Of course, I'm not American, so what do you care?!
The thing is, the rulling party said that they will "renew" their people after losing many of the districts in the regional elections. 15 years after the revolution people are getting tired to see the same faces, it seems. But several weeks after the elections, they modify the modification, and guess who's back?! All those who were held responsible for the losses at those elections...
No way, I'm voting with them. I'm not VERY informed about this - since I haven't been in Romania for almost a year and follow the news only in online newspapers from time to time - but even so it seems that the opposition are a better choice. Their candidate is the current mayor of the capital, and he has done a very good job during his mandate, so why not?
Anyway, there are some problems: first, the opposition candidate tends to be very outspoken - not quite the type you'd like to have as president. And second and most important: I've heard the there's a new law - of course created by the rulling party - that voting will be performed only in embassies, not in consulates... If it's true, it means I can't vote from here in Montreal... Posts: 4519 | Registered: Sep 2003
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