quote:"But the stories must be strong and realistic, with believable people (who needn't be human) doing believable things–no matter how fantastic the background might be." – Analog SF submission guidelines
Yes, my friends, the title of this challenge is a pun (I couldn't help myself).
The task is to write a story where the POV character is not a human being. Be it holy angel or hot alien, house pet or house plant--as long as the character is not Homo sapiens consider the challenge criterion met. That being said, the less humanoid your character, the better you may fare in the judging. Hopefully this will prove to be a delightful departure rather than a *brutal undertaking*.
This will be an anonymous challenge with rules very much like those of the contest snapper facilitated this fall. All entries are to be sent to me at: laura.lee.ford@hotmail.ca.
Deadline for entries: 31 January 2011
One entry per author.
Word count: 1- 2500 words.
I will assign each story a number and post the first 13's in the ENTRIES thread as soon as a few enties come in. Please do not post anything in the ENTRIES thread until judging is complete.
Round 1: First 13's - Each author is to pick their 1st and 2nd favourite opening and send their votes to me - 2 points to each 1st place vote, 1 point to each second place vote - No critiques required for this round - Deadline for this vote: 7 February 2011
Round 2: Full story - After Round 1 judging is complete I will email full stories out to entrants - Read and provide a brief critique for each story. Choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite. Send critiques and votes to me. - When judging please take not-human-ness of the POV character into account - 5 points to each 1st place vote, 4 points for 2nd place vote, 3 points for 3rd. - Deadline for this vote: 28 February 2011, but the sooner the better!
If there are a large number of entries I will split Round 2 voting into groups to keep the reading/critiquing load manageable. If that happens there will be a final vote between the top stories in each group.
As usual any entrant who doesn't vote and critique will be disqualified.
To maintain anonymity please do not post your story in F&F. This will also disqualify you.
Any questions? Feel free to post them in this thread.
[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited December 21, 2010).]
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
No one has taken this challenge but I just recalled I have a inhuman story. It's about an angel. Rather short and I have revised it twice...maybe thrice. I keep forgetting about it though.
A nice Christmas story I wrote three months or so ago.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Just caught this challenge. A question or two...
Must the POV be consistently non-human? Can there be more than one POV? Can the plot be centered around the non-human part of the story with a perspective or two done from a person?
Is there a definition on 'human'? Such as the MC was human once and is now partially or totally something else?
A lot of time to think of something for this challenge....
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on :
Oops, sorry. I am definitely interested in taking up the gauntlet on this one. I have a couple of unused muscles I could flex to work on it.
Count me in.
Posted by DRaney on :
I guess I could use a marker for what is considered 'human' as well, (snapper). Also, is this open to SF and Fantasy? I am definitely interested is joining this group.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
@Snapper: If you can work more than one POV into the story and some of them are human, no problem. I haven't included a definition of what constitutes "human" vs "non-human" because that is very tricky to define! In fact, exploring that question is the meat of many existing and potential stories.
If your character was once a human and has since become a ghost, vampire, AI, or whatever else you can think of, I believe such a story would work for this challenge. However, I imagine the more substantial the differences (mental and emotional, not just physical) between our POV characters and humans, the more we might push ourselves by the exercise.
@PB&Jenny: Awesome. Glad to have you aboard!
@DRaney: Glad to hear you're interested in entering. There are no genre restrictions. Speculate it up!
[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited December 28, 2010).]
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I think that makes five of us now. So that might be a good number for a challenge.
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Don't forget. I'll be submitting as Smiley from now on.
signed, the writer previously known as PB&Jenny
[This message has been edited by Smiley (edited January 18, 2011).]
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
Dang, I wish I'd seen this earlier.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Not too late, Ute. A good week plus yet and Ether may be willing to extend it if you need a little bit of time.
How is it coming along Eth? Any entries? I have one I could subit but have another idea I am toying wirh.
Posted by DRaney on :
I would not object to an extendomatic if it would allow Utahute72 time to submit...fyi.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Hey All
The first couple of entries are up in the entries thread!
Utahute72, the more the merrier, right? So let me know if you need a little more time as we approach the deadline.
Hey Snapper, love it if you'd join the fun.
Thanks for the fyi DRaney.
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
So I should be sending you the first 13 of my story to you, right, Etherion? I'll get that out to you right away. Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I thought we were to send the whole thing and Ethereon would post just the first 13 lines for the first judging,
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Yes LD, please send me your whole story, and I will post the first 13. Smiley did send me his first 13(ish), but assures me the rest is on its way shortly Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Oops, guess I got that wrong. Yup, I'll be sending you the whole thing this weekend. Busy with my visiting in-laws for the next three days. Fun! Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Are people sending in their votes?
