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Author Topic: Three Things about You and Me
Member # 6773

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I think I might come to IU but I don't know. I might get away for a few years. I know majoring in performance can be tough. I have been part of the pre-college program at IU for the past 3.5 years, and I go to the intensive string academy camp every summer. I have spent a lot of time around IU music majors and I think I have an idea of what they have to do. It is a bit daunting, but generally if I want something I figure out how to get it. I just need to figure out what I want
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Member # 1565

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Use her for bait, of course.

But if she's dead, she won't do the jiggle that the menfolk like so much.

Oh, wait! I could tie her to the end of a stick and shake it! Duh.

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Member # 5290

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heehee....oh, you're one of the STRING ACADEMY people! *runs away*

Just kidding [Smile] Well, if you end up coming to IU, I'm sure I'll see you here. (In fact, I've probably already seen you here!) Good luck on deciding what you're going to do [Smile] Let me know if there's anything else you want to know!

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Member # 5218

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Ralphie, she likes ducks, and feeds them in the pouring rain. (So you have something to work with here)
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Member # 6773

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Why is the sring academy bad? Besides monopolizing the practice rooms and occasionally being rude.
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Member # 5485

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1. I am shamefully addicted to glossy magazines and junk tv.

2. I procrastinate. A lot.

3. I'm getting married in mid-January and plan to buy my dress in the January sales.

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Member # 5290

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Ya hit the nail on the head there [Wink] Not that I care much about the practice rooms, mind you. Actually, now that they've denied all the twelve-year-old boys access to the computer labs (and subsequently their porn supply), I don't have much of a beef with string academy. I work in the computer labs, and my first summer there I was CONSTANTLY throwing string academy kids off the computers for looking at porn. Aside from being occasionally loud, though, I don't think string academy students are that bad. [Big Grin]
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Member # 6773

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The year round students who go to the string academy tend to be more polite and respectful. We roll our eyes at some of the people that come here too.
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Member # 5290

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Yeah, I know you're not all bad [Smile] Most of the year-round folks pretty much blend in with the students, unless they're REALLY young. As I said, I've probably seen you around--I'm starting my fifth year here.
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Member # 2972

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1. I'm an introverted extrovert, meaning I never shut up around my friends, and I never talk around strangers. I'm learning that this is not necessarily the best way to make friends when you don't know anybody.

2. I love fluffy books, they're my therapy. I'm so much more relaxed when I can take a break and read a book that requires absolutly no thought.

3. I'm stuck on the word absolutly. I can never remember how to spell it, so I alternate spelling it with and without the e.

Katarain, I'd love to hear the story of your and your husbands' courtship if you'd like to tell it.

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PSI Teleport
Member # 5545

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See, blacwolve, I make good pals with people like you. I crave shy people. I just talk and talk until they talk just to get me to shut up for a while.

Your silence would not bother me. : )

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Member # 6388

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If I'm supposed to list 3 things that aren't already known about me I'm gonna hafta dig a bit.

1. I was a national competitor in judo as a child.
2. I'm secretly spiritual.
3. Besides OSC I've also been told I resemble Russel Crowe.

Obviously I had to dig really deep.

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Member # 3022

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Ralphie, she likes ducks, and feeds them in the pouring rain. (So you have something to work with here)
Myr made me do it.
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Member # 5218

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Hmm, true. Ralphie, you had better capture Myr as well.
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Member # 4859

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Myr can be no more captured than the tide upon the sand.
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Member # 5567

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Russell Crowe? Really, punwit? I think that may be stretching it a bit.....


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Member # 5003

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1. Things I used to like but don't anymore: pets, listening to music, Television, print media, fiction, oogling cars, the first names my husband picked for my children. It's not that I dislike them, they are just "there". Fortunately, their middle names all have a special meaning for me.

2. I've studied a truckload of languages that I am not fluent in. Arabic, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Chinese, and I'm now dabbling in Biblical Hebrew. I am a linguist and get hung up on the mechanics, it's hard for me to get into the music and shapes of a language.

3. When I was 28, I learned that I am an analytical, detail oriented person. Since I had always thought of myself as more of a free-spirited artist, this was very weird for me. But I am a Gemini so I guess I can be both. When society dissolves, I plan to make my way through my bread baking skills. I also like to sing.

Okay, so I squished a lot more than 3 things in there.

[ September 14, 2004, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: pooka ]

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Member # 6659

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Okay, I saw the request from Blacwolve to share my courtship story last night, but didn't have any time to reply. And today I just got back from a job interview.

A little side note, do you think it is unwise to tell your interviewers that you think you're the best person for the job? I really do believe that. I'm very qualified and I know I would be EXCELLENT at this position. I just hope it went well. I NEED this job so badly.

Okay... like I said in my first post in this thread, my husband and I got married about 2 weeks after we met. The story starts before that, however. We actually knew each other online for several years before we met. We had a few conversations now and then "real-time" and over email. We weren't really close, though. We were more like friendly acquaintances. When we did talk, often we would end up in some discussion about religion or politics (two topics my husband is VERY passionate about).

