So, here I am at WenchCon 3, with very little sleep. My plane got in an hour late, at 12 Midnight. I wasn't picked up until 2 AM. Then I got some milk chugs from McDonalds. And when I got to the hotel, KetchupQueen was starting improv games.
Will write more after breakfast. Am fiending for breakfast.
Posts: 3141 | Registered: Apr 2000
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The wenches are gathered in headquarters, primping for our fancy-dress night, lounging, and awwing over baby clothes.
The atmosphere is excited but relaxed, despite a minor stabbing incident earlier. (Our beloved Olivia says, "It's just a flesh wound!")
Movies have been going on all morning; we are now breaking for refreshments. (Pizza is much cheaper when you split it 8 or 10 ways!)
There have been no personality conflicts this morning, even any involving Ketchup Princess. (She asked for Ben by name and demanded he hold her on his lap, then played with Trevor for a while.)
The man-servants are keeping occupied attending the Wenches and their needs, and have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. However, there is room for improvement; the Head Wench says they did better last year.
Our den of iniquity is decorated with goodies supplied by Knee-Bytr, our vendor. (We've had ever so much fun playing with them; unfortunately, the sword used in the previously mentioned stabbing incident was his. )
More updates when more happens!
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Someone needs to scream "Avengers Assemble!" really loud for me. It would be best if done in the middle of a large crowd of people you don't know. Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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Most of the wenches (and some of their escorts) are out carousing and painting the town red; most of the others are sensibly asleep. I, of course, couldn't go out, but can't sleep, so what am I doing?
Posting on Hatrack. At a Hatrack Con.
(On my roomie's computer. In the bathroom, so as not to wake Kechup Princess.)
We went out to the Macaroni Grill for dinner in costume; got some very strange looks. Lindsey and I were walking Ketchup Princess back up the hill to get cleaned up and ready for bed, and some teenagers drove by and yelled at us. They're just jealous because they don't have cool cloaks. I'm sure.
Costume play was fun today. The two most photorgraphed people, I believe, were Frodo and Gollum. Any guesses why? That's right-- they were the cutest. (Okay, maybe I'm biased about Gollum. But Ketchup Princess made an awfully cute Gollum.) Fun was had by all, and so was Papa John's. I locked myself out of my room-- three times. (Nowhere near a record for me, unfortunately.) And we have all learned that once you get me really tired, my mental dirty barriers come down, and everything becomes dirty. And stays that way for a long, long time. (If you want to hear something really awful, ask me about charades...)
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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We went out for dancing. JaneX is 19, and we wanted to try an all-ages club she could go to with us. The first one was a bust, it had a high school battle of the bands. Ugh, pass, we decided.
So we went in search of another all-ages club. We found a free newspaper that Treveor and I thought would have a listing for one. Nope. Strike 2.
Then we saw a internet cafe, which drew us in with a mysterious yet irresistable force. Frisco immediately scored with an "Atlanta Dance Forum." I called one club, they wanted $20 or more per head. Too pricy. Another wanted me to leave a message. Strike 3, and we almost gave up.
I had a vague idea of a club that was next to another club that had shut down, so we drove over there. While en route, Lucky (who had forgotten her ID) said "it will be 1000-1 odds if we find an all-ages dance club that will let me in", so I bet her a dollar I could find one. It counts if you think it, right?
Moments later we pulled into an all ages dance club, no cover except for JaneX, and Lucky (the lurker) got in w/o ID. But she wouldn't pay up my grand! She just made my list!
I only danced to one song with a salsa beat that would make a statue tap it's toes, but JaneX (her 1st time clubbing), her mother Ela, Jenny Gardner (head wench), Olivetta, Ben, Frisco, and Lucky (the welsher!) had fun dancing. Trevor was there too, not sure if he danced much.
quote: The man-servants are keeping occupied attending the Wenches and their needs, and have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
KQ, Ummm, I enjoyed myself tremendously, but never "attended" any wenches. Nor did any of the other males there, except for Ben who is, let's face it, whipped. Posts: 327 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Here we are at the end of WenchCon 3! Lime and Vana left early this morning; Olivia, Frisco, Ben, and Ophelia are taking Jenny Gardener to the airport, and Ela, Trevor, JaneX, Ketchupqueen, KetchupPrincess, and Lucky4 are all hanging out in the hotel lobby. We all say hi!
