well, just got home from church prom, and boy, was it a blast! the theme was Music of the Night, which gave me a chance to bust out my Phantom mask. (if you want pictures, e-mail me.)
one of the best nights of my life.
Posted by AmieeRock (Member # 8393) on :
I'm really glad you had a blast. It serves you right to have a good time!!
There. Now your posting doesn't have a zero in the response box. I always feel bad for the postings that get zeros. No offense, zero.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Did you open a church of Selfishism behind my back?
I'll show you. I'll open a New Selfishism Reformation church.
Posted by AmieeRock (Member # 8393) on :
I wonder what a selfishism prom would be like.....
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Amiee, you are obviously not among the converted. A selfishness prom would be all about me, and it wouldn't be called a seflishness prom it would be called a satate prom.
The Book of Sa 8:493485 To be converted one must look inside oneself, and then glory at their own magnificence without ceasing.
Posted by Andromoidus (Member # 8514) on :
Snapper, I appologize, but you are either expanding or contracting. there is no middle ground. as the founder, I reserve all rights pertaining to the starting of churches.
and satate, that is way too many verses.
but that is neither here nor there in this thread, for I was talking about my LDS prom.
Book of the Founder 6:66 those who doeth unto others as they would do unto themeselves are not practicing pure selfishism, for only they can be elevated to the same plane of magnificence as themeselves.
Book of the Founder 3:21 and the FOunder did look down upon the chaos in the forumns, and did see that it was good. however, the founder did think to himself, "I can do better" and proceeded to do so.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Book of the Founder 4:32 The church shall be founded by two or more witnesses. For Snapper will not be mocked
Posted by AmieeRock (Member # 8393) on :
You are right, satate, I'm not truly converted. I'll have to work on that.
When it suits ME.
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Now you're getting close Aimee.
Posted by JohnMac (Member # 8472) on :
Book of the Founder 10
1 And so shall you say, think, and understand to be of this church. My church shall be named: The Church of Me.
2 For there shall be no other before Me and none after. All things are of Me and my creation. By Me and my will. And for Me and my edification and enjoyment.
3 Me is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. That which was, is, and ever shall be.
4 There is no way through for a You, there is only Me. Me is supreme and that is final. Thus saith the Church, the Lord of Lords, and the God of this World.
5 There is no shame in Me, only in You, for not being Me.
(How else is a church going to appeal to the selfish if it doesn't cater so blatantly to each as the most important?)
Posted by Andromoidus (Member # 8514) on :
get your own name for a book! thats mine!
Posted by JohnMac (Member # 8472) on :
I saw it as a collaborative effort. *shrugs* No offense meant, didn't mean to step on any toes.
Posted by Andromoidus (Member # 8514) on :
it is ok, Disciple John. I thank thee for that insight, though I found it quite selfless. this is rather dissapointing.
I am merely being selfish.
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Book of Sa 9:98709872345234509870987 - Selfishness is next to awesomeness.
[This message has been edited by satate (edited March 23, 2009).]
Posted by Andromoidus (Member # 8514) on :
WAY too many verses, there, satate. are you trying to outdo us in your verse numbers? how selfish of you.
I approve.
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
I hope it comes as an ebook, or that you have another planet to denude when it comes to being printed.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Is a church prom an LDS event, or does it occur in other religious, too?
Posted by Andromoidus (Member # 8514) on :
its LDS.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Maybe I'm just used to seeing "Prom" written capitalized because I keep seeing this topic at a glance and reading it (completely unintentionally) as "Church porn" which just seems odd to me.
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
That's what I keep seeing too--I do a double take every time I come here.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
[quote/Is a church prom an LDS event, or does it occur in other religious, too? [/quote]
When I first saw this, I read LSD, which gave the event and its religious application a whole new meaning.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
I've been seeing what Zero and Unwritten have been seeing.
...Vwat jhould vwe zhink of zhat?
Posted by JohnMac (Member # 8472) on :
Spock did too much LSD according to Kirk in Star Trek IV....
Posted by JohnMac (Member # 8472) on :
But Kirk flubbed calling it LDS.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
Sorry all you LDS out there, I'm pretty sure Vulcans are Jewish considering how they greet each other. The "V" is a Jewish symbol given by a specific type of rabbi.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
How can they be? They're not kosher...
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Nor are most Jews these days. At least, all of my Jewish friends are not Kosher, except for one.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
Have you ever watched Seinfeld?
Posted by JohnMac (Member # 8472) on :
Book of Me, Myself, and I Chapter 4
1 Harken oh ye wicked and selfless ones for the day of reckoning as nigh!
2 I have, in my greatness, winnowed the weak from the strong as the chaff from the wheat. Now behold my greatness, be enlightened, and rejoice in me, who is perfect.
3) I have distracted you with your own vices and steered you away from that which was once the topic of this thread. Namely: The Church of Me.
4) In this distraction I shine in my glory, for I have hijacked this topic and now it is you who are focused on that which is other than me - or to say, that which is you since the me that is you is you and the you that is me is me which that me is my focus and requires all of not only my own attentions but now yours as well because of my greatness.