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» Hatrack River Forum » Active Forums » Books, Films, Food and Culture » Well, It's a Saturday Night and I ain't got nobody

Author Topic: Well, It's a Saturday Night and I ain't got nobody
Member # 5567

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Just dropped my kids off for a youth activity at the church that will last for five hours. No sense going home from the city and then driving back to pick them up.

So I'm taking suggestions on how to kill five hours without spending much money (I actually came up to WORK to log onto Hatrack).

I was going to go see the most recent Harry Potter movie because I hadn't a chance to yet, but found out the theatre quit showing it yesterday - moved on to new things. [Frown]


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Member # 6358

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Library - book - 5 hours gone in no time.

Ya know, if it was me.

I, personally, will probably be spending way too much of my Saturday night right here.

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Member # 5567

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Library - book - 5 hours -- and I would be fast asleep. <GRIN>

Actually we did just come from a used book store where we picked up a couple of Ursula La Guin I haven't read.....


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Member # 6388

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Eljay, I have a question for you but would rather not post it on the board. Do you have an email address that you wouldn't mind sharing? Farmgirl can vouch for my intentions.
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Member # 6358

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punwit, you may e-mail me at eljay at hotmail.com. Anytime. [Smile]
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Member # 6358

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And you should make it soon, because now I am curious. [Big Grin] I am a very curious person.
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Member # 6358

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Farmgirl, hotmail thought my earlier message from you was junk, I just retrieved it from the junk folder. I will answer to you both as soon as I hear from him, so I can just send my response once.
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Member # 4397

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Its a beautiful evening here. Go out for a walk. Although, a five hour walk would be pretty impressive.
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Member # 5567

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I love walks, and it is beautiful weather tonight. I walked last night. However, I'm in downtown Wichita. Not my idea of the best place to walk....


(I'm really not trying to kill all these ideas -- really!) I probably will go walk somewhere...

[ August 21, 2004, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]

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PSI Teleport
Member # 5545

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Well, we're throwing one of our trademark scary video game parties...

don't know if that's interesting to you or not.

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Member # 5567

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Describe it! What the heck is a scary video game party?


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PSI Teleport
Member # 5545

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Well, video games as in Playstation or some such.

My husband started this when Silent Hill came out and it's a tradition...we do it for every scary video game that comes out. (Although, we skipped Fatal Frame 2 because it was too occultic and so on for it to be in my home.) There are four VIP's which are the original four party attendees, and we each invite a new friend everytime. (Then, generally, they will attend the next one, inviting one of their friends.) This will be the first year that we have female attendees besides myself.


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Member # 4397

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Find a cafe, window shop, stop random people and strike up a conversation, throw pennies in a fountain or one of those swirly things, go to a playground and swing on the swings, go to a hobby shop of some kind, find a local band playing, find some other mothers from your church and do something...


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Member # 6358

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Or, ya know, just hang around here and talk to us.
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Member # 5567

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That seems to be what I doing <GRIN> Have three chat windows going...


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Member # 3772

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Heh, you geek, we weren't trying to kick you out of the chat room. Besides, the topic we brought up can't be that long a list -- it is Eddie we're talking about, here.
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Member # 5567

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Member # 827

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I'm at a wedding. I spent the afternoon decorating a cake, offering opinions on the flowers and cutting unwanted buttons off of dresses. Considering it's the wedding of my best friend's brother, I'm shocked no one's killed me yet. There are nine people involved in the planning of this. I don't know WHY I have an opinion, but I guess I do. I'm also wearing my Mormon Girl dress. Have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? The dress the Bad Date Girl wore to the dance, only soft green with ivy on it, and it isn't shiny.

It's very girly. I'm reading Harry Turtledove and watching Sports Night to balance the equation.

[ August 21, 2004, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]

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Member # 3206

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(to farmgirl) I was going to IM you and then you disappeared.

[ August 21, 2004, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: BannaOj ]

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Member # 2393

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You could post your wish list on the wish list thread from a while back! (Still curious to see it...)
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Member # 1115

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Kat, what Turtledove are you reading?

I'm taking a quick break from watching Seven Samurai, and thought I'd check Hatrack.

What's anybody else doing on their Sat. night?

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Member # 4550

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Drinking a glass of wine and pondering life's unponderables. Dreadful combination.

I actually went to a "party" last night, though. An informal potluck family-style thing with interesting people.

After the young one hits the sack I am going to snuggle up with a good book and enjoy being in out of the rain!

FG! Go find a cafe with an open mic (jazz or Irish) and get a cup of coffee! Really! [Smile]

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Member # 1115

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If it were earlier in the day, FG, I'd tell you to go to Saigon and either have a bowl of their pho or one of their sandwiches, both of which are excellent. Given the hour, though, I expect that A)they'd be closed, and B)You wouldn't really be wanting to visit that neighborhood anyway.
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Member # 1115

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I don't know Shan, that kind of sounds fun.
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Member # 4514

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What am I doing on a Saturday night, to wit, this Saturday night? Well, apparently I am spending it snuggled up to my computer keyboard. That's what happens when you live, as I do, in a small town that has zero movie theatres, where the bowling alley is now a furniture store, where the only pool tables in town are in bars on the rough side of town. So unless I want to cruise the 7-11, or spend a few hours walking the aisles of Hollywood Video, there's not that much to do. And there have been too many shootings the past few days in Fresno to really want to drive into town at night right now.
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Member # 827

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What am I doing? I am sitting here more than slightly furious and frustrated. I cannot stand the guys I know here in Dallas, and I had a conversation with one of the better ones here tonight that reminded me why.

