. Average can be so boring. My husband has already decided that he must read the series just because of the title of the new book.
[EDIT: At least it will be something to read while I'm waiting for my library to get Magic Street. A month since it came out and they haven't even ordered it yet! ]
Posts: 1269 | Registered: Jun 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Crotalus: Tom, No you are not the only one. I have just never been able to care much about Daenerys (or however the heck you spell her name). But I DO want to know what happens to that bastard Jon.
Ditto. I guess we'll just have to wait another thirty years to read "The Many Adventures of Lord Snow." Makes me sad, really.
And I'm beginning to get the sense I shouldn't have left Wisconsin this year - he's got an announced signing date in Madison. That makes the fourth thing I will have missed this half-year alone. No one EVER comes to WI! Why now? Hrmph.
Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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quote:If you haven't read any of it, I envy get to read all 4 books right away rather than waiting for each installment from year to year.
Yes, but then the rest of the wait will be nearly unbearable. I did the same thing with The Wheel of Time: I read the first seven books in the space of a few months. Waiting for book eight was excruciating, and then it was so disappointing. I've been so disgusted with these later ones that at this point I almost don't even care if he finishes it.
At any rate, I reserved the first book of the series at the library. I'm number two on the waiting list so hopefully it won't take too long.
Over the course of the series I've found myself to be a real fan of Tyrion. At first I couldn't stand him but now he really appeals to me. Jamie is beginning to grow on me too, and I'm not certain why...perhaps because he became a bit more human in the last book. Either way, I can't wait till AFFC comes out.
I am disappointed because I like Dany and the story line in the Grey Isles didn't draw me in at all. When I re-read I tend to skip those chapters, though I did like Asha, what glimpse we got of her.
Did I miss something?
Posts: 14428 | Registered: Aug 2001
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No, you didn't miss anything. But I have a feeling that it will be like it was with many of the main characters, we get a taste of them and then get to see them as real people. We'll learn to like them, perhaps even love them.
Posts: 2064 | Registered: Dec 2003
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quote: But I have a feeling that it will be like it was with many of the main characters, we get a taste of them and then get to see them as real people. We'll learn to like them, perhaps even love them.
I have a love/hate relationship with a lot of the characters from Kings Landing and that area. We heard all about the horrible deeds they did in the first book or two. For instance, I really didn't like "The Dog" or Jamie.
Now, after the last book I not only don't want them to die anymore, but I want them to prosper. I have to force myself sometimes to remeber the actions they did in the past.
Crowswife, spoilers seem to be fairly heavy on the ground in this thread; I suspect that you'll enjoy the series more if you can keep yourself from reading what everyone has to say in here.
quote:My biggest fear: that Martin will pull a Jordan.
Nah, not a chance. Martin is one of the most talented authors working today, and this is his magnum opus. There's no way he'll ruin it.
I'm marginally fond of the Dany plotline. I didn't care for it at first, but it has definitely grown on me. The one group of characters that I find almost completely uninteresting are the Greyjoys. I'm not really looking forward to seeing more of them, although I expect that Martin will end up making me enjoy the Greyjoy chapters more than I'm expecting.
The chapters that revolve around Stanos' right hand man, whose name is escaping my mind right now, tended to be less interesting to me than most others in A Clash of Kings.
Posts: 16059 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Stannis's right-hand man is Davos, the Onion-Knight. I don't remember where he was when Storm of Swords ended, though; I'm in the process of re-reading it now.
Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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quote: I'm not really looking forward to seeing more of them, although I expect that Martin will end up making me enjoy the Greyjoy chapters more than I'm expecting.
Actually, the Greyjoy chapters that I've seen from Feast are seriously cool.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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I don't think it will matter. I don't know these characters or places, so even at this moment I couldn't tell you what I've read here. Other than the fact that some of the characters die, which is hardly unique in fantasy worlds. But already I can't remember which ones were mentioned.
Now, if I had already read some part of the series, I would avoid this thread like the plague.
Narnia, I would love to be able to IM you about it because the discussion could get involved. But I can start the discussion here since I can't seem to get an IM to you. (Email could work, but not as much back-n-forth possible. )
I have been deeply impressed with these books. Martin has accomplished things here that I've never seen any other author acheive. Not that I am the most well read person, but there you go.
Complaints that some people have is the following: The world is brutal and some of the events and descriptions graphic. I have forgiven the graphicness because of the content and purpose of the books in general. At times it has been more than I am comfortable with, but I greatly prefer this book's "neutral" take on the world than the highly (or even subtly, which is even worse in some ways) contrived and exaggerated works of some other authors. Other authors make me feel that I am trapped in their own personal and often IMO, sick fantasy, in which I find myself uncomfortable. Martin makes me uncomfortable, but I never feel he is "twisting" the story to fit his own twisted fantasy. Instead I feel like an observer in a powerful reality that is unfolding. There is no need to consciously suspend disbelief. Humans are acting in an entirely believable fashion.
Another complaint: The switching POV. There is no "main character", no "hero" to follow. This really, really ruins the enjoyment for some people. It didn't for me, and it may not for you if you are aware of it ahead of time. Porter started to read them a couple years ago, and I remember him saying that he finally figured out who the "main character" was supposed to be. Then that person died.
