The Naked Truth: I hate my job,the only reason I haven't left it is it hasn't stopped being fun, something about the atomosphere there I guess. That or the non-sequitors that flow like a river there. You see everything at a theater from drama(adulterers being caught and runaways) to the downright funny(a 21-23 aunt chasing her 4 year old nephew and three year niece around the lobby, the kids were suddenly possessed and felt the urge to run in opposite directions while their seven year old brother ate his popcorn like everything was normal, it probably was to him. Hint:Guys, when you can, always show youre good around kids. It's a great icebreaker with the summer help girls and cute customers. ) I'm getting weary of a coworker who tries to pull rank(he has no life, dates young girls[your out of highschool for 4 years man quit going to homecomings and proms, even though the consenting age is 17 in LA its just not right], whines about responsibility[newsflash you have none], and is lazy unless the headmanager is around) all these comments and more have been thrown into his face by his friends and coworkers and yet he still can't figure why we're disgusted with him. Or the fact that people feel the urge to dial 911 from our payphones, pull our fire alarms, egging our theater, and releasing cockroaches in our theater(Damn it! forget the exterminator I got the Black Flag at my house we'll give those bugs what for. Black Flag is RAID on crack it can kill scorpions, tarantulas, rats of unusual size within a couple seconds.) On the plus side I just got a pseudo-nephew the other day. My friend/manager is just about the happiest guy on earth. Good thing the cute little rugrat takes after his momma more than his pop though. He's gonna be a devil with the ladies for the first two years but hey what baby isnt?
Spiritual Guidance: I was just asked by my bestfriend's little bro(does it show I don't like to put names on the net?) to be his confirmation sponser. The kid is like the little bro I never had and I'm honored he chose me but I'm wondering why he chose me now. I'm a confirmed catholic(wasn't my choice just the motions so my mom wouldnt have another failure to add to the list) but really I'm an atheist(not one of the jerky ones who say ban this religious icon , or motto, or etc. to them I say get a F---ing life it's too short as is) but I try to get along with and learn a little bit about the major religions but to me its all mythology and praising something else because we can't accept the beauties and horrors, goods and evils that we bring upon ourselves as entirly ours. I was thinking the kid chose me because he figured I would do just enough to get him by the checkpoints(I had an old warhorse threaten me with excommunication but an iron clad record of good deeds, active particapation in the parish scout troop, and family friendships with clergy around the state soon silenced her and got her removed as unfit to help with the parish youth never underestimate the power of friends and family) but the kid is in for a surprise I think, I want to open his mind make him question everything before he decides catholicism is for him. So I talked to the kid about it apparently his figuring is if he can get all his questions and ideas in an open forum he can find the right paths through life. Needless to say I'm proud of the kid already and let the discussions of the spiritual and corporal begin...although is a putt-putt course the best for it, discussions of truth, lies, sex, life, abortion, capital punishment, death, and the role of church in these aspects might cut short childhood for some poor kid over hearing us. Don't look angry at me people, I haven't been hit by lightning or fireballs, turned into a pillar of salt, blinded, cursed with boils and other physical ailments, or had ten plagues thrown at least not yet. besides its more interesting than being cliches in a coffee house .
Mr. Butterup: To me the symbol of technology and poor planning over common sense. It's a unit that distributes/stores the popcorn butter, napkins, and straws at our theater. It was supposed to make our jobs easier instead it added useless items to our worklist that shouldnt have to be there. First off the customer has to get in line for concessions, then in line for butter at the machine(it has two dispensers) or cluster around it to grab napkins and straws because heaven forbid we keep napkins and straws by the register and butter the popcorn for the customers ourselves(note the air rank with sarcasm there) needless to say it gets messy in five minutes and needs a person there to constantly clean it (please people push the large button for large only not for small or kidpacks.) Not to mention three of six registers shortcircuited due to spills within a week of getting the new concession stand or the new floor tiles that were supposed to be installed a week after it came in at most two weeks....its been three months and counting Also the contraption is on the other side of the lobby away from both the registers we have left and the entrance to the theaters. Needless to say customers hate it, floor personel and lower and middle management hate it but the upper echelon think its what will help beat the new competition from a corporate theater twice our size and just down the road. let the war begin, I'm just hoping our boat doesnt sink. On my word unless hell!-Gladiator We need a bigger boat!-Jaws, and more recently Blow
please forgive jumpy thoughts and bad spelling, grammer etc. I'm tired, stressed, and excited all at the same time tonight/this morning
Posts: 113 | Registered: Apr 2003
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confirmation is one of the seven sacraments of the catholic church. It's when one moves into adulthood in the eyes of the church. The confirmation sponser is supposed to be active in the church (masswise at least) and act as a spiritual guide and voucher for the confirmee(not the official term so don't quote me)
Posts: 113 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I've asked myself that one too but I'm gonna go through with it...something tells me this can fun, entertaining, and educational for all parties involved.
Posts: 113 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Fun for you, but what about for the confirmee and his parents? Are you sure you should be doing this?
Posts: 9871 | Registered: Aug 2001
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LR, you should NOT be doing this if you believe that you will wind up undermining the faith of the other party. That's not your role -- and neither is it your business.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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If you really wanted to get confirmed to keep your mother happy-your choice. I wouldn't, but you can. But you should NOT be acting a sponsor for someone else! A sponsor is supposed to teach ABOUT faith, not tell about the lack thereof
Posts: 3493 | Registered: Jul 2001
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Now see, that's the point I was trying to make without being rude. I just couldn't think of a nice way to put it.
