I'm Nevvias. I'm a law enforcement agent with the Omni Thymmery security agency.
Since I can remember, I've always wanted to make a positive difference to people who deserve something positive in their lives. I also wanted to stay physically fit. So, I enlisted with the Canadian Forces the moment I was eligible. It wasn't the type of difference making I thought it would be, though. But, after my first term of service, I was handpicked to serve in garrison operations for the military police. Who would pass on that kind of show of faith and respect? I accepted. Good move for me, too. It opened me up to investigative work.
Two years later, we got word that the first of the interstellar colony ships was prepared to leave the Sol system. The American navy invited our military police to join their Master-at-Arms as security agents on board one of the destroyer escorts that both our governments designed and constructed. I liked my garrison operations duties, but who would pass up an opportunity like this?
I'm bound by a gag order not to reveal what happened during transit. And, why the military personnel never returned to Earth. All I'm gonna say is that wormhole travel didn't unnerve me nearly as much as it did some of my fellow MPs.
Once we selected our new home planet, I was ordered to serve as security at the new government facility. I wasn't all that satisfied with the job. It was just like babysitting kids, except the politicians throw bigger tantrums over less meaningful issues. I looked at my life, and decided I was no longer making any kind of a positive difference. I resigned from the military and tried entertainment. I was a professional wrestler for a few years. It was the most fun I've ever had. And I met a lot of fantastic people. But, I always left the tent after ever performance feeling as if the enjoyment I was giving out was nothing more than a temporary fix for people who needed permanent solutions.
I started getting depressed. I lost my direction. I probably lost my mind at some point, too. I ended up going back to law enforcement. It's so far away from what I want for myself. I guess it's just because I had a lot on my mind. Still do. Some of it I cannot talk about. My Syrrytnyn friend doesn’t deserve to have his life screwed up because of me. But, there is one thing I want you to know. I expect you to keep what I'm about to say to yourself. I've been seeing things ever since I can remember. I can't quite tell what it is. But I can see something. Blurs that pass before my eyes. It appears out of nowhere. It vanishes the same way. But, it's always in motion. And it's always mumbling something. Whatever it is, it followed me here to this planet. Or, maybe not. Maybe, whatever it is, it was already here. Waiting for me. I've been seeing the moving blurs more often than ever. I think there's more than one. I feel like I'm being watched. Why does nobody else notice this?
Have you ever spoken to anyone about your visions? What did they say?
Is your friend an alien? What does he/she look like? Is he/ she is an alien, is it common for humans and aliens to work together? Do you guys have any cultural conflicts that come up?
How did you pull yourself out of your funk, or are you still in it?
[This message has been edited by annepin (edited August 29, 2008).]
Do you have family? Family is so important. That's why I moved up to B'ham, to be with the only family I have left. You can lean on eachother - maybe they can help you out with your visions.
Hey, since you can't tell me what you can't tell me with that gag order there, can you tell me what happens if you do tell me? I'm not a fan of gossip, but, this has scandal written all over it, and on that high up a level, what can I say, I'm just a girl at heart, so spill if you can... but not if you're gonna, like, be taken out back and given a talking to by someone's fist. I wouldn't want you gettin hurt cos of me.
Aww crap, I gotta go. Shift starts at the Gap in twenty. Hey, Nevvias, take it easy with those visions. You have to find someone to help you. I could give you Sheila Marksberry's number. She's the shrink who dabbles with the supernatural.
I appreciate you taking the time to contact me. Hope you don't mind this brief response to your questions. I just got back from a field assignment, and we're in the middle of gearing up for another.
What's your living situation like? What did you eat for breakfast?
You need to understand that the government of the continent I serve in does not wish to overdevelop this planet. I won't bore either one of us with the political or the ecological reasons. Each district is permitted a number permanent physical structures, depending on its square kilometer measurements. Everyone else lives in a tent, or some sort of structure that was created from the environment. Usually, they're wood framed houses with walls made from sod or animal hide. In districts where the forest-to-open ground ratio is greater, the residents are allowed to make entire houses out of wood. Everything that is built is under strict guidelines that are in tune with the natural order of the planet. Most of the time, I am in the 'field', so I usually sleep in a tent. I like that it's outdoors, on an actual planet. You have to remember that I lived on a space ship for many years.
There is plenty of livestock and other edible animals. They tell me the rivers are overflowing with fish-like creatures that are delicious when grilled on an open flame. Still, because we were in space for years, we dined on synthesized protein. They still manufacture the stuff, and my security agency still gives it to us as part of our mission rations. I actually like it. Good thing about being in a well funded security agency is that we get fresh meat several times a week when we're back at headquarters. Grain products are in large supply too, and some of the bread they make out of the local grains is actually better than what I ate back on Earth.
The primary continent on the other side of the planet is a different story. They're building structures all over the place. They've got a lot done in ten years. It kind of reminds me of certain parts of Ontario. I'd still rather live where I'm at, though.
Is your friend an alien? What does he/she look like? Is he/ she is an alien, is it common for humans and aliens to work together? Do you guys have any cultural conflicts that come up?
Yes, my friend is from the planet Syrrytnys, in a solar system a little over two light years from the system we now call home. His name is Vvh Schreuminnonn. I call him Shreum for short. He doesn't mind. He says is a fair exchange for the fact that his inability to pronounce my name results in him calling me Nevv.
An average height for a Syrrytnyn is three and a half feet fall. They're very fragile creatures, but they have high capacity thinking. They're covered with fur, kind of the same length as on a Newfoundland dog. It's different colors, depending on what part of Syrrytnys their line evolved from. They've only got three fingers and one thumb per hand, which is why they use the base eight number system. They've also got six eyes. Two of them can see a very limited range of the visible light spectrum, but the other four can see what Shreum describes as a being's 'life energy light.' I think he's talking about being able to see a person's electrolytes. I don't pretend I understand how it works.