From the outside, he seems like he'd be great. Nice job, active in church, moderately well-read, very athletic, and very good-looking. I keep forgetting why I dislike him until I have conversations like the one tonight. He was dating a girl from Houston last I heard, and is now dating a friend of a friend. I didn't know about it, but I don't really care, so it's not a surprise. When I asked what happened to the other girl, he explained that the other girl wasn't...virtuous enough for him. Only not in those words. What made me even angrier - besides hearing him say such insulting things about anyone - is that the only way he would have to judge anything like that would be personal experience, and the sheer hypocrisy of it made me see red and come home to post on Hatrack. *scowls*

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Member # 4774

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I'm doing nothing but chatting and watching Mad TV, reading American Gods and trying to get warm after I got caught in the rain on the way to work and spent my whole shift being soaked to the bone.
BUT, what I really need is an SO or at least a wild hot love affair but I am too shy to get one of those.

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Member # 1115

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Well, I've finished Seven Samurai. I'm not entirely sure what all the fuss was about with that one. I don't know, maybe I'm just an uncultured phillistine, but it just seemed okay to me. Maybe there are elements of film making that were pioneered in that film that made it revolutionary, but that I'm so accustomed to seeing now that I didn't realize that in this film they were something special? Anybody care to enlighten me?

Now I'm trying to decide whether to
A)Go to bed--it's almost 1, after all, and I don't want to sleep all day tomorrow.

B)Install and play Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire

C)Go prep the stairwell ceiling, getting it ready to be painted tomorrow.

D)Read Burmese Days.

E)Read the next short story in Dragons of Light.

F)Finish the New Scientist I'm in the middle of.

G)Get caught up on my email correspondance, which as a couple of Hatrackers know I'm sorely behind on.

H)Do dishes

I'm leaning toward D, followed after about an hour by A.

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Member # 4859

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What am I doing this lovely Saturday night?

Not packing.

This is made easier by needing more boxes -- again. Where the heck did all this stuff COME from?! And why aren't box stores open 24 hours?

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Member # 3206

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I'm debating whether I should wash the dogs or not. I was going to earlier then didn't
they are a little stinky.


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Danzig avoiding landmarks
Member # 6792

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I am a little more than half-way through my work schedule for both the night and the weekend. It will be nice when school starts.
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Member # 1115

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Well, off to D. Night folks!
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Member # 4514

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Well, let's see. I went and watched TV for awhile. No good movies that I could find. I talked on the phone to a friend for almost an hour. And now I'm back here.
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Member # 4859

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Night, Noem. [Wave]
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Member # 1565

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You done got yo'self five hours of lonely? Then you bess just sit back and sing da blues, little momma.

Nobody loves me but my momma, and she might be jivin', too.



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Member # 5567

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Glad to see I wasn't the only one that didn't have an exactly "exciting" Saturday night. [Wink]

After I pulled myself away from Hatrack, I did go find a city park and settled on a bench in the beautiful evening weather to read The Other Wind.

Didn't get very far into that before my cell rang, and a friend needed a ride somewhere (they don't have a car). So I went and did that.

Then I drove through downtown looking for a place to have coffee, sit and people watch -- but mostly the only thing open were bars -- which are noisy and I don't drink. I could have coffee there...but...nah. I don't know where in our fair city I could find good blues/jazz music and a cup of coffee that I would feel okay with walking into on my own.

So I ended up just going by McDonalds for a cola, then parked in the parking lot where I was due to pick up my kids some three hours later. Read my book.
Then got a very unexpected phone call from my LDS friend from Idaho/Utah (the guy I kinda broke up with when I decided to not convert to LDS). Hadn't heard from him in probably a year. So that kinda made my evening.....


[ August 22, 2004, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]

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Member # 6358

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I was not planning on doing anything, but I ended up getting a call from the person I had helped move earlier in the day inviting me out to dinner to say thank you. So of course, I went!

We went to one of my favorite restaurants... it's called The Sample Room, and pretty much their entire menu is small plates. You can just pick one or two if you're not very hungry, or you can get the Grand Sample platter, which is any four for a set price. So with three of us all getting the platter and all ordering different things, we had 12 different little samples to browse. And of course, we all shared. It's so much fun! Great for people who can't make decisions.

They have a weekend brunch, too, that's yummy... keep some of the more breakfastey things of the main menu (baked cheese with oven dried tomatoes, homemade turkey sausage) and add things like mini malted belgain waffles and loaded hashbrowns. oooh, I might have to go make breakfast, I'm getting hungry again.

Anyway, great food, great conversation, and very nice evening.

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Member # 1115

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mmmmm...breakfast food.

I may have to go and have a late breafast at a restaurant someplace.

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