That is the third complaint. Anyone and everyone can die in these books. In fact, you really get a sense of the "rightness" of death. That it is a truly natural part of life. Again and again you see people in the series in varying efforts to "cheat" or otherwise tamper with death. This is portrayed as a hauntingly evil and ugly thing. Martin seems to be saying: Death happens. Deal with it.
As I read these stories, I wanted to share them with *someone*. My sister kept coming to mind. But I knew the graphicness would bother her. I finally got her to read the first book. Once she got into it, she couldn't put it down! But she had nightmares. (She is a very sensitive and visualizing individual. Me, not as much.) She loved the stories, found them very powerful, but didn't want to continue reading. So I spoilerized the rest of the existing series for her.
BTW, Porter stopped reading when he encountered an emotionally unpleasant and a bit-too-graphic oral sex scene in the second book. Not amazingly graphic, just past comfort level for him. He picked them back up again after some Hatrackers' praise, particularly Geoff's who said he believed this to be the best series ever written. High praise from OSC's son. I appreciated knowing about the oral sex scene ahead of time. I read it, but I was more prepared to deal with it.
It wouldn't be incorrect to call some of the passages in the book pornographic. But everyone has their tolerance-level.
I suppose a final complaint could be that the books seem too "hopeless". Time and time again you see someone you like getting into deeper and deeper trouble, coming out amazingly on top, only to be completely trounced again. Some very good people suffer unjust deaths while some very evil people seem to prosper. Now, I feel that I know Martin well enough to know that he has some sense of balance and retrobution in his writing. He is not an "evil triumphs" sorta guy. But he can take a meandering path getting there. Reminds me of a recent Hatrack conversation with Corwin (I'm pretty sure) where he expressed frustration that if the universe had a God, we'd see more justice and balance in the world. I pointed out that we don't get to see the full story in our mortal lifetime--not to mention not seeing the "first act" that happened before our birth. So, while my sister expressed distress at the seeming blazen unfairness, I trust that Martin will bring things to a deeply satisfying conclusion. In the meantime, it is quite a ride.
Do you remember the "Neverending Story" when the bookkeeper said to Bastian, talking of being able to return as a little boy again after reading his books, "Your books, are *safe*." To which Bastian replied, "And that one isn't?" If you are going to read these books, you have to accept that they aren't "safe". Just when you think you know what is going to happen, the whole world turns upside down. Martin does not follow cliche.
So, there you have it. My first explaination of what I think of the books.
Oh, lotsa swearing too. In fact, the used copies we bought just happened to have all the "f" words blackened out! Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Thanks for writing all of that out! I've so wanted to read them, but it's the graphic violence and sex that's held me back. It seems that it's all through the books (and the swearing makes me uncomfortable too) and I don't know if a good book is worth feeling uncomfortable througout the whole thing. Like you said, we all have different tolerance levels. I'm not sure what mine would be with this series, and I don't know if I want to read a series that might actually end up raising my ability to tolerate stuff like that...I'm usually a wimp.
Hm. But your post shed a lot of light on the series as a whole, and I still really want to read the books. I guess I could give it a shot....but then there's that everpresent danger of getting sucked in past all help. Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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It took me about half the first book to actually start enjoying the series. I had the "No main character!" problem - I tried to follow only one main protagonist and failed. Miserably. Then I realized that hey - there doesn't have to be only ONE main guy (or girl - I was partial to Arya at the time), but there can be lots! And there probably should be lots!
With that revelation, I dug back in with almost an excess of eagerness. Then everyone started dying. George R. R. Martin is definitely not afraid to kill anyone (though if he does wind up killing off one particular character, I may just boycott the series... yeah, right). The sex and the violence never really affected me - war is war, and some pretty nasty stuff happens, especially when we're talking swords, spears and wolves. The sex? Meh. It's not that prevalent, but when it's around it plays a meaningful role. I wouldn't worry about that.
To date, I've converted two people into devout followers of the series. I can only hope to get more Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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Narnia, I feel comfortable commending the first book to you. You may make the decision my sister did. But she does not regret reading the first book. And then I can spoilerize the rest for you if you don't want to read the others.
A good rule of thumb about whether I can commend the first book is how people respond to OSC's writing. If they are appalled and offended at the sex, language, and violence, then definitely no Martin for them. Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Is there 'language' in OSC's books? Hadn't noticed. I did happen to glance at one of the GRRM books...definitely 'language.' And that was just one page!
I'll pick it up though bev, thanks for the recommendation.
Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Yeah, Martin has more of all three (language, sex, violence) but certainly if people are offended at Card, they won't appreciate Martin.
It might be handy to have one of those "blacked-out" versions, eh? All those f-words just aren't necessary.
Posts: 7050 | Registered: Feb 2004
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My hope is that when Jon dies he dies a hero. Maybe in the process of saving someone like Sam or something like that. Please give us at least one cliche hero's death. Everyone else Martin has killed off hasn't really gotten that.
quote:I have a deep-rooted love for Jon Snow. And when he dies, I'll be very very sad indeed.
I feel exactly the same way. I really hope that he won't go until the very, very, very end, but as it's GRRM, I'm preparing for the worst (i.e., having him die suddenly and in an utterly non-heroic death filled with wasted potential).
(some spoilers) . . . . . . . . My personal theory, though, is that Jon has to stay alive long enough to meet, fall in love with, and betray Dany (I think he's the betrayal for love that was prophesized for her; I'm absolutely positive someone has suggested this elsewhere, but I haven't read any of the Fire and Ice threads until now since I hadn't finished the books).
Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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