Speaking of Lucky4, we're going to be starting the official "Harass Lucky4 into posting thread" in just a moment. Feel free to harass at will!
Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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This is JaneX, reporting in from the aforementioned hotel hobby. I have slept a grand total of seven hours in the past three I'll just tell one story, which is about all I have the energy and mental capacity for right now.
Last night at the club, Olivet and I were waiting in line for the bathroom (this was our third attempt to get into the bathroom - the lines were horrible). Some weirdo got in line behind us and started chatting at us about how long the line was. His conclusion was that "they should just let us all go in there together!"
So Olivet's response was to slip her arm around me and say, "You know, I think we might do that." Amd we grinned at each other and then started giggling.
The guy disappeared almost immediately. Posts: 2057 | Registered: Jun 2001
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'Specially 'cause you guys looked all sexy.
Oh, for everyone who has a signed t-shirt: instructions for setting the color and washing. To set, either iron on the reverse side, no steam, highest heat, for 4 minutes, or throw in the dryer on the highest heat for 30 minutes. If you use the dryer, don't put the t-shirt in with anything else, 'cause it'll rub off. After setting, the first three times you wash it, you should wash it seperately in cold water so it doesn't bleed. After the third time, you should be good (although I wouldn't wash it in hot water by any means; this is a Crayola product we're talking about. )
Lucky4 and I went to church this morning. She was there for the first time Emma said "baby" (over and over again). It was pretty cool; she even knew several of the hymns. Mapquest's directions to the church were horrible, though.
Now we're trying to decide what to do for lunch.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Yes, we took pictures...mine are even digital! But we're about to go to lunch, so can't post em now. Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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Fugu, there were at least half a dozen cameras clicking away, but none were mine so I have nothing to upload.
There should be a picture or two of me pointing at Judy's (Olivia's cool sister) chainmail crotch protecter, during our team's presentation in the Dwarven Wench chainmail contest.
And there are two pictures of the wenches who went clubbing. Two because my first photo may have missed the Sexy Boots(tm).
Ben, Ophelia, Luck4, Ela, Jane-X and Morbo (Marmo - that funny M-person) are all in town doing something this afternoon. [Edit: And Frisco - who does a mean Strider impersonation]
Otherwise, Ketchup Queen and her adorable Princess should be, as of this writing, on the plane to whisk them back home.
Megan has been returned safely to her house and is basking in her much-delayed quality time with her folks and family.
Olivia should be home, enjoying much-needed quality time with her family and generally unwinding from the controlled chaos that is WenchCon.
Many thinaks go to Olivia for having the drive and energy to start this as well as the position of designated worrier. Thanks to her worrying, we had a fun-filled weekend with our most difficult delimma being the dinner selection from the Macaroni Grill.
WenchCon would not have been nearly as much fun if not for Jenny Gardner applying the direction, coordination and overall enthusiasm to pull it off. Thanks for all your effort - we do appreciate it.
And for those of you who don't know, Jenny makes for a terminally cute Frodo. I might have to cut Sam some slack.
As Megan noted, there were multiple cameras, so a small flood of pictures should be inbound in the nearish future.
Actually, we got ketchup to the airport too late to catch her flight, and we're all sorry about that, kq.
She found a later flight for a small extra fee.
And ketchupqueen and I came up with a new saying: "It takes a global village to raise a child, or at least tote her baby stuff and keep her amused in airports."
She told me about an Afghani (I think he was Afghani) and another guy who helped her lug her child seat at the airport when she came out, and some nice girls helped me entertain ketchupprincess while mommy freshened up before the flight. She left kp with me, and after peek-a-boo I was out of games (Morbo doesn't know any toddlers.) The women, complete strangers, helped me keep kp occupied till kq came back. Posts: 327 | Registered: Oct 2003
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I think he was Lebanese. And Morbo, you proved today that you make an excellent attendant. (He came all the way to the gate with me-- they apparently can give a special pass for that-- and was so, so chivalrous and helpful!)