A little background on him... he used to be a hardcore atheist, and about 5 years ago he read the Gospels and had a conversion experience. Where he used to spend his time passionately arguing against religion and for atheism (when he wasn't talking about politics), he now shared his conversion and love of Christ with everybody. I remember being so amazed at the change in him. He was just as passionate as ever about his views, but they had changed.

I've been a Christian all my life, so doing what God wants me to do is important to me, although I fail at this often. And after his conversion, it was important to him as well.

So, that's enough background, I think. One day I was sitting at home and decided to log onto a mux that I go to occasionally. (It's basically an online "text" world where people go to talk real time.. you can create rooms, and objects, and your character... some people use them for roleplay.) It was a whim, the muxes I go to were frequented a lot more when I was in college, but the regulars still go there and I have friends among the regulars. Little did I know that SB (his online nickname) had just cried out to God for a wife. He had been lonely for a long time, but was waiting for a Christian woman who shared his values and morals. He had, almost jokingly, asked God to just stop the waiting and have a wife appear to him out of thin air. That was the exact moment that I logged in.

Okay... that's definitely not enough to go on, but it was pretty cool. [Smile] He's not the type of person not to follow up on such a lead, however, and we started talking. And we didn't stop talking. We spent the weekend (which happened to be a weekend that I was going to DragonCon in Atlanta) talking online and on the phone. We went over everything! It was a whirlwind.. quite dizzying. After prayer and seeking counsel and a sureness that this was right, we decided to get married. (No, you didn't miss a step... we had not met yet. I hadn't even seen his picture.) It wasn't long afterwards that he took the 5-6 hour drive to my place and we finally met. About 2 weeks later, we were "officially" married.

Unfortunately, that time is not exactly a happy memory for me. My mother took it VERY badly and so I remember it as a time of great stress and trauma. I suppose if I had to do it over again, I would have taken things a little more slowly, but I wouldn't give up my husband for anything. I'm glad we've spent this last year together as a married couple.

I still hope to have a real wedding (it was supposed to have taken place by this month), but money has been tight... very tight. It's disappointing, but I still am holding out hope, however slim.

Okay, this has gotten really depressing. [Smile] The point is, we got together unconventionally and we're still together and more in love than ever. We both don't believe in divorce (with the exception of abuse and adultery), so we work out our problems head-on. We're stronger for it and happy. [Smile]

So, I guess that's my story... [Smile] Any questions?? [Smile]


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Member # 6423

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1) I'm obsessed with planning, I have pages of lists for things months away. I go over and over in my head how any conversation could go.

2) My main goal right now is to get my ba(bs) in education, and become an elementary teacher, but that could change.

3) I haven't read any of OSC's books (I promise I will read Ender's Game before the campout!) but decided to come here because I couldn't understand lunch conversations untill I did. I think now all but two or three of my closest friends are registered at hatrack.

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Member # 6246

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Besides OSC I've also been told I resemble Russel Crowe.

I'm glad it's not just me. I saw pics of Kamacon and said to myself, "Whaaa? OSC attended?" then realized it was punwit. ^_^

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Member # 6246

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Katarin, you said that 2 weeks later you were "officially" married, but then said that you aren't actually married yet. Can you explain?

I am amused at the story of him crying out for a wife and you showing up. It actually reminds me a bit of me.

For those of you who read the "he said she said" landmark that Porter and I put together, you will know the background a bit more. But towards the end of my church mission, I realized that I was ready for marriage. I also realized I was terrified of dealing with the "dating scene". So I got down on my knees and asked my Heavenly Father to please send me a good husband quickly. I didn't think I could bear to face the dating scene after all I had been through.

I had returned home and been in my college town 3 days when Porter told me he intended to marry me. [Smile] We are married now. The rest of the story you know.

Of course, he wouldn't have told me that he intended to marry me if it weren't for the other guy who intended to marry me and whom I intended to marry....

Be careful what you ask for in faith, you just might get it. [Eek!] Double dose even.

[ September 14, 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: beverly ]

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Member # 6659

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Hmm... we are officially married. Oh, do you mean the wedding?? We went to the courthouse to get married... just me and him in our jeans before the judge. It sucked. He was living with me and while we considered ourselves married already (didn't see anything special with the state sanctioning it), we decided to get married right away to quiet any concerns family, the church, and others might have had.

Soooo, I haven't had my real "Wedding." you know... white dress.. walking down the aisle... big party reception.. that kind of thing.

And yeah.. he didn't want to do the dating thing either. I wasn't as specific in my requests to God. I had dated two guys before, but they were both primarily internet relationships... so I never got to "date," exactly... So, since I missed that, I tell him he has to make it up to me and take me out on dates. [Smile] We already spend nearly 24/7 together already. [Smile]


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