Or should we wait and see if there are anymore openings added on.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Not quite yet, LD. The deadline for entry is 31 Jan, so who knows, there may be more entries.
Also, if we get to the deadline and someone (Utahute?) is not quite finished, we might extend the deadline if everyone seems amenable to that.
So, Utahute and anyone else, if you are still interested in entering please shoot me an email!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay...fine with me.
I just wanted to make sure especially since some around seem to like to jump the gun.
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
You have mail Ethereon.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
You're in Ute? Great! I wonder which one of the first seven will be yours.
[This message has been edited by snapper (edited January 30, 2011).]
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Got your email Ute. Ah yes, you raise a good point snapper. Whether Utahute will enjoy anonymity depends entirely on whether there are any other last minute entries. We'll see what tomorrow brings I suppose.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Not to worry. This is just a friendly competition. After all you only promised $4000 for the winning the entry. The really value is the priceless feedback from this exersize.
[This message has been edited by snapper (edited January 31, 2011).]
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Wait, what? Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Ha! Don't we all wish eh?
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Thank you for your entries everyone! Now it's time to vote!
Send your 1st and 2nd place votes for first 13 to me via email. Please note, entry 7 is no longer in the running.
Also, there is no need to provide comments at this stage.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Hey, I vote mine for number one.
At least I know how many votes I get,
Seriously, if we don't vote for ours and number seven is out already than we have seven to choose from. Not too bad.
Hmm, I may have misspoke about it being not too bad. I have three tied for number one. Go back and reread,
[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited February 02, 2011).]
Posted by DRaney on :
Good 13's! I am amazed at the endless variety of story ideas that come out of this group. Looking forward to the full read phase! Peace.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I agree, they were all very strong openings. So not to dwell on them, I chose the first two that hit me. If I really did a full analysis I would be still mulling over which ones to pick.
[This message has been edited by snapper (edited February 03, 2011).]
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
As I hinted at before I have the same sentiment as snapper. Except there were one or two that were easy to reject for One. But than Two was almost as hard to choose.
A Three or Four place would have made it slightly easier.
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
I liked them all, was able to narrow it down to 5, then the one getting DQ'd got me down to four. From there is was just a matter of personal appeal as to what the story portended. But it looks like a good group to read anyway.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Just one more person yet to vote, then full stories will go out!
The combined length of all 8 is ~12 500 words. I'd like to send it out to everyone rather than split into two groups. Sound good?
Posted by DRaney on :
Sounds good to me, all 8...
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Sounds good to me too.
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
If the stories are as good as the first 13s I probably won't be able to put them down until I'm done.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I agree, one bunch. I look forward to them all.
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
I'm game. Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Round one voting is complete! Many stories received votes, but Entry 9 has the lead with 5 points. Nice job
On to round two: a document containing all 8 stories should be in your respective inboxes. Please let me know if you didn't receive it, if you have trouble openning it, or if there's any problem with your story.
Send your critiques and votes for your 3 favourites to me via email, and I will start posting the comments when I have received a number of them.
Happy reading!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
the other day when an old story of mine came to mind (that happens at times) and I realized I had another story about a pair of Inhumans, a bit more exciting and provocative than the one I sent in, but I believe it's too long anyway.
The one I didn't send in was inspired by an ad I saw while standing in a grocery line. It was a phrase used by a certain company for a few months.
[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited February 09, 2011).]
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Hey LD, I'm glad the challenge has gotten you thinking of lots of "inhuman" storylines.
Since this is ideally an anonymous contest, could you send comments on stories to me rather than posting them? That way it won't be quite as easy to guess who wrote what.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Oops, I forgot that detail even though it's probably too late, most people have read it I will delete the comment: I didn't mean it was bad
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
No worries, just a reminder.
Posted by DRaney on :
Read'em all... pretty darn cool stuff. On to the crit'n...
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
I missed entering this one, but I’m interested in reading the entries. Is that allowed?
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Hi Josephine. When the challenge is finished I will reveal who wrote what with the results. Then you could contact the authors of the stories you're intrigued by and ask about having a read. Perhaps they would be interested in getting a critique from you on their second draft, or in doing an exchange.
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
Cool. When is the big reveal?
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Oh let her read them, Etherton. I see no harm and I'm tickled pink she would want too. Hell, I'd let her vote if she wanted too.
I've read only a few but I am impressed and entertained so far. This may be the best collection a challenge has produced yet.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Yeah, I wouldn't mind personally either, snapper, but I wouldn't want to send out an author's work without their permission, that's all. If other people let me know they don't mind, then I can send the story package to Josephine.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
quote: Yeah, I wouldn't mind personally either, snapper, but I wouldn't want to send out an author's work without their permission, that's all. If other people let me know they don't mind, then I can send the story package to Josephine.
