I made this one up. Just some things I've been wondering about.
-Chevy Chase, Dennis Miller, Kevin Nealon, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey?
-Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan?
-Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown?
-Simpsons or Futurama?
-Beatles, Stones or Elvis?
-Jackie Chan or Jet Li?
-Cleese, Palin, Jones, Gilliam, Chapman or Idle?
-Bach, Mozart or Beethoven?
-Akira Kurosawa or Sergio Leone?
-Seinfeld or Friends?
-Leno or Letterman? Conan or Kilborne?
-Star Wars or Star Trek?
-Chinese, Mexican or Italian?
I haven't figured out the scoring system yet, so let's just call it a personality Rorschach. I'll answer after some other people so that I don't bias the results.
-Chevy Chase, Dennis Miller, Kevin Nealon, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey?
Dennis Miller - I don't always agree with him, but he seems the smartest of the bunch and he isn't afraid of his attitude.
-Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan?
Oh, come on. There is only one answer here: Connery, Sean Connery.
-Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown?
No way of judging - I've seen about one minute of Judge Judy one time, and was horrified. Never seen Judge Joe Brown.
-Simpsons or Futurama?
Oh, Simpsons, I guess. I wish King of the Hill was an option.
-Beatles, Stones or Elvis?
Beatles. No explanation necessary. But since you ask, at least none of the Beatles ever jumped around on stage in spandex, as far as I know.
-Jackie Chan or Jet Li?
Jackie Chan, I guess. Don't know Jet Li.
-Cleese, Palin, Jones, Gilliam, Chapman or Idle?
Oh, definitely Michael Palin. It would have been hard to decide between Palin and Cleese until I saw some of Palin's travel shows. They are perfect because they blend a real, honest, and fairly informative travelogue with that wonderful Python sensibility. My favorite was the time he was in the Andes riding a cute little train. The train derailed, and it was so small that the passengers just got off and lifted it back onto the tracks and on they went.
-Bach, Mozart or Beethoven?
-Akira Kurosawa or Sergio Leone?
Kurosawa. All I need say is Rhapsody in August, which is my favorite of his films.
-Seinfeld or Friends?
It hurts to have to make this choice - I'm not a fan of either show. But I'll cringe and say Friends. At least I can stay in the same room when it is on; can't say the same for Seinfeld.
-Leno or Letterman? Conan or Kilborne?
Leno, for no good reason other than I really, really don't like Letterman and never have. But I've been losing patience with Leno lately; it seems like he's getting needlessly cruel. And, Conan. I haven't liked him in the past, but I'm starting to appreciate his humor. This may be frightening. Although I have to say, I do like some of Kilborne's offbeat guests, and "Five Questions" is hilarious.
-Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek - mostly on length of acquaintance. Although I am fond of Star Wars as well. And there is the Harrison Ford factor. Even so, I think I have to stick with Trek. I have to say that I'm not a big fan of the later incarnations of either. And I've never even seen either Episode II or Enterprise.
-Chinese, Mexican or Italian?
Italian. Lasagne is very possibly the perfect food.
Do I really want to know what my answers to this quiz say about me?
Okay, I'm going to answer. You people are too strong-willed to be biased anyway.
-Chevy Chase, Dennis Miller, Kevin Nealon, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey?
I think Norm is one of the funniest people on the planet. And he shares my birthday, so there's no contest.
-Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan?
Although I'm not much of a Bond fan, of all the (what is it? like 80?) movies they've released, I've seen them all, and there were three that I actually thought were pretty good. They are: "The Living Daylights", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" and "From Russia With Love." So on the strength of that, I'd have to say, Dalton, then Lazenby, then Connery (Sean gets knocked to third for refusing "OHMSS", then accepting "Diamonds Are Forever").
-Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown?
Judge Judy was on SNL once, so I'll give her this one.
-Simpsons or Futurama?
Not only is Futurama genuinely funny, but it stopped before it got stale. Sorry, Simpsons.
-Beatles, Stones or Elvis?
-Jackie Chan or Jet Li?
I love Jet Li's Hong Kong movies, but he's not nearly as funny or self-deprecating as Jackie Chan, so I'd have to pick Jackie. By the way, Jet Li has worked with Chris Rock. Look up Lethal Weapon IV on IMDB.
-Cleese, Palin, Jones, Gilliam, Chapman or Idle?
Michael Palin, for the exact same reason as littlemissattitude. I've felt this way ever since I saw "Pole To Pole", but I thought I was the only one. Eric Idle, on the other hand... he was funny in Python, but incredibly irritating in everything else I've ever seen him in.
-Bach, Mozart or Beethoven?
Bach. He was so prolific, so groundbreaking in so many different ways (like the Isaac Newton of music), and his music is mathematically logical and, at the same time, utterly beautiful. I don't think he's ever been matched.
-Akira Kurosawa or Sergio Leone?
This won't be very popular, but I've always liked Sergio Leone, so I'd have to pick him. Tough call, though, because I'm a huge Kurosawa fan as well.
