"Hi, I'm Walker. I live with my father, Labrand, and my brother, Rane. We live on Illein, an Island in the Eastern Sea. I live a farmer's life here, although I often feel as if I was meant for something more. Could I just be imagining things or is their more to life..... Oh, sorry. I trailed off for a second their didn't I. Any questions will be happily answered!" (Sighs).
Posted by akeenedesign (Member # 7816) on :
Hi Walker! Where is your mother? Doesn't she live with you, too? Are you close with Rane? Is he older or younger than you?
Posted by Collin (Member # 8522) on :
"I'm sorry for not mentioning my Mother, it's just that she's a topic that avoid most of the time. Labrand sais that she died giving birth to me. I never got to meat her. (Sigh). But the past is past and over with. As for Rane, I'd say that I am pretty close with him although we don't really have a lot in common. I know it sounds funny but it's almost as if we're not even related! Oh well, I probably sound stupid for saying that, sorry. He's two years older than me by the way, I'm 16 and he's 18. Thanks for your questions!"
Posted by mommiller (Member # 3285) on :
What kind of Island do you live on. Is it tropical, or temperate? Is it large or small enough that you can walk across it in a day or so.
What do you farm? Orchards, or grain, or just subsistance?
Do you have any friends or is it just your brother?
I guess that's enough for now, eh?
Posted by akeenedesign (Member # 7816) on :
What was your favorite story your father told you when you were little? Or your favorite story that someone else told you?
Posted by Collin (Member # 8522) on :
answer to mommiller's questions:
1. "Oh, Illein? It's pretty warm all year 'round here but, then again I've never really seen any other parts of the world so I couldn't compare it to other places. As for its size, me, Rane and a couple of others walked its whole length once. It took us the better part of two days to make it across at a good pace. We were only 13 and 15 then though. I still shiver when I remember the switching we got when we got back!" (flinches)
2. "My Dad, Labrand, deals with horses mostly. We keep them here at our farm until we bring them into town to sell. Although we do grow various crops as well. Nothing out of the ordinary however."
3. I not all that social I suppose, but my two best friends are Lorrin and Ferrim. I'm closer to them than I am to Rane in away."
Thanks for your time!
Posted by Collin (Member # 8522) on :
answer to akeenedesign's Question:
1. (Grins widely) "Well let's just say that Labrand isn't exactly the 'sit at your bedside reading stories' type. Not even when we were little that I can remember. Although I have read many stories on my own. I think my favorite is 'Traveling the Empire' by Allinen Kavear. Have you read it? No? Oh, you don't know what you're missing! I hope this answers your question! Bye!"
Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
What do you know about the world outside your little island?
Posted by Collin (Member # 8522) on :
(he looks longingly toward the horizon) "Oh, only what I've read in books, but that's quite a lot. I like to read about the world outside of my home."