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Author Topic: Adventuring in Babylon... [Update: party's chosen.]
Member # 693

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All right. I had some inspiration to start world-building again recently, and based on what I've come up with (not without mucho help from Slash the Berzerker, mind you), I've decided to start up my very own play-by-email RPG, probably using the open source 3.5E d20 rules.

I've already had a few flickers of interest both here and elsewhere, but thought I'd make it official by starting a thread.

What I'm looking for are character ideas, the same way as with the last two games that got started up (Slash's and FlyingCow's). The most important thing is a sketch (however rough) of the character's history. The ones I ultimately settle on for the game will be the ones that best mesh with the world and allow for the creation of interesting story and roleplay situations.

The game will be strongly focused on roleplaying – I may not even be awarding experience for killing monsters, that has yet to be decided.

Here is some background about the world, which is based loosely on ancient Babylon...


The nation of Khadanira, in the world of Hadim, has natural borders on three sides – ocean to the west, desert to the south, and mountains to the east. Climate in the nation ranges from arid in the south to Mediterranean in the north, with yellowed grasslands crossed by the occasional river. The capital city, which shares the nation’s name, sits on a peninsula that juts out into the ocean. There are other cities of varying size along the coast, and several others inland on or near life-giving rivers.

Khadanira the city is a thriving, bustling metropolis. It is the seat of the God-King Naugadessar, being closest to the holy mountain of Abiratash – a dormant volcanic island just north of Khadanira. It is said to be where the first true God-King gave himself over to the Spirit of Maumatuch, the patron god of Khadanira.

Religion and superstition are of fundamental importance to the people of Khadanira, though the influence of organized religion lessens with increasing distance from the capital city. Maumatuch, though the patron god of Khadanira, is not supreme among the gods. Maruh, the First Word, that which wrote the other Words into the fabric of the Universe, rules over all of the gods. Maruh is patron to no country, but to the entire world of Hadim.

The priests of Maumatuch wield tremendous political and social power in Khadanira city. They are advisors to the God-King in addition to guiding the people in how best to live. In the city there are two ziggurat-temples – one to Maumatuch and one to Maruh. There are also smaller temples and places of worship scattered about the city.

Among the common folk, charms and other superstitions are everywhere. Commoners’ homes are made from sandstone or clay, and above every door and every window is carved a Word of warding. In the upper class, houses are made of harder stone – marble, or other ores, and the Words are less present.

In fact, stone and gems are one of the most important commodities in the nation. Khadanirans trade stone, gems, and grain with their neighbours to the north of the Earata river, both overland and on coastal sea routes. There is also some trade across the Akkad Sea. Khadanira city and other coastal cities such as Baladan, across the Bay of the God from the capital. The inland cities are lesser trade centres and trade stopovers for caravans from the north heading to the larger coastal cities.

To the south, in the Nezheb Deset, live the Berwaan. They are a nomadic people who only come north into Khadanira to trade quarrying rights to sandstone deposits in on the Nezheb’s outskirts for metal tools and other crafted goods they can’t make for themselves. They also trade other, less common things, such as the skins and eggs of the great sand lizards that live in the deep desert.

To the east, where the Nezheb meets the Kinshu Mountains, lie vast and largely unexplored ruins. These ruins are the sites of massive, ancient cities – the power-centres of a civilization long since scattered and ruined. The Kinshu separate Khadanira from the land of Ammur, about which very little is known.

The characters will be part of a travelling caravan coming from a large town in northern Khadanira toward Baladan, and ultimately on to Khadanira city itself.



Armor – because of the arid temperatures of much of Khadanira, heavy armor is quite rare. Most soldiers wear armor of boiled or studded leather, with chain and scale mail being common for heavy foot soldiers. Any armor type would still tend to expose as much skin as possible in non vital areas to keep the soldier cool. Bare legs with armored torsos are quite common. Plate and full plate would be almost non existent, as the temperatures would make such full body coverings unworkable.

Weapons – because combat skills rely more on speed and accuracy than on the ability to penetrate heavy armor, most weapons are light and quick. Scimitars and other single-edged, one-handed swords are very common. Short bows that can be used from horseback are also a favorite weapon, as most soldiers are trained to fight while mounted. Spears and lances are used mostly by ground troops, though mounted soldiers may sometimes use a light spear. Tower shields are sometimes used by frontline shock troops, where large groups of pikemen tend to form defensive hedgehogs in close quarters battles.


Spells – there being no centres of wizardly magic in Khadanira, spell scrolls are few and far between. Spellbooks and scrolls carried by wizards, clerics, and messengers in the region require protection from the arid climate – scrolls are always bound in cases and books are always sealed.

Items – there are a great many items of magical nature… or at least, items that are believed to be magical. Commoners in the cities carry amulets and charms to ward evil or bring luck. Priests wear holy pendants that bring power or other benefits. Some of these are genuine, but most hold no more power than a rock in the street.