Not sure if you mean this way or E-mail but I wouldn't mind her reading it and critting.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I can't imagine why anyone would have a problem. Hatrack is a writers workshop. We seek feedback for our unpublished stuff so it can be published. Unless JK is a thief I see no harm at all. This is your contest though. I can understand your hesitation but I think you are worrying about nothing. I am reasonably confident, based on who regularly participates in these competitions, that all teh authors would love for JK to have a look.
[This message has been edited by snapper (edited February 12, 2011).]
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
I wholly support Ethereon's point of view on this one, simply out of principle: copyright rests with the author, and distributing stories outside the stated critique group (which, if people enter these challenges, is stated as the other participants) would risk being a breach of trust. The suggestion of sharing the stories by email after the challenge is complete sounds fairest and, unless I'm mistaken, that's probably just a couple of days away.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Comments posted in the entries thread now!
Only 4 people yet to vote and 5 people yet to critique.
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
I fully accept said principle. The respect for other’s work and the carefully guarded copyrights are a big part of why I like it here. Far be it from me to infringe on that, even inadvertently. If you wouldn’t mind me reading your work, would you please (pretty please) e-mail it to me once the contest has concluded?
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Oh we can send in the votes separate from the crits? I was waiting to to finish the crits.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Ideally not, LD. Please send your votes and crits together if possible
[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited February 14, 2011).]
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay dokey. Both at once.
Posted by DRaney on :
Excellent stories all... tough to crit these guys though. Well written and tight.
Josephine, I for one would likely take you up on your offer.
Looking forward to seeing the results. dr
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I would like to take you up as well JK, and prefer to have the entire bulk sent to you as we received it. I think reading them without knowing who wrote what adds to the experience. If teh entire group cannot agree than I will send mine independently.
Posted by DRaney on :
I'm wit snappah...
also... I thought the first 13 of entry 7 was cool... would like to see that one in full.
[This message has been edited by DRaney (edited February 15, 2011).]
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Yeah, I'll send Josephine the full package in the next day or two, minus the stories of anyone who hasn't let me know they're okay with that. Unfortunately there is no full story for entry 7, DRaney, sorry to dissapoint.
Only two people yet to vote!
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
I have no problem with her reading mine.
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
You guys are awesome. Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
quote: Only two people yet to vote!
Oops, I seem to one of those two. The date got away from me. But I may not help much. One person said the stories are hard to crit, because how good most are. But I am finding its easy because there's not much I can say even after rereading the stories a time or two.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
In the event of a tie, may I suggest we have the all-to-willing-to-read-our-stuff JK decide the winner. We have 4 grand at stake after all, or were we playing for just pride? I am having trouble determining which is more valuable...
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Either way is good for me. And I have no problem with Josephine reading my story. It would be cool.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Hey everyone, results are posted in the entries thread!
JK, I've sent you the almost-complete story package, so if you want to read them as anonymous entries, don't look!
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
Yay! I've got 'em. I'll get back to you soon. <happily heads off to munch on yummy new stories> Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
BTW, I really loved reading these! They were every bit as good as they promised from the intros. I sent my crits to Ethereon since I didn't know who each story belonged to. Best of luck with getting them published.
Thanks again! -Jo
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
As I think I have stated already I would like to do this challenge again. The other story I wrote with inhumans is probably too long for this challenge if we made it the same length but I recalled an idea I had months ago. There's another story I wrote that needed some help and someone on another site discussed what was missing. During that discussion I came up with an idea for the same type of story but with a different POV. I didn't want to change that story but I still like the idea.
I said all that to say that I'm thinking that I will write that tale when I'm done revising the story I'm doing now and at least as of right now it will be a shorter story.
So anyone else want to do it again?
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Personally, I feel that coming into these challenges with premade stuff kind of smells like cheating, since most if not all of the other contestants who enter are writing new works from scratch. Why not post your story in Fragments & Feedback and ask if folks are interested in critiquing the whole thing? Or post it on Critters or somewhere similar? You might get the feedback a whole lot quicker, too?
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
BenM I could do that and probably will but I also thought it would be more fun to do it this way. If No one agrees with me they just have to say no or nothing. No big deal...not even a small one.
But I'll be writing it soon, hopefully starting by next weekend, I have the beginning in mind even though it involves the MC waking up. Yeah, I know but it fits this MC well not sure how else to do it.
But anyway, if anyone else agreed with me it would most probably be before I started the writing so it would be written during the time length of the new challenge. But in either case this might be my Q3 entry but I don't know if they like this type of story. Sort of, kind of quirky fantasy
[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited March 11, 2011).]