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Author Topic: Very influential
Member # 7200

 - posted May 12, 2005 07:11 PM      Profile for TheDisgruntledPostman   Email TheDisgruntledPostman         Edit/Delete Post 
After i finished Speaker a couple of days ago, i talked to my english teach about it. We both agreed that it was a fantastic book, and she was very close to teaching it to 8th grade honors english. The only thing my teach couldn't get over was rememberin the names and puttin the name to the face in the begining of Speaker(my very same problem). So i told her some ways to get over this, and this time next year the new honors english class of 9th will be readin speaker.
Thats the great thing about you Mr.Card.
A, your still alive and writing great books.
B, your books just rock.
I would be reading Enders for 9th next year in Enlgish, but next year ill be in Honors so i wont be reading it(not that i already havn't).

Mr.Card, just wondering, do you know all the names of the schools that teach your books? Or atleast the name of the schools that buy your books. Because I think that number should be high.

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Orson Scott Card
Member # 209

 - posted May 13, 2005 12:44 PM      Profile for Orson Scott Card           Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks for helping the teacher solve the name/character problem. I hoped my list of characters and my pronunciation guide would help....

There's no list of schools - I hear about some, but by no means all. I think the number IS high. At least ... Ender's Game goes onto the online bestseller lists every September, which suggests the influence of school purchases.

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Member # 6623

 - posted May 13, 2005 01:19 PM      Profile for trance   Email trance         Edit/Delete Post 
It's no fair....your rich and I'm poor.... [Wall Bash]
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Member # 7772

 - posted May 15, 2005 02:06 AM      Profile for BryanP           Edit/Delete Post 
You can add Plymouth Middle School in Plymouth, MN (a suburb of Minneapolis) to the list.

That's where I got hooked....

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Member # 433

 - posted May 15, 2005 03:24 AM      Profile for Hobbes   Email Hobbes         Edit/Delete Post 
It's no fair....your rich and I'm poor.... [Wall Bash]
You don't even know what you're missing until you see all the gilded truffles adorning his house.

Hobbes [Smile]

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Member # 5705

 - posted May 15, 2005 03:46 AM      Profile for Corwin           Edit/Delete Post 
you're still alive
I have a feeling he too thinks that's great... [Wink]
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Member # 7947

 - posted May 15, 2005 08:35 AM      Profile for Antony   Email Antony         Edit/Delete Post 
How fantastic would it be to have written a book as accomplished and successful as Enders Game!
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Member # 5860

 - posted May 15, 2005 11:36 AM      Profile for Occasional   Email Occasional         Edit/Delete Post 
I would think it fantastic just to get published. Currently, that is what I am working on doing, but haven't found an agent willing to take up my work. Not that I have submitted the work to that many. However, soon I might have to go the route of sending my work directly to publishers.

I know there are a lot of people who don't like self-published works. However, I personally put a lot of work into my novel (who doesn't even when it is crap) and therefore feel it deserved exposure. Of course, deciding to self-publish is a long way off right now.

As for "Ender's Game" and "Speaker for the Dead" in schools, considering what else is taught these are classics. It is amazing how honors classes teach what should be taught in average classrooms. Students should treat ALL classes as honor classes or find something else to do with their time. The demise of apprenticeship was the demise of good education for good students. Again, another tangent.

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Member # 7200

 - posted May 15, 2005 12:31 PM      Profile for TheDisgruntledPostman   Email TheDisgruntledPostman         Edit/Delete Post 
Mr.Card do you consider your books classics? Because two catorgories ive seen your books in is Sci-Fi Fiction, and Classics. Whats your opinion on you own books?
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Member # 7947

 - posted May 15, 2005 12:45 PM      Profile for Antony   Email Antony         Edit/Delete Post 
a lot of people advise against self-publishing books because you will get NO support from the papers or anything, most places will outright refuse to stock your books for this reason and you'll have to pay for every bit of promotion of your work you do...

I advise you just keep sending your stuff off to publishers and hope for the best, keep writing and getting better and better and perhaps you'll get picked up at the right time!

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Member # 3740

 - posted May 15, 2005 01:12 PM      Profile for kaioshin00   Email kaioshin00         Edit/Delete Post 
That sounds like the write way to do things
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Member # 7947

 - posted May 15, 2005 01:15 PM      Profile for Antony   Email Antony         Edit/Delete Post 
was that a deliberate pun?
*shakes head*

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Member # 5860

 - posted May 15, 2005 08:07 PM      Profile for Occasional   Email Occasional         Edit/Delete Post 
If it was about money, I would agree. At this stage since I'm not getting any money, its about seeing my book in print. I would rather (at this time) get the thing in open market for SOMEONE to read than have two year's worth of work sit on my desk gathering dust.

There are companies out there that do the printing and promotional work for you, although for a price. I think reliance on "The Market" is self-abuse. For me, its not about the money, its not about the prestige. Its about the work. As such, I will do whatever I can to get it printed; traditional or personal.

Note: As I said, however, my "traditional" options are far from over.

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Member # 7947

 - posted May 16, 2005 06:55 AM      Profile for Antony   Email Antony         Edit/Delete Post 
do as you see fit.
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