Character classes

Clerics – priests are very political in Khadanira. All clerics native to the city will hold multiple offices, both religious and temporal. They often act as magistrates and judges, and may control portions of the city guard. They collect taxes for the king, and demand obeisance be made to the many statues of the god-king, and of his patron Maumatuch. Berwaan clerics from the desert are exlcusively Water-Makers, a very specialized type of priest whose major purpose is the creation of water for his fellow tribesmen.

Wizard and sorcerers – non-clerical magic is forbidden in the capital city. Wizards within the borders of the empire are almost always members of trading caravans from other places, as there are no schools at which to learn magic inside Khadanira. Sorcerers who live in the empire will be secretive and unwilling to use their gifts openly, as any citizen who was caught using such arts would be taken before the priests for judgment. Foreign wizards are tolerated, but use of their magics in the larger cities would bring the priests down on them.

Fighters and paladins – there are many soldiers in the empire, including members of the kings armies, city guards, and caravan guards. There are holy warriors as well, though they will be closely tied to the priests of the city, and are often members of the God-King’s personal guard.

Barbarians and rangers – rangers can often be found as caravan guides and as scouts for the army. Barbarians will almost exclusively be members of the southern desert tribes. These men live in the harsh desert, and are skilled in survival and concealment. They are also rumored to be able to drive themselves into a battle fury that is terrible to behold. They will tend to be suspicious of those who pay fealty to the empire and the God-King, as they have their own gods.

Rogues and bards – rogues are the most common character class in the empire’s cities, though most do not possess a great measure of skill. Larger cities will have thriving theives’ guilds, though, who expect a cut of whatever chenanigans are conducted within the city’s borders. Bards are uncommon, though what few there are would either be travelling minstrels, singing on street corners or restaurants, or possibly attendants at the court of an upper-class citizen.

Druids – Khadanira has no druids. Druids could conceivably come from the north or across the ocean – though the Berwaan tribes that live as far south into the Nezheb as humans can are rumoured to be possessed of strange shapeshifting powers.

Monks – Khadanira also has no monks, since only state-sponsored organized religion is acceptable to the clergy in Khadanira. A monk in the nation would be a very strange occurance. The state and the clergy would not take kindly to a monk spouting blasphemous views in Maumatuch’s country.

Psionics – There are no psionicists in the world of Hadim, and with good reason.

Character races

Humans – yep, it’s basically all about the humans. The further south you go, the darker the skin and hair of the populace.

Halflings, dwarves, gnomes – there aren’t any. None in Khadanira, at any rate.

Elves – Elves are a rarity in Khadanira. No one knows where they’re from or why the mysteriously appear from time to time in cities, sometimes silently observing, sometimes preaching, spouting doomsday warnings. That they generally appear around the time of the celestial equinox of the moons – about three times per year.

Other, weirder races – No. This region of the world is for the humans.


If you're interested, either post here or drop me a line (raja at strobelight dot ca).

[ April 18, 2004, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 693

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Two other things. First, here is a map of Khadanira.

Second, I'd like to again extend copious thanks to Slash for giving me so much help with design and names. Some of the text in the above post is his.

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Member # 6411

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seeing as I have virtually no life, and all the immagination hasn't been beaten out of me yet I think i can put something together, maybe sketch up some stuff. I would definately like in on this though.
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Member # 693

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An addendum:

I've already been asked about a deadline by a couple of people. I'm thinking a week at the least. So definitely one week, maybe eight or nine days.

The party will be starting at either the second or third level.

And just to stress this again, you're going to need a plausible explanation for your character's presence as a member of (or guard of) this trading caravan.

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Member # 5125

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Should we post our ideas in this thread or email them?
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Member # 693

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Well... email, I suppose, since it's probably best if the characters don't know one anothers' history. But general question should be posted so the thread doesn't die. [Smile]
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Member # 5035

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It sounds fun, twink, but I've never done RPG before. Are you wanting people with experience?
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Member # 693

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Not necessarily, no. [Smile] Both myself and the more experienced players will be able to give you rules help if you need it.

Take a gander at the archives of Slash's game for an idea of how it works. Usually, the rules don't come up all that often for the players, and that'll be even more true of my game.

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Member # 3022

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go get a life


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Member # 693

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I have over four thousand posts on this forum. Clearly I have no life. [Wink]

I was just asked about starting level – it'll either be level 2 or level 3. Level 1 is a bit too fragile for this world; I'd like the characters to live at least a little while. [Razz]

Edit: One more thing. Whenever you email your character ideas to me, include your Hatrack username so I know who you are. [Smile]

[ April 11, 2004, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 6062

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It sounds cool. I'll need considrable help though, since I haven't played D&D for a loooooooonnng time.
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Member # 4589

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Dang, twink, your world sounds cool. But since I'm already in two games, I think it'd be kind of unfair for me to try to get into this one too. Of course, if you don't get enough applications, let me know. [Wink]

Also, it sounded on sakeriver like you've got the whole archiving thing worked out, but if you decide that you'd like to keep your archives at sakeriver, I'd be more than happy to accommodate you.

