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Author Topic: Job Hunting News--Update
Member # 6659

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Soooo, as some of you know, I've been looking for a job for some time now. I've got a little bit of an update--but no actual job yet.

Today was the day that the library job at the university was supposed to come available. I've been in some contact with the hiring supervisor, and she explained all of the channels the job posting has to go through and how slowly things work on the campus. So, the job isn't even posted yet--but I've been instructed to keep on looking. This was the job that I applied for last year--the one where I was their first choice but I couldn't take the job because of a conflict with a part-time teaching assistantship I already had at the university.

So, no new news there. This morning, I got a call from the Registrar's office at the university. They want me to come in for an interview. I actually had Human Resources just forward my application to them for that job and I don't even have the job posting anymore. So, I'm not really sure what I'm applying for exactly, but I guess I felt I was qualified at the time. That interview is on Wednesday.

Then this evening, I got a message from a school about an hour away. An English teacher position is opening up on Wednesday and the principal wants me to call him. I haven't called him yet (and it is too late now), but I'll call back in the morning. This job would definitely pay more, but a nearly-1 hour commute wouldn't be that fun. (It's possible we could move half way between the university (where we both have classes) and the school.) I was pretty sure I was done with teaching, though--so I don't know. I applied for that job on a whim when I was checking out the state's teaching website. I was a much better teacher my second year than my first year, and I know that my third year would be even better. And I have had a lot of teaching ideas that I've been dying to put into place... I dunno...

So, no offers yet... but three possibilities/interviews. I have a feeling I'm going to need to be making some tough decisions...


[ October 18, 2004, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Katarain ]

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Member # 4774

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Good luck to you!
I want to work at a library again. Working at the library at school was one of my favourite jobs.

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Member # 6659

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Me too! I loved library work--which is why I've really wanted that library job. It's not in a department I really want to work in, but I was thinking I could move to something else eventually. The job is in serials--basically, I'd be in charge of figuring out what to order and archive, etc. (magazines and journals)

I like the stability that teaching has to offer... and I do like the challenge.. but being out of it so long, it's easy to just remember the bad stuff. I put in place a lot of techniques my second year to deal with the bad stuff, and I have plans to fix the rest. One nice thing is that I'd probably have to drop one of my classes--and there's this one class I'm in that I hate soooo much, but I won't drop it unless I have a good reason. Teaching is a good reason. Those other jobs aren't, since there is no grading (outside work) involved. But that's a dumb reason to make a decision.

The registrar's office job will probably be very tedious. I'd say it's #3 on my list... maybe... argh! I dunno!!


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Jess N
Member # 6744

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You know, you sound like me when I'm looking for a job. There will be a dry spell and then I'll get several good offers at once.

Let your heart lead you. You'll know which one is for you--just trust yourself.

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Member # 3162

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Good luck!


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Member # 6649

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Good luck Kat - may letters of literary grace fall at your feet.


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Member # 5818

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Good luck!
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Sara Sasse
Member # 6804

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*fingers crossed for you! [Smile]
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Member # 6659

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I just had an excellent interview at the Registrar's office. I was so at ease--interviews like that are so pleasant. I answered the questions very well, I think. They all seemed to really like me, too.

I should hear early next week whether or not they're offering me the position. Oh, and it turns out the job doesn't even require a bachelor's degree. The posted wage (not salary) isn't very high, so I'm hoping it would be negotiable if they offered me the job. But even with the smaller wage, there is a lot of room for advancement at the university--within the department, and into OTHER departments.

I have an interview for the teaching position on Monday. It definitely pays more, but is a longer commute and requires more outside work, as well as dealing with potentially unruly students. There are a lot of teaching ideas that I have that I would like to try out, though--and there were a lot of positive things about teaching that I liked.

I still haven't seen any posting for that library job, although it was supposed to be available on Monday. Instead, they've posted an opening for the director of the library, so obviously they're having other big hiring issues over there.

I really think I'll be offered the job at the registrar's office. I'd be very surprised if I wasn't--the interview was THAT good.

Oh, and by the way, the teaching position is opening up because the teacher was called to Iraq.


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Member # 6659

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Well, consider me surprised. They didn't offer me the job at the Registrar's office. I found out on my way back from my teaching interview today.

I think that interview went well, too, but who knows anymore? Every time I think an interview went well, they offer the job to someone else.

STILL nothing about the library job. And I might have another teacher interview this week.

If I stop posting here, it's because whatever cardboard box I end up living in doesn't have internet.


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Member # 5567

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If I stop posting here, it's because whatever cardboard box I end up living in doesn't have internet.
Or maybe you got a job and are too busy to post?? That is a better scenario... [Wink]

We will keep cheering for you, hoping you get one soon..


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Member # 6659

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I like the optimism. [Smile] Here's hoping!!

I just got off the phone scheduling another interview for Thursday at 9. That school is closer to me, but I'll take either one!!


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Member # 6944

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Good luck! I'm going through a job search meseff, so i can empathize!

[ October 18, 2004, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: Intelligence3 ]

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