If Arnie gets in I know it will just be a matter of time until John McTiernan runs for President...
Posts: 1295 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Yeah, but Jesse was just such a FUN governor! He called the press JACKALS! Then he made them buttons that said "Official Jackal"!! How cool is that? He was much cooler than whoever's governor now, I don't think I even know HIS name...
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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What is the problem with an actor for Governor? Why does that disqualify him for the position? Why would it have disqualified Regan?
It seems to me that the liberal actors who are political don't seem to want to run for office. Where is Susan Saradon or Tim Robbins? Why aren't they running for office?
Nah, what he is going to do is bust into his opponents houses and say "Hasta la vista, baby..." Clear shot at the win, eh?
Posts: 1466 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Thanks so much for that gubernatorial image, Sopwith.
Maybe the candidates should make a movie together after they lose, if they lose.
I listened to Ahhnold last night, and I have to say, he impressed me. We'll see. He will certainly have some serious help from the Kennedys, if for nothing more than teaching him poise. Poise goes a long way, and Arnold is a very good actor. He will put on a good show, whatever happens.
[ August 07, 2003, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Elizabeth ]
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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I have recently fallen in love with California, San Diego, specifically.
It kind of makes me sad that the politicians there seem bound and determined to run the place into the ground. I mean sure, the economy was great for a long time. But even a place like California can only take so many punches to the face before it starts to wobble.
Why can't we seem to find anyone who seriously wants to run this state intelligently? Arnold is great and everything, but he just doesn't have the experience necessary to pull this careening car back on to the highway. In various interviews yesterday, all I heard was Arnold tossing off movie quotes and sound bites. I just wanted to scream "What the HELL are you going to do to save the place. And don't give me a freakin' movie quote."
Posts: 524 | Registered: May 2003
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I heard on NPR that there are like 200 official entries and at least 400 people have asked for the filing paperwork. I'm trying to figure out what they are going to do to fit all of the names on one page. Are they going to have extra small boxes to punch?
Arnold was a prominant businessman and politico long before he did acting. So many ignorant people think he's just some celebrity turned power hungry. Arnold was one of the main driving forces behind prop 13.
Posts: 622 | Registered: Dec 2001
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It's funny how when you put a big 'R' or 'D' next to someone's name, everyone of that party falls all over themselves to defend or support that person without checking out what the person stands for. From what I've heard, Arnold is not a social or fiscal conservative.
Now, as a liberal I'm tickled pink(intentional pun ) to see a fellow liberal run. I just think it's odd when I see people that I know are fairly socially and/or fiscally conservative defend this guy.
Then again, from what I understand, I guess it's not possible for a conservative to be elected in California? Maybe conservatives are looking at the long term picture. Even if Arnold is a liberal, he'll still help the state go Republican next November with all that that implies.
If I were a conservative, I would worry about my party being diluted, though. Dunno.
I've always thought it was interesting the image people have of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I mean here's a guy that early in life decided he wanted to be famous and chose bodybuilding as the way to do it. Not exactly the easiest field to break into and one of the hardest to get famous from. He did it.
Then he decided that he would take Hollywood by storm. So, he heads to America and decides to take up acting in his second language. Strangely enough, he succeeds, which also took a lot of hard work. He balanced his career as an action hero with quite a few enjoyable comedies (they might not be Academy Awards quality, but hey...).
Then, as a Republican, he marries Maria Schriver, a fairly well thought of newswoman who happens to be a member of the Kennedy clan.
He goes on and becomes the President's special counsel on physical fitness for children. And why did he do that? Well, because honestly he believes in it and unlike a lot of celebrity spokespeople, he actually went out to schools and did what he could to help.
Top that off that he's been a shrewd business investor over the years (even to the point of being able to personally finance part of T3), survived a heart attack and generally present himself to the nation with nary a scandal while stuck in the spotlight for two decades.
Sheeesh, now even I believe he'd make a good governor. Go Ahnold!
Edit: Just to add that after thinking a bit, I know of a lot of political office holders who haven't got one tenth of this record behind them.
Was it a heart attack or a heart condition that that he has had since birth? I know he had heart surgery, but I thought it was to correct somemthing he has always had.
Of course, ol' Arnie does have a little bit of a past, too.
'But, gosh, shouldn't we judge a candidate on what they've done politically?'