Thank you also to poor Lucky4, who . circled the airport indefinitely...
I just got home, which is much cleaner than I left it thanks to my wonderful, wonderful husband, and smells great because he cooked dinner for me. (Awwwww! He also brought me Penguins at the airport and ran up as soon as I got to baggage claim to kiss us-- but me first.)
I am happy to be home, but I already miss the wenches (and the manservants)... Ketchup Princess is happy to be with her real Abba (although Ben does make a good substitute in a pinch, apparently), and I think she was telling him about the weekend on the car ride home. At least, I heard a couple of "Beh"s and "Abby"s in amongst the general babble.
I hope you guys are all safe and well! And that no more of you lose your voices.
Well, I've also made it safely home! Just wanted to thank everyone for an absolutely wonderful weekend; it completely exceeded my expectations!
Thanks again goes out to Olivetta, she did an absolutely beautiful job! Also to KQ and Megan for putting up with me as a roommate, you guys are awesome! If I start thanking everyone individually, I will fall asleep sitting up. So I'll just say, thanks to everyone for being so friendly, generous (it amazed me how at all times, it seemed everyone was focused on making sure that everyone else was having fun), and most of all super cool/neat, in an I-want-to-be-IRL-friends-with-all-of-you type of way.
I'll try to post more details later when I've gotten a bit of sleep. But really, I can't say enough how much I appreciate everyone who went! I had the best time!
Posts: 186 | Registered: Dec 2000
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Oh, and I'm about to [that would be upload-- 7 1/2 hours sleep in the past 2 days] my (80 mb worth of) pictures and look at them. What should I do with them when I'm done? Anyone want to coordinate the influx of pictures that will arrive shortly? And I'm trying to figure out what to do about captioning them; it's a lot of pictures (stretching from me preparing for WenchCon with duct tape to us having our lunch today). *is ignorant*
'kay, I'll do that. There are lots of you, though, make sure they don't get "lost"...
And what do you think about captions? The pictures come out numbered; I can make a list of numbers with captions for the ones I want to caption, but that might be too much work for you?
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Okay, I'll get started. I can probably only send a few at a time; how much can your inbox handle? Should I resize before I send, or do you want the originals?
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Cool. Because of the slowness of the loading and the driving me crazy, though, you will probably get 5 pics at a time. I'll tell you when you've got them all.
I just realized I forgot to get Ems a shot glass or mini mug! I was so tired at the airport, I was not up to shopping. Plus, it was Sunday. Also, I didn't think of it. Now there will be a gap in her collection. So sad. Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Also, I'm completely tired, and my husband wants me for... something. So e-mail me tomorrow and remind me that I need to send you pics, okay? You're awesome, Trevor. Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Hey, I have my own email server and my own site (madowl) and I can take all the pics from folks from W3 and put them in a nice gallery folder right next to the W2 pics.
Hey, I couldn't make it, but Trevor is right, at least I can do SOMEthing.
Posts: 14745 | Registered: Dec 1999
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Hey! Have slept now, but still feel a bit off. Voice down to a whisper (How about you, ketchupqueen?) All those who went dancing are doomed-- we shared a comunal icewater On the dance floor (Maybe Trevor and Morbo escaped harm, as they were not usually mashed into the gyrating mass of Hatrackian booty.)
Major events as I remember them...
Kq saving my sanity by making me a fantasti-wonnerful omlette around 1:30 on Friday when I was stressing and had had nothing but a coffee smoothie all day. This is one wonderful lady. We are both talkers, and had heard prettymuch each other's life stories before bedtime on Thursday. I'm glad you made it home okay!
Friday evening, I had a margarita. I don't usually drink, which should be obvious considering what happened after. I let Trevor leave without eating dinner to get Jenny Gardener (Ben was planning to go, but he was eating and having a good time and Trevor is just the kind of guy to always do the Thing that Needs Doing when the rest of us get distracted. (oooh! Shiny!)
