Yeah, you know that you're dying to rant about something... something is bothering you... let it all out. This is a thread where you can just rant about whatever you want.
I know that I need to rant, I just don't really know what about, so...
Aah, that's better.
P.S. As soon as I figure out something concrete to rant about, I will... I promise!
I'd like to rant about how some people put very long "words" in their posts which messes up the formatting of the thread. Then for every post on the whole page of that thread, you have to do the scroll-back-and-forth thing to read them. It's extremely annoying. /rant Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I, for one, am sick and tired of the growing number of short people in this nation. Short people are an abomination of God, a sick, twisted mistake that should be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Especially those REALLY short people. Whaddya call em. Children. Yeah, that's it.
Etc, etc, etc, I'm a moron, yours sincerely, Book.
(Now that's a pointless rant!)
Posts: 2258 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Actually, I really hate the idea of alarm clocks. It's an industry that actually pours large amounts of money into making a sound as unattractive as possible. Waking up angry every single day cannot be healthy for the human psyche. I've developed an instinctive early wake up from the intense fear and hatred of my alarm clock. I always wake up about ten or fifteen earlier than the time I set. But this deprives me of the extremely precious ability to sleep in.
Posts: 2258 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Parent that make their kids go to bed at 8 pm and then all of a sudden they turn 16, get a drivers license = all grown up. Then they let these intellectual midgets out on the road to scare that cr*p out of me.
I get annoyed when someone makes a negative generalization about a group of which I would consider myself a member, and the generalization does not apply to me, but does apply to the majority of the group.
It's very hard to concentrate on doing a job that I dislike anyway when I've had to sit on a very uncomfortable chair all day because my actual desk chair is supposedly being cleaned!
If the chairs aren't clean by the time I come in tomorrow morning, I'm taking my back anyway.
My bum is so sore, and my back is quickly following suit!
Yeah msquared, I don't really have any problem with them either--it just seem funny, given the name of the thread (well, okay. A little bit funny).
Posts: 16059 | Registered: Aug 2000
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msquared, Edit: spelled name wrong. You're warped man, if you think carhart overalls are sexy, unless you use the zipper for a romp outside in subzero temps.
"Everybody does that, and it bugs me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Umm, no, that wasn't a generalization at all..."
Actually, Papa Moose said he hated it when someone made the generalization about a group he was a part of, but that did not apply to him. Since he made a generalization, that places him within the group of generalizers, so his generalization was not one which would bother him, since he was included as a generalizer.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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Also, it really bothers me when people make jokes about overalls in an "overall rant" thread, and I do not get the joke until about five minutes later.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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OK, I really hate it when people like Ralphie point out to people like Raia that Papa Moose was joking, and I make a joke based on Raia's pointing out of Papa Moose's generalization, which was a joke.
OK, I just can't take it anymore. I am sick and tired of people writing two or three sentences and calling it a rant. A rant?! Give me a break, people.
Back in the day we used to see some quality rants. People would crank out paragraphs (yes, that is an "s" on the end of the word, I do mean multiple) and paragraphs of rant. Back then we had some real tirades going on. But these days we get a couple of lousy sentences at most, and people even apologize at the end! What is the world coming to?
I mean, are we too lazy to even rant properly? We need to get back to our ranting roots. We need to rediscover the proper methods of passionate discourse. We can restore our former glory. It's up to us!
Posts: 4534 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Deany and I came up with an idea that I want to share with everybody in the world. We think this will promote world peace as well as generating mental health and curing the ills of humanity.
It's the concept of the RANTLIST. We realized that we would often rant over and over again about the same things. To save time and effort we decided to make a spreadsheet and assign each rant a number. Then when we felt the need to rant about that particular thing in the future we could just mention the number and we all would know to what we were referring.
But something marvelous happened then. We found that once we'd entered a rant into the list, we never ever felt the need to rant that rant again, in any form! In fact, it was like a weight lifting off our chests. Once something was officially entered with a number assigned, the anger just went away, and we found we were much happier people.
So I want to make the benefits of the rantlist available to all. Anyone who wants to enter a rant, email me at and outline the rant and propose a number. (Choose one of the integers.) If the number is taken I'll get back to you for a second choice. So far we have dozens of rants from several ranters. Come one, come all. Only aleph null numbers available, so get them while they're still good!
[ August 07, 2003, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: ak ]
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I really hate it when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and meet with disastrous results. Trusting the world in general, and my family members in particular, I walk into the bathroom without turning on the light. I know where the toilet is, what do I need the light to be on for?
I sit down, and, plop! There I go, rear-end into the water of the toilet. What is so hard about a man or boy putting a toilet seat up after he is finished? Huh?
And furthermore, even if I am lucky enough to have the toilet seat down, it is usually covered in piddle droplets. What is so hard about cleaning the little drips off, assuming you, the man or boy, were insensitive enough to leave the seat down in the first place?
I just spent four days camping at a music festival. Porta-potty city. Lucky for me, I had my handy-dandy headlamp, so I could check the seat without having to worry about a safe surface to place my flashlight. In said porta-potties, piddle was everywhere, not just on the seat.
If you are a man(and there is probably just that- A man) who puts the seat up when he pees, and puts it down, clean, when he is done, then I applaud you. Otherwise, this rant's for you.
(Saxon, I waxed on for a few paragraphs, and most likely offended a lot of men who will claim they have never left the seat up or dirty-does that count as a good rant?)
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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Yep, good rant. ::puts a gold rant star sticker on Elizabeth's forehead::
Now, I don't mind putting the seat down. I always put the seat down. I also always put the lid down and almost always wipe the rim before putting the seat down. It's not a problem for me, I think it's good to be courteous and, honestly, I think it looks better closed.
But, seriously, ladies, how much work does it take to check to see if the seat is down? Are you so lazy that you can't take the one to two seconds to check before just sitting? Especially since this has happened multiple times to most women that live with males. What gives?
Posts: 4534 | Registered: Jan 2003
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I hate walking into a bathroom in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom and finding out the hard way that the seat is down. Why should I check? I know where it is and its a pretty big hole. It's always in the same spot.
But then someone goes and puts the seat down and causes me to make a mess. It really bugs me when they expect me to clean it up when its obviously their fault. Posts: 4625 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I freaking hate sitcoms! I hate about 85% of them. I don't know why those people on those shows have to act so stupid, arguing over the slightest little thing. All of them try to be I Love Lucy and stuff like that and fail miserably. I hate the shows about families with nagging wives and husbands that play golf and watch sports and don't take care fo their kids. I hate the shows about pathetic single people and their pathetic lives as they have more implied sex in one episode than I'll have in my whole entire life. I dislike the shows about newlyweds with a huge cast of characters that are supposed to be endearing, but instead I'd like to shoot them out of a cannon into murky, polluted water with piranas that are half-starved and mutated swimming in them I do not like how stereotypical half of these shows are, how they joke about serious matters that should not be joked about. Most of all I hate bad music. Hate it. I don't know why these crappy bands even have to exist. I cannot undestand why they don't just go away. None of them can sing or put enough PASSION into their music so that you actually care about what they are saying even if they cannot sing I also do not like all these DUMB MOVIES with bad ating and these crappy sequels and remakes when the world is filled with script that do not even get written because of the fact that these studios want to make THE SAME SORT OF MOVIES repeatedly rather than making new and more interesting films. I also hate being so freaking cranky because of unemployment and I dislike how hard it is to get even a job that involves stacking cans all day long. *is the rant Empress*
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Listen, Mister, I have heard this lame excuse before, this victim-blaming madness. Of course I know that men have a tendency to leave the seat down and pee all over it, or leave it up for the next woman to fall in.
I guess I figure I should be able to trust , especially in my own home, that i can safely got to the bathroom without hazard.
Edit: I hate smilies, but if I used them, I would use one of those little wink ones, to make sure you know I am kidding.
[ August 07, 2003, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Elizabeth ]
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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I have a rant. I spent the last few days tearing my hair out over a lab-assignment that is due tomorrow. It's worth %20 of our final mark in the class, and it was extremely difficult. So today, after much consternation and many restless nights, I finally finished.
So I get to school today, only to discover that they've decided at the last minute to cut off half the assignment, because so many people were complaining that it was too difficult.
This pisses me off because I spent so much time working on it, and all the morons who wouldn't put in the effort get to take it easy. Wah wah wah wah...! Posts: 1855 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I hate whitey tighties. It's like... you wear them till you're eleven... then you switch to boxers.... Then around fifty you switch back... Why?! It's ridiculous. I wouldn't be able to respect myself if I had to walk around with childish undergarments.
Except the frilly dresses. Those are fine. I'm down with that. Posts: 2258 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Book, I was not aware of the Fifties Switch-back. My sixty-seven year-old dad still marches around the house in his baggy boxers.
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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It's friggin 90+ degrees outside, and I had to go school shopping, and no place had everything we needed. I went to five stores before I finally found someone who had nap mats in stock, the vinyl ones they use in kingergarten class. Getting four kids in and out of the car multiple times in that kind of heat makes one crazy.
On top of that, my husband and I haven't been out together since before Christmas, I haven't seen a movie, gone out to dinner, anything in more than 10 months. I have cabin fever, I want to just scream because I'm only ever at the house, at the store (with the kids) or at a doctor's or therapists' appointment. It would be nice to go somewhere with my husband.
Posts: 14428 | Registered: Aug 2001
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OK, I just saw "Pirates of the Caribbean"...
I hate the girl in that movie. Why does Orlando Bloom have to be so frikkin gorgeous and so frikkin unavailable all at the same time?????
Yeah, so I'm an Aragorn person. Sorry, Orlando in this movie is even more beautiful than he is in LoTR.
The girl in that movie is so pretty, I hate her. Why is she both that pretty and that fortunate to be in a movie with ORLANDO BLOOM and JOHNNY DEPP!?!?!?
OK, here's a serious rant, please don't get angry at me anyone, I'm just getting it off my chest.
At this point, I'm really frustrated with a particular co-worker of mine. This particular co-worker is ridiculously ineffecient, it takes her hours upon hours to do something someone else does in one. She talks endlessly with the customers, often relating completely inane and unrelated knowledge for no particular reason. She's rather rude, and she often acts as if her work is worlds more important than getting the customers through the line quickly.
But she has an excuse. She's somewhat mentally retarded. It makes me feel bad to dislike her because of what she is. But I can't help it. Here's what happened today...
She arrived at work about an hour after I did. She was working second on register, but if any customers came, no matter if I was working someplace else, and was busy, she called for me. She didn't even open her register until hours before she arrived.
That wasn't the worst. In the middle of doing something, she told me that she was going to finish what she was doing and go on break at 6. This wouldn't have bothered me if my stomach hadn't been growling since 5, and if I didn't have the right to a break first. But I wasn't up for fighting about it, so I just said, whatever...
T'was the wrong time to say whatever. By virtue of a lot of customers that took a long time, I was wracked with stress for the next hour, trying to keep a ludicrously long line moving, alone.
That wasn't her fault, that was just incredibly stressful. And she can be a nice person and everything, but she's just so infuriating to be around/talk to/work with/and everything!!
The worst part is that the number of hours she gets is head and shoulders above all of the other part-timers! She gets 35 hours a week!! Compared to somewhere around 12-15 for me.
Anyway, no reply necessary, I just really wanted to rant...
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I hate walking into a bathroom in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom and finding out the hard way that it is the linen closet. And my roommates! It really bugs me when they expect me to clean it up when its obviously their fault.
I wish I had talked to my parents about personal stuff a while ago. Now I can't. I wish I had talked to anyone a while ago. I wish I could talk to someone in real life about stuff. I wish I knew what to do. I wish problems went away. I wish people weren't idiots. I wish for a stick to thwap myself with, over and over. I wish I understood things. I wish I wasn't confused about stuff. I wish things happened differently. I wish, I wish to forget permanently.
I wish my friend didn't smell like chicken. It's pretty hard to sit next to someone that smells like chicken when you're hungry.
Posts: 9754 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I wish I had DSL! *weeps with the futility of it all*
I wish my girlfriend hadn't broken up with me! I wish all my friends with really evil parents (seriously, no exaggeration, some of those people are EVIL. ) would, like, get better ones! I wish I looked like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom rolled into one! I wish I was as smart as OSC!
Remember when, at the end of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Mr. Rooney is watching his car get towed away, screams, makes a donkey noise and then chases after the towtruck? That's what I feel like.