Maybe. I wish Republicans and the conservative press would remember that little fact whenever they were talking about a Democrat.
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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quote:Maybe conservatives are looking at the long term picture.
No they aren't. The Republicans in Calif. are pretty stupid. They keep trying to run conservative Republicans for high office. They have shown no signs that they understand how to act strategically in a (relatively) liberal state. The state is large enough that they could gain some ground if they were willing to do more to support moderates in their own party.
That's why this recall is perfect for Arnold. He's not stupid. He saw how fellow moderate and friend Richard Riordan got beat up in the Republican primary. This is a chance for him to put himself in a position of power without having to run through the party gauntlet. If he wins the recall, then the party will have to support his re-election bid.
Posts: 3423 | Registered: Aug 2001
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I kind of feel sorry for the big lug. He's getting it from the liberal press for being a Republican and the conservative press for being too liberal.
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Zal, perhaps in some ways, one might be able to look at what's happening in California as a showcase for election reform. I mean, yeah, some of the candidates are fruity, but dammit, a choice of 200 candidates?!? I, for one, think that that's pretty awesome. I will bet anyone that the turnout for this upcoming replacement vote will be twice as large as the one for the last regular election cycle.
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Can anybody confirm that? My understanding is that at the end of the day yesterday, only 7 candidates had actually file. My guess is that most of the 500+ people who have taken out papers won't actually file. I bet the ballot only ends up with 15-30 candidates. Still a lot, but not quite as ridiculous as 200.
And I agree, sax, it is kind of cool. It's also hella scary, but direct democracy (Calif. propositions are a good example) always is. At the very least, I'm just pleased that the Republican and Democratic parties are looking kind of stupid right now. It's also a great chance for third party candidates to gain some attention -- I find the Huffington/Green party alliance to be incredibly fascinating even if I probably won't vote for either Arianna or Camajo.
Posts: 3423 | Registered: Aug 2001
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quote: Though 207 persons had taken out papers to declare candidacies, none had returned them as of yesterday. The deadline to return the papers falls on Aug. 9.
Looks like you were right, Zal. We'll see, though.
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Limbaugh had a bit on it today. Apparently Katie Couric mentioned a bunch of stuff on the Today show. From what I recall, apparently he's been accused of sexually harassing women; his father was, or is, an ex-Nazi or something. There was other stuff, but that's all I can remember.
Before you pshaw all that stuff, remember, Clinton has never been found guilty of anything beyond, I think, perjury, yet the accusations and innuendo have been enough to be used as 'fact' by the conservative press. The same thing may come into play from the liberal press against Arnorld.
Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Issa, the guy who bankrolled the recall petition, has dropped out.
quote:Bob Mulholland, spokesman for the California Democratic Party, immediately labeled Issa "the arsonist who fled the scene of the fire."
Pithy, but what's the point? The people of Calif. are starting to treat this very seriously -- the Democrats aren't. It could be a costly decision for them. To extend the metaphor -- the fire wouldn't have burned so bright if there hadn't been so much dry kindling and oily rags. And -- the Dems are hurting themselves by refusing to send their most experienced firefighters and biggest fire trucks to the scene.
Posts: 3423 | Registered: Aug 2001
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rats Zal beat me to the punch. Isn't it interesting that 4 democrats have actually completed and turned in their apps while only 2 republicans have?
*nod* I see now. I mentioned something about it in the Cruz Bustamante thread. I don't know. Having a united front with only one candidate to choose from probably benefits either party, so it's not just Dems being loopy. Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Personally, I'm throwing my support behind Georgy. She's got the stripper vote all sewn up. Oh, wait, Larry Flynt is in the race. . . And a porn star who wants to make lap-dances tax-deductable. The all-important stripper constituency could be fractured Posts: 6316 | Registered: Jun 2003
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Another 104 filed applications that are still under review.
It'll be interesting to see how many votes the "non-traditional" candidates i.e. Flynt, Georgy, Gary Coleman, etc. get.
Posts: 3423 | Registered: Aug 2001
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As I've indicated already, I have no real beef with Schwarzenegger. However, I think the voters of Cali would be real stupid to elect a man to office on platitudes. If Arnold gets elected, I hope it's on the basis of his platform and not because he's the prettiest on TV and hangs out with Jay Leno. :/
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