[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited June 20, 2008).]
The only thing that caught my attention is the phrase, threw the sashes...wide. It might be fine, but I haven't heard that before.
1. The first sentence could, or probably should, be broken in to two pieces. Day breaks, Elyria relaxes. