Paercival, I didn't say those were the ONLY games I was anticipating. I think Galaxies sounds very good, but it looks like they're going through development hell right now, and I'm really not sure how it's going to end up once it goes through the wringer
As for GTA, poo on all you naysayers. I wish there were more games in the world like GTA.
Posts: 2048 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Bokonon, you had ACS?! That was THE game of my childhood! I didn't know anyone else even played it!
Posts: 2048 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Geoff, one of the things that makes GTA the game it is is its uniqueness. How many crappy MYST clones were there back in the mid-90's?
Posts: 1357 | Registered: Mar 2002
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My first love was probably SeaQuest for the Atari. It was so simple it was stupid. But I got a high score that was double the requirement to get into the exclusive club. (Heh)
Any Megaman and Mario game for the original NES was fun for me. I didn't like them on any other platform. Not that the Megaman games were any different. They just didn't evolve at all. The Mario games totally departed from view. I also had a love for the original Zelda. Tecmo Bowl and Punchout were my only sports loves.
I got into F-Zero and the Street Fighter series when the Super N came out. Uniracers was also a heap of fun, but nobody ever played it. I later played Chrono Trigger, FFII & III, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, Mortal Kombat, and Killer Instinct regularly.
On the PC I was into Dune 2, Alien Legacy, Tie Fighter, X-Wing, Space Quest (any), King's Quest (any), Starcon 2, and Day of the Tentacle at the time.
For the Play Station: FFVII, Xenogears, Puzzle Fighter, Tekken (any), Metal Gear Solid and Soul Reaver.
For the Dreamcast: Just Soul Calibur
For the PS2: Xenosaga, FFX, Tony Hawk Pro Skater (any), GTA (any), and continuations of some previous titles.
New for the PC: Tribes, Asheron's Call, Starcraft, MTG (not the online one) and Counterstrike.
I'm sure I missed a lot of them.
(edit): there's a lot of puzzle games and puzzle RPG's I'm leaving out.
MYST clones are a bad example, because they're based on a game that sucked.
We wouldn't have Warcraft III or C&C Generals today if people hadn't been willing to take the model of early games like Dune 2000 and Powermonger and build upon them. Those first RTSes were innovative and unique in their day. But the recent, more refined ones are much, much better.
I think that it would be a very good thing if designers learned from the open-ended game structure of GTA and applied it to other projects. They wouldn't need to be "GTA clones" to build on its foundation.
Posts: 2048 | Registered: Jul 2000
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GTA really did have an innovation that I'd been waiting for. I know it's fun to run around and wreak havoc, but there's so much to it other than that. It reminds me of Morrowind, only smaller. Hopefully developers are looking into that.
(edit): Morrowind and Worms are a couple I forgot to mention.
You know, I don't think the nifty technological innovations in GTA are ANY excuse for a game that rewards its' players for using prostitutes, beating and killing prostitutes, and killing police officers for attempting to impede criminals.
And I agree with Slash - RPG's are entirely different, not only in character development from scratch, but in players' interactions with each other, and innovative methods of meeting the DM's changing storylines - Human brains can infinitely improvise - a program is limited.
*chuckles - remembering her dad's absolute frustration once he developed quick enough reflexes to beat all 10 levels of Atari PacMan.*
Posts: 5609 | Registered: Jan 2003
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10. Final Fantasy IX (PS1) 9. F1 ROC (SNES) 8. Icewind Dale (PC) 7. Icewind Dale II (PC) 6. Baldur's Gate series (PC) 5. Tetris (NES, Phillips CDI) 4. Final Fantasy III (SNES) 3. Dragon Warrior II (NES) 2. Final Fantasy II (SNES) 1. Age of Empires (PC)
Actually Geoff, my best friend since 2nd grade had it, and we'd work together, playing the Ultima knockoffs that ACS created. Those 56 minute creation times for random games were frustrating though. You're the only other person, aside from my friends I grew up with, who has heard of it!
The games I listed were ones I believe "completed a thought". They are all pinnacles of plot and gameplay within their genre (not the only pinnacles, of course). With a little bias toward childhood nostalgia.
-- So I guess no one is up for a Shadowbane guild?