My people and the Syrrytnyns have gotten along well in the ten years we've known them. Many of their government officials speak Japanese very well. English is another story. We've even learned three of their main languages. Their primary language, Vrieb, is now being taught in our schools. The Syrrytnyns taught us how to multiply the efficiency of our solar energy techniques. We're integrating some of our stealth technologies into their space frigates. They gave us detailed maps of this region of the galaxy. We introduced them to the game of basketball. Now, it's their national sport.
Again, I'm under a gag order not to reveal too much with those still on Earth. But, you have to understand that Syrrytnyns are scientifically much more advanced than we are. I also found out they used to travel great distances in this arm of the galaxy. Nobody will tell me why they stopped. Not even Shreum will talk about it. But, I found out they've disassembled all their advanced space technology. Now, when they want to visit our system, they have to get an escort from one of our naval destroyers because their frigates can no longer open their own travel wormholes. I don't pretend to understand why they let themselves devolve this way.
Have you ever spoken to anyone about your visions? What did they say?
Shreum listens to me whenever my sightings become too much for me to keep concealed. I did tell my high school psychiatrist years ago. She suggested that I go through a series of vision tests. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with my eyesight. I already knew that. Somehow, that high school report made its way to the Canadian Forces, and a few of my superiors sent me to a military shrink. I was convinced they were going to kick me out of the service, so I told the shrink that what I claimed in high school was just my way of getting attention. He bought it. That mark was removed from my permanent record. Now, I don't really talk about it at all. Except, to Shreum. He's really patient that way. He says there's an answer, and that he'll help me find it. But, I'm not sure how anyone who can see a living being's electrolytes, or whatever the hell Shreum is able to see, claims there's nothing there.
How did you pull yourself out of your funk, or are you still in it?
I'm fine. I appreciate you asking. I've got way too much on my mind and in my life right now to worry about my own unhappiness. Again, I cannot tell you much of anything. And it's gone beyond just trying to protect Shrewm. Some things have happened since the last time anyone on Earth has heard from me. I'd like to believe this will give me the satisfaction of making a positive difference for somebody.
It's about time for me to get ready for my next field assignment. This one shouldn't take long at all. I see I got a message from Emily. I will contact her when I come back. Thank you again, Annepin, for getting in touch with me.
PS...what branch of the military did you serve?
'Evening, Emily. Lots has happened since you contacted me. I’m now with a startup security agency, called Raddashaw Peak. They put us to work in the field the first day we opened for business. That’s the law enforcement assignment I just got back from. Took longer than it should have. I was actually off-planet for a while. Sort of. Didn't mean to leave you hanging. Crank had to remind me you were waiting for a response. He jokes about me being so tunnel-visioned towards my work that I don't remember to pay attention to the important things in life. He might be right. But, something in the Unassigned Territories is running crooked, and it’s spreading to the adjacent prefectures. That always means somebody is running crooked against established Law. I need to pay attention. Crank understands that. Hope you do, too.
So, are you guys kinda a Blackwater group thing? It sounds like your world is full of countries at peacetime. Why need for the Security Agencies? Who is the anticipated threat? Is Omni privately owned?
Back on Earth, law enforcement duties were the responsibility of the local or provincial governments. Here, each prefecture hires a private security agency company to perform basic citizen protection and detective work. The prefecture government still pays for it. Which means the citizens still pay for it. But, the government doesn't have to deal with furnishing the equipment or deal with recruitment and training issues. The security agencies themselves do all of that. The government just pays the quarterly bill. This frees them up to waste time on other issues.
I cannot discuss much beyond that. Internal security issues.
Do you have family? Family is so important.
So right. I was an only child, and my mom left for some other man when I was eleven, but my dad and I have always been close. He also served in the Canadian Forces, so he completely supported my decision to join the military. Shreum said my choice to join the military was made at a subconscious level to please my father. He might be right. I believe I would have joined anyway. I don't see myself working a desk job.
What everyone must understand is that there can be family-type relationships without the biological connections. I considered my former garrison operations unit as a type of family. The group I work with now is more like a dysfunctional family, but I still honor them the same way.
Right now, we have no contact with Earth. My military superiors told me not to ask why. I believe it's because we're over two hundred light years away, and nobody in the military wants to admit they don't know how to open a communications wormhole that will go all the way to Earth. Somebody said our blackout was because of some political reason. Maybe it’s because those in command back on Earth want us to be a 'colony,' but those in command here want us to be our own entity. All I know is that I haven't talked to my dad in way too long.
Hey, since you can't tell me what you can't tell me with that gag order there, can you tell me what happens if you do tell me?
I appreciate your concern for my security. People in my chosen profession don't often get thoughts of concern from citizens. I'm not sure what would happen if I were to tell you some of the things I know. This is the first time I've thought about it. To me, it's a non-existent issue. I've been ordered not to talk. I'm not gonna talk. There's nothing more to it.
I could give you Sheila Marksberry's number. She's the shrink who dabbles with the supernatural.
Some people think the supernatural is simply events that take place in a realm or a reality we cannot perceive. I’ve always liked that definition. I’ve got reason to believe it’s true. Especially after this past assignment. But I cannot say anything else about it. At least, not right now. But, definitely send me her number when you have some free time. I’d pay some to hear what she has to say.
Again, Emily, I apologize for not responding sooner. Gaps in communication have caused many a statistically superior military campaign to fail. It can also cause mistrust and dissatisfaction amongst the tightest of allies. Hope my horrible response time doesn’t diminish the interest and concern you no doubt felt when you first contacted me.