Well it happens to the best of us, "people who drink too much" I got alcohol poisoning last saterday from drinking Absinthe. acording to my friend who was drinking with me i had about 6 to 7 shots of Absinthe. i remember wakeing up in the ambulience in route to Ft. Bliss Tx. I have been told that my BAL was above 1.00. i am just lucky that i am still alive. i now know how much i can drink and am never going to drink Absinthe again. and if you are wondering what it tasts like imagen jagermeister but much stronger. RFW2nd
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
I recommend that you stay away from wood alcohol and rubbing alcohol, too, RFWII.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
One can drink rubbing alchol. i did not know that, but i dont want to try it the smell of it is anoying to my nose.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
No, you cannot not drink rubbing alcohol, RFWII. That's why KDW warned that you shouldn't. I recommend you also stay away from brake fluid, ammonia, keyboard cleaner spray, helium ballons, and canned whipping cream.
You don't need to beat last weeks high and please remember that drinking is not a sport.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
Drinking is to a sport.
A spectator sport.
i hate the tast of brake fluid (changed many times on our humvees in AFG) ammonia is too strong smelling, why would i even think to huff caned air, MUMMMM Helium Mummmm, i dont realy like caned wipping cream it dosent tast the same as the regular to me.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
quote:Drinking is to a sport. A spectator sport.
It is? What was the prize you won again the other night? Can you earn a sponsorship?
Okay, buddy. I am relieved that you don't see the signaficance of those items BUT Helium is not good for the brain. The reason why your voice gets high like that is because the oxygen is removed from your vocal cords. That is also the reason why you get buzzed when you inhale. Although the rush may feel neat, brains don't like going without oxygen. They go on strike if you do it too much, when that happens a whole side of your body becomes permanetly (as in irrevisible) paralized.
That reminds me of kid I used to work with a few yaers back. He was hooked on steriods. He liked the way he looked and would keep trying different types of muscle increasing substances. I would give him hell and would always tell him that steriods enlarge hearts (it is a muscle). One day he told me of a new thing that wasn't steriod and worked wonders. Insulin. I was floored. The idiot had no idea what danger he was putting himself into. Taking insulin, when your not a diabetic, turns you into a diabetic.
Watch the drinking, pal. It won't help your writing.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Usually it's the wormwood in the absinthe you have to worry about, though it is high in alcohol content, too.
(I was a little surprised, when I checked Wikipedia-via-Google, that the USA ban on it had been lifted. I hadn't heard...will have to look into whether anyone 'round here sells it---just to satisfy my curiosity, 'cause I'm no drinker.)
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Careful with the double-negative there, snapper. Unless you mean you can't avoid drinking rubibng alcohol, in which case god help us all! (haha)
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
quote:I have been told that my BAL was above 1.00. i am just lucky that i am still alive.
Doesn't that ratio mean you are dead, and you have a new world record?
[This message has been edited by Zero (edited January 20, 2009).]
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I mean, isn't 0.4 considered fatally dangerous?
[This message has been edited by Zero (edited January 20, 2009).]
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
Good eye, Zero. I believe 1.00 would mean you've been embalmed.
Posted by KStar (Member # 4968) on :
From what I understand, a very heavy drinker would be at blacking out level at a .9 and it could definitely be lethal. I'm assuming he drinks quite a bit, so a 1.0 seems about right to send him to the hospital with alcohol poisoning. 0.4 would be fatal for a normal/light drinker. While people who drink often can get into the .7's before they are even passing out.
I used to help out at a rehab and this is my understanding from what I learned there, I am no authority on the subject.
And Absinthe is scary stuff. I've never had it, but I've driven a couple of people to the hospital after they drank it.
[This message has been edited by KStar (edited January 21, 2009).]
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
I stand corrected. The BAR is represented by units per 1000. The survival record is about 1.50, but I believe that person ended up on permanent dialysis.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Yeah that ratio is on a weird scale. What is it grams per 10 mils or something?
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I've heard all rubbing alcohols are denatured, meaning they were made unappealing as drinks. Depending on the mixture, rubbing alcohol when consumed can cause vomiting, blindness, or death.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Probably as a result of being methanol instead of ethanol
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
I dont see the need for roids. i get plenty of PT through out the day at work. just benifits of the army. With me once we got back from AFG i did CCC's a few times. it was like being at the Epcot Center on acid, and had a wonderfull time on it, but after trippin more than 5 times i started freeking out on the way back down. never again will i do CCC's, but once i get out of the Army in 1 year 14 days i will be shrooming.
also i have been digonsed (i think i spelled that wrong) with arthritis in my lower back, both hips and both knees. i find it funny in a way due to the fact that i am at the ripe old age of 22ish (my birth day is some time this month but i dont remember the date due to the fact that i dont celibrate it) but apperently arthritis runs in the family. I Will not let it put a clamp on my plains of WORLD DOMINATION.... lol or moving to middle of nowere canada.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I strongly advise against shrooms. Weed is one thing but shrooms is something completely different--like a beast from another dimension. Don't tangle with it.
[This message has been edited by Zero (edited January 26, 2009).]
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
i love shrooming, i am not going to lie i have done it many times, and loved it. and i REALY, REALY, REALY love weed. if i could smoke it and not get cought i would be but i do not want to jeperdise the rest of my Army term.
[This message has been edited by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (edited January 26, 2009).]