Posts: 9871 | Registered: Aug 2001
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who said anything about undermining faith? I know most of the catholic doctrines just like any other who was raised catholic, besides his parents have known me for years and other than my mother everyone else knows I'm an atheist, I have respect for religions and I can understand where they are coming from, personally I don't believe in or need a god. I don't plan on trying to ever push anyone towards lacking religion or wanting religion or anything in between, thats not my place. I'm there to help him see if his morality and interpretations reflect those of the catholic church. If they do he's ready to go, if not he can do like most catholic kids and getted shooed in anyway(yes Monty Python fans, the song is true, Catholics get you before you're even warm). Either way I'm only a cog in the wheel, as he has to go through small group meetings, a couple retreats, the official go ahead through a priest or youth minister, and then confirmation. I'm just his buddy on the way.
He told me earlier he isnt interested in the prayer part, that's the bleh stuff as he called it. He wants to get into the meat of it how religion can mesh with the issues of the day, euthanasia, abortion, sex, tolerance and acceptance, our place in the universe, its the good stuff, the interesting stuff that theologians have argued and interpretted throughout the centuries. In the little guidebook for confirmation last year were sections to help spark conversations like that between the confirmee(again please dont quote me on that term) and the sponser...but they didnt offer room to dive into the subject instead it was only this bland stacked deck(no discussion of abortion in certian cases etc) if you dont beleive this way youre the spawn of satan(for those wondering if i'm being overdramatic, I was called a devil follower by the old war-horse and follows is an excerpt from our conversation). [at the beginning of the process we took a questionaire about current issues, the bible and beliefs of the church, this interview was only based on that nothing else and was supposedly the deciding factor of whether we moved on or not, and for those wondering this isn't memory recall I went in with a tape recorder hidden in my pocket, I figured whatever I came out with might eventually be good writing fodder] OWH:Your answers to these questions on abortion particularly disturbed me...
LR:Whats wrong with them?
OWH:You said abortion should stay legal.
LR:And the problem with that is?
OWH:It's murder, it's the work of the devil, It's an....
LR:Excuse me? but what about under certian circumstances?
OWH:It's never ok!
LR: even with rape victims(which i just nticed is a topic on hatrack)? How bout situations where the mother's life is in danger, or the fetus is deformed too much to even survive for a cople days outside the womb?
OWH:It is evil.
[and from there we moved on to euthanasia, sex(catholics believe condoms are never to be used even between a husband and wife, yes once again Monty Python speaks...err...sings the truth and in the same song too) and it just got worse, I think it was around euthanasia section somewhere that she called me a devil follower] granted my views differ from the catholic tradition on many of these subjects and on some line right up but thats not what doesnt make me a catholic.
I'll give a short list:
I don't believe in the Holy Communion or Eucharist, which is the turning of bread into flesh and wine into blood of the messiah, jesus christ.
I don't believe in Reconciliation, which is the absolving of sins by a priest.
I don't believe in mass as a way to get in touch with the Lord.
I don't believe that Jesus Christ was the son of god, he was a great man and if half the things they wrote that he said in the gospels were his words then he was a great teacher.
And speaking of gospels, I don't believe that the Holy Spirit(Ghost) came down upon the writers of the books of the bible. I read the bible through and through all I can say is the old line I've heard many times before, It's a good book but just a book. It's a handy little guide for life but nothing more and thts what I plan to be as a sponser a handy little guide but nothing more.
So, um, yeah. You're not a Catholic. Ergo, you should not be coaching someone through confirmation.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Newsletter you say....I'll get 2 monkeys to sit at my computers and approve what they should take them five minutes(at most) to come up with the Daily LR to slake your thirst for bad humor and/or ideas. As for not catholic, well on paper I am at least...but that wont stop the nay saying...o well
Posts: 113 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Look, it's incredibly stupid to be a confirmation sponsor if you're not even catholic. and you're not. You may have gone through the motions, but you aren't because you don't believe in the doctrine. You have no place undermining whatever faith that boy might have, and to do so when you're supposed to be instructing him IN that faith. It's insulting to the whole church, which even if you don't like, you should respect
angry faces, ths might be getting serious, i dont plan on undermining the boy's faith its his to keep or discard i repeat im planning no overthrow of his faith. yes i know it was a simpsons reference but typing monkeys are underused and i take any excuse to use them, besides the simpsons have done everything "SIMPSONS DID IT! SIMPSONS DID IT!"
EDIT: O respecting the church is a silly idea respecting the men who founded it and those who follow in their footsteps i can do. Paul the founder of the church abroad going through all sorts of pains and tortures for his beliefs...Augustine who turned from a life of vice to become one of the church's greatest thinkers of god's will and power in life...Romero who tried in vain but still dedicated himself to a cause for peace in el salvador until his assassination...Father Martin no one could relate baseball and the point the readings were trying to make better than he and no one better as a friend to the scouts of Troop 229...Brother Patrick for once a brother younger than 60 and could prove that vegetarians arent all weird(kinda) I can respect them just not the church as a whole
Regardless of whether or not you plan to undermine the boy's faith, you simply don't SHARE it and consequently should not sponsor him -- for honesty's sake, if nothing else.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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I’m not as familiar with the Catholic confirmation curriculum, but most confirmation programs that involve sponsors/mentors include telling stories about your relationship with God, your faith, why you are a <insert denomination here>. If it were just about learning church history/doctrine I’m sure you’d do quite well. But there is also a faith formation aspect, and you will be cheating the confirmand out of that aspect of the program.
Posts: 9866 | Registered: Apr 2002
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