I always wanted my personal web site to change it's appearance every day, so, during the times I found myself in a writing rut, I created a new banner (and style sheet to go with it). At first, I created the banners graphically, but quickly changed to using samples from my photo collection...and, later, from my daughter's much better collection.
I invite you to take a look at some of my works. The voting page is here:
If enough people participate, I will not repost the Dice War link.
Thanx in advance!
(I don't take it with me---I define the "it all" in "getting away from it all" as including computers, word processors, and online stuff. I take a typewriter with me, but usually don't do any writing with that, and a laptop is right out!)
My writing has been a bit stalled for a while here, but it's not due to any self-imposed distraction, more things out of my control - personal injury, someone close in hospital, a teething baby and so on. I'm hoping to see all this peter out in the next few weeks and hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things. Still making time to read though, and that's a type of writing exercise in itself
2 new super dollfie arrived off of YJauctions the other day.
Been busy. Even after the dolls turned up, I did manage to write a page of mostly useful stuff that helped me solidify some world-building brainstorm I'd had going on...
But, there is some hope. I am a high school English/Drama teacher, and I just got assigned to teach a couple creative writing classes next year, so maybe that will force me to take time out of a very busy schedule to write again.
The business that I had been trying to get on its feet has recently become of interest to other clients! who knew? 8)
So, I am prepping for my next client. I am completely over my head in Lean Six Sigma business processes for instrument commercialization and have written a couple of industry white papers. Not nearly as much fun as Hatrack or Liberty Hall challenges. I have been managing to work on my novel outline(getting a head start on MidSommerMadness) and have even written most of a chapter, the fun one where the MC is thrust into the alternate world. YooHoo.
I look forward to the 'feedback'.