I let him go without flight or airline info (didn't have it on me anyway, but didn't even THINK of it) THen my phone was left in the meeting room while a bunch of us went to the Hot tub. Long story short, both he and Jenny waited atthe airport much longer than they should have had to (him before she was there, and her waiting for the second wave to come get her). Oy.
Trever was cool about about it, because Trevor is kind and forgiving, and totally selfless. We all made shameless use of him this weekend, and it took two days for us ueven to get him to let us cover a meal or something. I amd SO going to make it up to him somehow next time. Somehow. I can be sneaky, when I wanna.
Jenny, on the other hand, stabbed me. Kneebyter had some real swords and other blades, most of them edged. He let us handle them, but asked that we wipe off our fingerprints after. Jenny was scary trying to wipe off a sword on her clothes, so she tried using my sweatered armpit, which I went along with, because I'm easily led and have no healthy sense of self-preservation.
I have forgiven her for the minor flesh wound (properly photographed and soon to be documented ), but after the tetanus shot, she'll owe me one. *truly evil, shifty-eyed grin).
Two hours sleep (maybe) two nights running. wow. Jenny woke us all up by swinging her wet, showered hair at our faces. I fell asleep again, and this time woke up with straddling me. I opened bleary eyes to a cheerful "Good Morning!" Heh. Jenny also says "Oh, yeah. Grrrr" a lot when trying to motivate herself in the morning. And, honest before God, talks of the Shire in her sleep.
I got to be part of WenchCon 3. Jenny had a three hour layover in Dallas on her way home on Sunday, so I met her at the airport and we chatted for an hour and a half or so. I got to see some lovely pictures and Jenny in her cloak. It was fabulous. Posts: 1163 | Registered: Jan 2005
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We got home in one piece, tired beyond reason, last night at 11:15. Other than watching the car's thermometer drop from 75 (!!!) back to 23, it was a great trip back. Topped off the camera's 128M Flashcard with random scenery pictures. Will post pics from the actual Con sometime today.
I just wanted to thank everyone for such a great Con. I was a little wary of the whole dress up thing to start with but once Jenny nailed me down as Legolas and added my "otherworldly Elvin glow" I was in. Let's just say it ended with a aluminum foil bikini top and skirt and let the forthcoming pictures tell the rest of the sordid tale.
Thanks to Olivia and Andrea for putting the whole thing together, and Ben and Lindsay for being the best roommates (that we had) at the Con!
Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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And I am so, so sorry you lost your voice, Olivia.
Mine is almost back. Thanks, I believe, to the blessing I recieved after church yesterday morning (that my voice would function at a bare minimum well enough that I could do what I needed to and get safely home) I functioned at about half my normal voice capacity, with a little hoarseness, until I hit the back seat of the car and got the baby buckled in. Then I lost it completely, but a good night's sleep seems to have healed many wounds. I think it'll be back by tomorrow.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I'm glad you got to see the Head Wench, Lady Jane, we missed you this year.
It's funny, toasting Jenny and Olivetta was a team effort. Saturday night we went to Macaroni Grill in costume. I thought they deserved a toast for all their hard work, but the table was long and the restaurant loud. I knew Ben's booming voice would carry to both ends of the table (and into the parking lot), so I told him. Ketchupqueen immediately starting dinging her glass for the toast.
Thanks to both the Head Wench Jenny and Olivetta for organizing a great weekend. We all had a great time, several of us thought it was even more fun than last year. Posts: 327 | Registered: Oct 2003
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I just saw off the last of the WenchCon-ers (JaneX and Ela left for Jacksonville about noon). It was sad to see them go. We did get some last minute pictures, and even a snappy of Kelly at the hotel (the wonnerful lady who took care of the meeting room arrangements).
Did anybody get a picture of Tina, the Desk Clerk who helped us so much on Friday?
Posts: 1664 | Registered: Apr 2004
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