If I see one more person mention Diablo or Diablo 2 I think I'm going to claw out my eyes. What a horrible, horrible game. Could it be more boring and mind numbing? Is that possible? Although, I suppose on the plus side you can get the "Diablo feel" wherever you go. Just unplug your mouse and click it all day! Wherever you go! Diablo in the car *click click* "It's green you jackass!" *clickclickclick* Diablo at work "And so you see *clickclickclick* your investment will *clickclick* triple over the next five years! *clickclickclickclickclickclick* Diablo during sex. Ummm... you're probably better to use your imaginations on that one. (*clickclickclickclick*)
Pirates! I remember that game! I remember when I had mono in high school I sat around playing it all the time. I still boot it up every now and again. Save your long lost sister, father, mother, etc. What a great concept I played adventure games to death too. So some sort of Kings Quest/Space Quest/Monkey Island game belongs on my list. I was a big fan of Thief. Not so much Thief 2, it was too rushed and wound up feeling like the same game. But I'm eager to see what Thief 3 has to offer. And, of course, Deus Ex 2. All the Craft games. I always enjoyed them more than the C&C iterations. The first 2 Myth games deserve some sort of a mention. *clickclickclickclick* The original Wolfenstein! I owned all 6 episodes and all 3 SoD episodes I definitely played them more than Quake. I had friends who painstakingly graphed all the levels and marked in all the secret doors. Ah, the good old days. Baldur's Gate, Mario Kart, Half-Life. All good. I don't care for console RPGs, I get bored pretty quickly. FF games eventually drive me bonkers. Whoever came up with the random battle idea should be dragged out into the street and shot. Of course, the game that started it all for me, Commander Keen! Go Apogee go! I still have all 6 episodes on my computer somewhere. Sweet sweet nostalgia.
The two best games ever are Bubble Bobble and Ms. Pacman. The arcade versions.
Other than that, some favourites of mine are:
Atari: Jungle Hunt,Adventure
Apple II: Hard Hat Mack, Conan, Castle Wolfenstein, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, Karateka
NES: Super Mario Bros 1 & 3, RC Pro AM, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Crystalis, Destiny of an Emperor, Megaman 1 to 6 (i think were all on nes), Castlevania 2 & 3, Zelda 1 & 2, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Rygar, Contra, Bionic Commando, Maniac Mansion, River City Ransom
Super Nintendo: Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy 2 & 3, Astyanax, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, Zelda: A Link To The Past, Crono Trigger, Castlevania 4, Super Soccer, Super Street Fighter II Turbo Extra Special Fantabulous Edition
Nintendo 64: Mario Kart 64, Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time, Goldeneye multiplayer
Playstation: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy 7-9, Tony Hawk 2, Metal Gear Solid & VR Missions, Tetris, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tekken games
PC: X-Com, Warcraft II, Ultima IV
I know the PC listings are hardly up to current games but I just bought a new machine, so I am wanting to play some of the following: Icewind Dale 1 & 2, Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, Diablo 1 & 2, Neverwinter Nights, Splinter Cell, Warcraft III and any others recommended.
Posts: 1336 | Registered: Mar 2002
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Diablo II with LOD is one of the best multiplayer experiences around. Crafting different characters for various playing styles (and getting cool stuff for them!) is a blast, IMNSHO. Sure, you can bludgeon you're way through in a click fest, but there are more strategic ways of playing. My friends and I just started up again, we're gonna start new characters at the same time and kick some evil a$$.
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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I also defeated the mighty dragon Yam on the banks of the Euphrates, then met the ancient Gilgamesh. When my adventure was completed, I too created my own worlds, not in six days, but in 56 minutes with the touch of a button.
Should we create an ACS club?
Posts: 5383 | Registered: Dec 1999
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You know, I remember being THRILLED by ACS, but rather disgruntled by the text length limits. Same thing goes for the Bard's Tale Construction Set.
Couldn't you get around that by just stacking text boxes? I seem to remember that was the solution.
Posts: 5383 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I have to agree with everyone who places FF3/6 above 7 and 8. I even place it above 9 and 10.
FF3/6 makes me happy. The story made sense. The charachters made sense. Whereas 7-10 tried to cool you out, 3/6 was solid from the ground up.
3/6 had an incredible soundtrack, including the very innovative "dancing mad". If only it was orchestrated. Sigh.
Posts: 554 | Registered: Nov 2000
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Gosh it makes me happy that other people out there appreciate Starcon 2. I wasted so many hours destroying my friends in the head-to-head mode.
Star Wars the arcade game was one of my favorites for the longest time when I was a kid.
When I was in college several of my friends and I got into an 8-bit gaming kick for a while. It got to the point where we would keep Contra on 24 hours a day to see how many times we could beat it without having to restart, then how many times without ever dying, and finally, how many times without dying and without any powerups.
There was also a point where we were trying to beat Legend of Zelda in under 1 hour. Not sure if anyone ever actually got there, but I know several got close.
Some other games that took up a lot of my time:
Atari: Joust, Solaris NES: River City Ransom, Rad Racer, Rygar, Kid Icarus, Castlevania 2 SNES: Rock n Roll Racing
Posts: 4534 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Yeah Super Dodge Ball! I remember playing a version of the on the Super Famicom back when, before it came out for SNES.
Posts: 4534 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Ahh!!! I loved River City Ransom. It was a rediculously simple and stupid game, and it was fun. (Also points to Thief and says, yes sah!)
Posts: 2523 | Registered: May 2000
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i can't pick a singal favorit so i'll just list 10 of my favorites (even though there are more than 10):
dragon's view-SNES 4 player mode on Zelda:ALTTP-GBA Advance wars-GBA Goldeneye-N64 phantasy star online-GC super monkey ball-GC Animal Crossing-GC Gauntlet Legends:DL-GC Starcraft-PC Lords of the realm-PC
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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*bump* to say I just got into the Planetside beta test...I've been reading some of the info on the site, this looks pretty sweet. Anyone else going to give this a try?
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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I recently started playing Legend of Zelda, Windwaker. At first I was really dissapointed, but its gotten to be really good. It doesn't really get moving until a few hours in, but its well worth the wait. A worthy addition to the Zelda franchise.
Posts: 5656 | Registered: Oct 1999
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1.Freespace series-PC 2. Xenogears-PS 3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night-PS 4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault-PC 5. Final Fantasy VI-SNES 6. Final Fantasty Tactics-PS 7. Chrono Trigger-SNES 8. Starcraft-PC 9. Warcraft-PC 10. Homeworld-PC
Games I have known and loved (including ones I loved at age 5, so deal with it)
Cyclons (my very first video game) Burgertime (made me laugh) Save New York Tetris Space Quest Legend of Zelda Super Mario Kart Myst (drove me bananas) Age of Empires Age of Conquerors
It sounds like I need to be... ahem... a LOT more sophisticated when it comes to gaming, but I am the addictive type and I don't have time to take on a gaming obsession!
Tick, check out They are admittedly jaded, but so far the Planetside reviews have been lukewarm. Apparently they haven't noticed any of the problems WWIIOL had. Lots of pointless base-swapping.
I might point out, that I am playing Shadowbane these days, and it's pretty fun. Group oriented, balanced classes (mostly), PvP (which I see as a positive).
It's free (for now) and I like FPS's, so I'll give it a shot. If I paid for anything, right now, it would be Shadowbane or DAOC (a lot of my buddies at the LAN Center I play at are into DAOC).
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Golden Sun- The Lost Age comes out this week. Unfortunately, I'm spending my money on Miyazaki DVDs. . .
Posts: 1357 | Registered: Mar 2002
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Pfft! I don't think I'm that much of a CS snob, I just miss the old days of CS when the colt had a sniper rifle (they STILL have yet to change the model), and you could jump to your heart's content (no, not bunny hopping).
I have to admit, I've started playing it again, and can honestly say that I've lost alot of skill, but I can still more than hold my own most of the time (unless I'm really outnumbered).
Anyone up for a round of CS? LMK what your name is and what server. I'm usually on under [TPE]Ghost (even though our clan is long dead alot of people know me by that name), or by xenos.
Posts: 851 | Registered: Oct 2001
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Gottmorder: Fallout, Fallout 2, and the original, Wasteland
Geoff: I'll let you know at the end of the month. Right now, my Radeon 9700 Pro is choking on it, and I am tempted to stick my old Geforce2 in there until it's fixed (it's a driver issue with the radeon, causes hard lockups within 5 minutes... Some are playing okay).
I like the group-oriented nature of it; when you group, everyone one gets the full amount for killing a mob. You can go through the first 20-30 levels in a couple weekends (or a few weeks, for a casual like me). From the boards, it appears there aren't any grossly overpowered classes, which bodes well for PvP. Now, if I could just group up with some pals... Did I mention we can build full cities?
Tick, I don't know how FPS it is, from the reviews. Let us know how it goes?
I got on Planetside really quick last night...looks like they have the right ideas. I love the instant action feature. One thing I always noticed with other MMOG's I tried was the time it took to get somewhere with some action. I jumped to a base that was under attack, got killed once, respawned, and started doing some damage. I noticed that the enemy was being smart, using combined arms and numbers to try and overwhelm us. I started to unload a new clip into some more bad guys (after I figured out how to reload ), and it promptly crashed. However, it is a beta, and I see great potential here...
slacker, I'm down for CS, when I happen to have computer time. I'm getting pretty good in a LAN environment, this Sunday I played for hours, and was actually getting more kills than deaths (even led my team to victory a few times!). Home is a different story, as I only have HL installed on my laptop. I'll try and get it on my desktop so I have access to a mouse. If I play at home, it'll probably be on WNY Server ( if anywhere. Usual name is TheTick or Starkiller.
Okay, I log in again, armed with the knowledge gleaned from the online manual. My Terran soldier upgrades to heavier armor, grabs a chaingun, and goes for instant action again. I'm dropped near a biolab on a continent that's just been hacked by the enemy. I hack it back, and a couple others join me to guard it. We wait the 15min timer, laying the smack down on a few guys trying to stop our hack. It was only a few, though, which illustrates something the devs need to fix. You only get points for hacking something, not for stopping someone else's hack. It's more advantageous (experience point wise) to wait for the enemy's hack to finish and then hack it back than it is just stop 'em, as a role player would. It's not a big thing, and so far I'm having fun. Can't wait to log in again.
Oh, and if anyone wants to try it out, post here. I can get you in to the open beta.
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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I summon the vast powers of thread resurrection!
I just got the 10 day trial of Shadowbane, and if anyone else is playing, what server would you recommend?
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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Soldat Super Smash Bros. Soul Calibur Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy VII Sonic and Knuckles/Sonic 3 hybrid Starcraft Unreal Tournament Beneath a Steel Sky