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Posted by drake the thall (Member # 8042) on July 28, 2009 10:44 AM:
I was just thinking... you know those annoying jokes about lightbulbs? how many hatrackers would it take to screw one in?
Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on July 28, 2009 10:51 AM:
It can't be done. We'd all be too busy talking about the best technique to actually get to it.

That is to say, can't be done by us. I'm sure somewhere in the midst of the debate KDW would quietly change them out, and after the light came on we'd still be arguing about it and hardly notice.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on July 28, 2009 11:05 AM:
Been there, done that:

Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on July 28, 2009 12:46 PM:
Aieee I got caught in a dupe thread!
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on July 28, 2009 02:43 PM:
I never understood the strange proliferation of bootlicking type comments like that that seem to persist here.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on July 28, 2009 10:57 PM:
And that's why we love you so much, Zero.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on July 29, 2009 05:19 AM:

i was waiting for some one to bring this back up.

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on July 29, 2009 07:54 AM:
PS: sorry I had to go to pt and could not compleat my thought.

Dose anyone know what happened to Survivor? I haven’t seen him in a long time.



Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on July 29, 2009 06:20 PM:
Apparently he didn't survive,
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on July 29, 2009 07:18 PM:
I suspect he got bored with telling people the same things over and over again and left.

I miss him, too.

Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on July 29, 2009 10:41 PM:
With Survivor I like to think of his disappearance like the end of Good Will Hunting. I like to think he disappeared because he is out there doing big things in the world. That guy just had this way of telling you you were an idiot and it made you feel important somehow.

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