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Member # 1115

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Any restrictions on alignment?
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Member # 5433

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I like it. A third level character? Good level. Are those the only classes available? I've been playing with the idea of a Favored Soul or a Marshall. But I haven't done a Rogue or a Ranger yet (or a real wizard for that matter).

Sounds really cool. I'll see if I have time.

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Member # 693

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Nonevil alignments would be nice. I'd like the party to at least have a chance of getting along. [Razz]

Favoured Soul? Marshal? These words mean nothing to me [Razz] If you want to play something different – and you're sure it'll fit with the world – just explain to me what it is or tell me where to find it in the rules when you send me your sketch.

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Member # 5433

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Member # 693

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Upon consultation, a Favoured Soul is a no-go... it doesn't work in the world, for mechanics reasons.

[ April 12, 2004, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 1115

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Just sent you a character sketch twinky; let me know what you think.
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Member # 5433

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'sokay! I think I wanna do a Ranger or Rogue anyway. (prob a rogue) I'll email later....
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Member # 693

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The characters will be starting at level 3, I've decided.
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Member # 1115

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The character I submitted was for a thief/sorcerer. We'll see if twinky likes it.
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Member # 1115

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Are you allowing multi- and duel class characters? I envisioned the character I sent you as being multiclassed rather than duel classed, by the way.
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Member # 4484

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I'm in, if you'll have me.
Look for a profile in the next day or so.


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Bob the Lawyer
Member # 3278

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I don't think there's a difference in 3.5

All classes gain XP at the same rate, when you go up a level you pick a class and add 1 level of that class. So if you're a 4th level fighter and go up a level you could pick 5th level fighter or 1st level anything else.

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Member # 1115

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Really? That makes more sense, actually. I always thought that the idea of a duel class character was kind of stupid, honestly.
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Member # 693

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BtL's right.
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Member # 1115

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Member # 693

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As far as stats are concerned, the point buy system works as follows:

Each stat starts with a base of 8. You have 30 points to spend to increase that as you see fit:

9-12 costs 1 point each
13-15 costs 2 points each
16-18 costs 4 points each

Stats over 18 aren't allowed.

I'm only posting this because I know at least one person who likes to work out stats before shaping the character's personality and backstory. When you send me your character concept, I don't want to see stats. Not yet. Classes/levels yes, stats no. Once the final party is settled I'll want to see the stats of the players and how they spent their points, but not till then.

[ April 12, 2004, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 5433

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Generous stats! Thanks!

Edit: Oh, and....

All classes gain XP at the same rate, when you go up a level you pick a class and add 1 level of that class. So if you're a 4th level fighter and go up a level you could pick 5th level fighter or 1st level anything else.
In v3.5 multiclassing is still the same. You forgot to mention XP penalties for classes that are more than two levels apart. In d20 Modern, however, there is no XP penalty for multiclassing.

Humans often make good multiclass characters, along with half elves, in that their highest level is not considered for XP penalty purposes.

But I am not an authority yet. Ask Tom and Slash about XP penalties....

[ April 12, 2004, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: eslaine ]

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Member # 5125

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By the by, I'm tentatively giving an in, if I can think of a decent character...
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Member # 5433

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Gee, Ryuko, I thought you would hold out for the BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth) supplement. Some of the anime character stuff is great!
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Member # 5125

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[Razz] Actually, I've fallen madly in love with Feng Shui. It's like fecking PLAYING an ACTION MOVIE. AHHHH!!!

My character is a martial artist. #^-^#

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Member # 693

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Actually, those stats are less generous than Ty's game, and equivalent to Matt's game, IIRC.

Edit: I'm aiming to have a party of six. Right now it looks like I'll have more submissions than party spots, so I'll just choose the six that fit best with the world and story.

[ April 12, 2004, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 4644

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Actually, eslaine, the penalty is for classes that are more than *1* level apart, not 2.
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Member # 4644

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OK, here's some questions about this world:

Are there any humanoids like kobolds, orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, giants, etc?

What are appropriate racial enemies for a ranger?

How common are magic items in this world? How possible is it to commision specific magic items?

You have changed how divine magic works. How does the spell Faith Healing work now?

What languages are used in this area?

Are there any prestige classes that we could eventually qualify for?

[ April 12, 2004, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: mr_porteiro_head ]

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Member # 5433

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Sorry, see what I mean? But you are, of course, correct.

