As a "hardcore" Anime fan, I always love to hear about other people who enjoy it as well, because there is not much love for it in my part of the country (the south-east, NC to be specific).
To get things started, Since I can't pick just one anime, I will pick two.
1. Voices of a Distant Star. An excellent short film about a two lovers seperated by an inter-gallactic war.
2. Hellsing. Lacking some places in plot, but there is a lot of violence. And vampires. And zombies.
Edit: How could I forget Evangelion, the greatest anime series of all time? Definately a favorite. After the End, I thought my brain was going to explode.
Would love to see Hoshi no Koe... Missed it at the con. ;_; Maybe I'll buy it. Also missed Hellsing, but it sounds wicked good. Maybe I'll find a sucker to lend it to me at school
My recs:
Escaflowne: It's a show that starts out slow, but has a great amount of political intrigue and character development. My only regret about this show is that some of the more interesting characters had to be pushed to the background. (Not to mention their fates at the end...)
Spirited Away: Watch it, it's absolutely beautiful. I cry every time I see it. A sweet little story about growing up and sucking it up, basically.
Magic Knight Rayearth: One of my all-time faves... It has an amazing twist at the end, though the second season is much better in manga (comic) form.
Those Who Hunt Elves: At least one of my recs has to be funny/for guys. Those Who Hunt Elves is a raunchy takeoff of fantasy-based hentai, but without nudity. Beware, the dub has words that children should not hear, but the series is so completely hilarious that it deserves a look.
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Nausicaa is one of Miyazaki's most underrated works. Orange Road is also kinda cool in a Benny Hill, Sweet Valley Twins kinda of way.
Posts: 4116 | Registered: Apr 2002
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I liked Spirited Away - it was so cute. But as far as anime in general, I'll always have a soft spot for Fushigi Yuugi. FY was my intro to anime via my college roomie.
I wonder how many classes/chapels we skipped to watch the 52 episodes as uninteruptedly (heh) as possible?
Hey, Q? Where did you go to school? I also spent many a Chapel break (at Valpo) watching anime - Trigun is among my favorites, though we also watched Battle Athletes (and BA-Victory), Tenchi (all of 'em), You're Under Arrest, Oh! My Goddess, Saber Marionette J, and a bunch of other ones.
And, every time an anime thread comes up, I always need to mention serial experiments lain, which I adore even though I don't totally understand it, and someday I will revise and expand the essay I wrote about it (the subject was personal identity).
Posts: 2661 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Well just recently I watched hellsing with two of my friends, it was alot of fun. We sat down one day around 9 o'clock and just watched it all. Thirteen episodes, four and half hour. I thoroughly enjoyed it, however it is not my favorite. Those same two friends have seen much more anime than I have, and always critize me for this because they say it's just a lack of diversity. But my all time favorite is Cowboy Bebop. So sorry to my two friends, but the truth remains.
Posts: 43 | Registered: Aug 2003
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My current favorite is Witch Hunter Robin. Best animation I've seen.
Other serious series that I love are Noir (the music alone is worth watching it for) and Vampire Princess Miyu (the only time I've been completely surprised by an ending. I mean completely surprised.) and Eva.
But I still love The Irresponsible Captain Tylor as my favorite funny series.
I like Rurouni Kenshin (the originals, NOT the english prostituted dubs on cartoon network.)
The OVAs are really good too, as long as you don't get the crappy english versions of them called "Samurai X."
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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A friend lent me the series during my study break. Needless to say, I ended up doing a lot less studying than I should have, and a lot more than usual.
Also, has anyone watched Azumanga Daioh? Highly recommended ... if only for the way Osaka-san speaks ...
Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, all the way....Vash and Nicolas and Spike are my dream guys (even if they are animated.... ) I also enjoyed Fushigi Yugi and what I've seen of Lain. I've not seen VHD: Bloodlust, but I did see the original and I thought it was pretty cool. I saw Spirited Away recently, thought it was great - have y'all seen Princess Mononoke? Should I see it?
Posts: 1225 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Read some of the Azumanga manga, it was interesting. Maybe I'll try and catch it after ADV releases it...
As for Fushigi Yugi... Well, I'd only watch it once, let's leave it at that... (kills self for buying some videos...)
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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YES!! Go see all the Miyazaki films that you can! Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Totoro, Nausicca (sp?), and when you're done, come back and tell me who I have to kill in order to see Nausicca! Posts: 753 | Registered: Mar 2001
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I like Cowboy Bebop and Sprited Away, but that's it. Pretty much every other anime I've seen, I hated.
Posts: 2292 | Registered: Aug 2003
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My number one favorite is Cowboy Bebop, simply because it lacks absolutely nothing. It is, in my opinion, the [comic book guy]best anime ever[/comic book guy]
I'm also a fan of Trigun, Big O, and I've recently seen the most screwed up anime in history, also known as FLCL. I usually only get to see what's on the Adult Swim secion on Cartoon network as most of my money I need for college.
Yay! Someone other than me likes The Big O!! Terrible title, but wonderful film noir-esque show.
Another title that I should recommend is Maison Ikkoku. Rare, but I just watched the first DVD box yesterday, and the dub killed me it was so funny. I usually dislike dubs too, but this one was just so... excellent...
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I also watch ALLOT of anime and my favorite still has to be Evangelion. It has the greatest plot of all time. But i also really enjoy many others such as: Hellsing Outlaw star Lain Full Metal Panic Scryed FLCL Trigun These are probably my all time favorites but i have also seen many others including many movies.
Posts: 1 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Okay...ALL anime fans must watch this show!
Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu.
Download the AVI's from someone and laugh until you cry. Make sure you don't give up in disgust after the first episode...many do. I've never met a person who watched more than one episode and wasn't hooked. It should be required watching for anyone going to college. That's right, I said ANYONE.
The evil hairdresser makes my son cry, though.
Posts: 113 | Registered: Aug 2003
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