-Seinfeld or Friends?
I like Seinfeld. Friends gives me epigastric pain.
-Leno or Letterman? Conan or Kilborne?
Leno. I used to like Letterman until he stopped caring and started filling 70% of his show with drunken ramblings about the ride to work and what stuff will float. Jay actually writes jokes and acts like he rehearsed, which is nice. As for the other, I'd be surprised if anyone liked Kilborne better than Conan. What a pompous pretty-boy.
-Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek. I actually camped out at the movie theater for Episode I tickets in 1999, just so I could say I did it. Everybody brought their TVs and put on the original trilogy all night. I got annoyed and went home to get my TV and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. I've never seen so many angry nerds in my life. I thought I'd get lynched.
What movie were Jackie Chan and Chris Rock both in? Why is it an insult to work with Chris Rock? He's hilarious.
Posts: 1855 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Dennis Miller Moore Brown Simpsons The Who (sad they weren't listed) Jackie Chan Cleese Beethoven Akira Kurosawa (Yojimbo, Ran) Friends Leno. Kilbourne. Star Wars Italian.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: Feb 2003
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-Chevy Chase, Dennis Miller, Kevin Nealon, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey?
Dennis Miller edges out Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey. However, was the choice between Miller and Fallon and Fey, I would have to give it to the latter.
-Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan?
Am I the only person on earth who liked Moore the best as Bond? Not that I particularly think anyone has done a particularly good job (writing, directing or starring) with the character. Connery is definitely the best and coolest of the bunch, but I liked Moore better in that role.
-Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown?
Um... Donny Osmond?
-Simpsons or Futurama?
Simpsons, hands down.
-Beatles, Stones or Elvis?
Oh boy... How about a two-way tie between Elvis and the Beatles with an honorable mention to the Stones. Now, if Dylan were on the list, he'd take the prize...
-Jackie Chan or Jet Li?
Jackie Chan's earlier work, Jet Li's newer work.
-Cleese, Palin, Jones, Gilliam, Chapman or Idle?
This question is impossible. Gilliam has directed some of the best films of our times. Cleese is one of the funniest men alive. Palin is just really cool.
-Bach, Mozart or Beethoven?
Once again, impossible...
-Akira Kurosawa or Sergio Leone?
If you keep asking questions like this, all you'll discover about me is that I refuse to answer them.
-Seinfeld or Friends?
Seinfeld. Friends drives me crazy. Although I do like every movie I've seen with Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston.
-Leno or Letterman? Conan or Kilborne?
Since there are 4 names on the list and two answers are required, how about I go with Conan and Kilborn.
-Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars. Phasers just can't compete with Lightsabers...
-Chevy Chase, Dennis Miller, Kevin Nealon, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey? Jimmy Fallon...he's cute and funny -Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan? Connery -Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown? Judge Judy -Simpsons or Futurama? Simpsons all the way! -Beatles, Stones or Elvis? Beatles...Stones...Beatles...Stones...I dunno -Jackie Chan or Jet Li? preference -Cleese, Palin, Jones, Gilliam, Chapman or Idle? Cleese -Bach, Mozart or Beethoven? hmm...really depends on my mood. Bach is good background music while I'm painting, the others are just good listening in general. -Akira Kurosawa or Sergio Leone? Kurosawa -Seinfeld or Friends? Friends, though I love Seinfeld as well -Leno or Letterman? Conan or Kilborne? Letterman...and I adore Conan!!! -Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars -Chinese, Mexican or Italian? Italian - although Mexican and Chinese aren't far behind....
Posts: 1225 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Speed - and I thought I was the only one. Glad to know I'm not. By the way, I think they're rerunning his Around the World in 80 Days on Bravo currently. Anyway, I caught part of one episode today (oops, that's yesterday now by the Hatrack clock - Saturday). I don't know if the new one, Sahara, is over yet. I saw the first episode, and then I've had to do other things and be other places, so I haven't been able to see the rest of it.
Posts: 2454 | Registered: Jan 2003
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How could you possibly CHOOSE between some of these things??? It's not like you can put Mozart, Bach and Beethoven in remotely the same category! Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Norm MacDonald Connery's style, Brosnan's movies Ick. Neither - down with CourtTV! Never seen either. Beatles. Jackie Chan Terry Gilliam Mozart Kurosawa I'm very anti-Friends, so I'll say Seinfeld Letterman and Kilborne If I can say neither, I can also say BOTH! Italian. Mi piace spaghetti.
Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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Chevy Chase (Nudging out Tina Fey, though she is funny and cute).
Brosnan (though I have a weakness for Connery and Dalton... Kitschy Moore is too distracting).
Judge Judy.
Sopwith, thank you! The rock options really ought to be Beatles, Stones, The Who. They are all much closer contemporaries, all British, and all good... But The Who is better
Jackie Chan.
Cleese (Gilliam's movies are cool though).
Not enough experience (read: none) to have a preference.
Friends, solely due to my preference for melodrama over tartness.