[ April 12, 2004, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: eslaine ]

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Member # 4644

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Another question:

How tight of a leash does the church keep its priests on? Is there a possiblity for someone like Friar Tuck?

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Member # 4644

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Another question: Are there any groups that practice any kind of healing magic but that don't worship any god?
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Member # 693

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>> Are there any humanoids like kobolds, orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, giants, etc? <<

Not really. On the fringes in some areas there are some monsters such as these – for instance, where the desert meets the mountains, there are some goblins. In the northeast, where the mountains meet the sea, there are also goblins. There are no such humanoinds in the east.

>> What are appropriate racial enemies for a ranger? <<

Ah, racial enemies. Your options at the outset will be quite limited, but if the game goes for long enough for you to choose a second, you will have more choices.

There are the aforementioned goblins in the southeast and northeast. There are also elves in the east, though that would require some backstory. There are various kinds of monsters in the Akkad sea, so a ranger from the coast could conceivably take a class of sea monsters as a racial enemy. Additionally, it would be quite possible to choose a human racial enemy – the soldiers of a foreign power, or the Berwaan to the south. One of the northern nations – Masuur – is not at all friendly with Khadanira, though the two nations do engage in trade. There are occasional border spats. Also, the God-Kings soldiers occasionally roam south and "cull" the Berwaan tribes as much as they can, since the Berwaan sometimes raid southern villages and so forth.

>> How common are magic items in this world? How possible is it to commision specific magic items? <<

True magic, or charms that people believe have power? All sorts of people carry amulets and whatnot, but most of it is just superstition. Items of real power are rare among the lower classes but more common among the upper classes, some of whom can even distinguish true magic-workers from the far more common charlatans.

It isn't possible to commission magical items unless you can find a poweful wizard somewhere. There aren't any who live openly in Khadaniran cities.

>> You have changed how divine magic works. How does the spell Faith Healing work now? <<

I don't see that spell in the lists. You'll have to tell me how it worked before.

I have changed the power behind "divine" magic; priests who can work true magic gain their spells through a combination of prayer and study of their sacred texts. An analogous situation in the real world would be if you could spend a night studying the Qur'an and then get up the next morning and heal someone by touching them.

Priests with true power are few and far between in Khadaniran cities; a "Friar Tuck" type is what you'd be more likely to run into outside of a major urban centre. Priests with true power tend to follow one of two paths – either they become independent, or they realize that their power can get them a long way in the structured clergy of cities and abuse it.

>> What languages are used in this area? <<

Khadanirans share a common tongue, but the Berwaan have a language of their own. Some northerners would have familiarity with the languages of the two bordering countries to the north.

>> Are there any prestige classes that we could eventually qualify for? <<

Haven't even thought about it. But given that you're starting at level 3, that sort of thing isn't going to come up for a looooong time. I'm the sort of DM with whom you'll spend as much time at level 3 as you do at level 13; I don't power my players through low levels.

Edit: as to your last question – no, not currently, but I'd be open to the possibility of such a group if you're willing to sketch it out for me. [Smile]

[ April 12, 2004, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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Member # 5125

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Twinky: Check your email for my profile draft. [Smile]
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Member # 4644

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Some more questsions:
Is this more of a city-based or wilderness-based campaign?

You say we will be starting out as guards of a caravan. Where is this caravan going from and to?

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Member # 693

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Where things go from the caravan will depend entirely on the actions of the party.

The caravan is leaving from a city in northern Khadanira and heading for Baladan, then the plan is for it to go from Baladan on to Khadanira city.

Edit: You don't have to be guarding the caravan, you just have to be part of it in some way. This saves me the trouble of contriving some means of bringing the party together.

[ April 12, 2004, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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twinky, if I send you my basic idea for a character, can you help me fill in the details? It's been a long time since I've played D&D. A very long time.
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Oh, THAT Babylon! I am glad I popped in here. I am writing a story set in ancient Sumer, and I would love to learn how to play your game. Is it hard to learn?
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Derrell, at this stage, all I want is the basic idea. Once I've chosen six players, I'll work with those six on fleshing out character details.

Elizabeth, it isn't the real Babylon, but rather a world of my own design based on ancient Babylon. [Smile] D&D is... hm. I wouldn't say it's hard to learn, but I wouldn't say it's easy either.

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Only six players, eh? I guess that will make it kinda hard to get in?
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Member # 693

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I wasn't expecting there to be nearly this much interest. I figured most people would be put off by the world and how particular I am about flavour. Evidently I misjudged [Razz]

Edit: But yeah, six players. PBEM would just go way too slowly with more than that, and I think that's about the right size for a party anyway. If there hadn't been very much interest I might have even gone with five.

[ April 12, 2004, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]

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You could make a teaching version.
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You mean a teaching version of the game?
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Member # 5218

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A beginner's game.

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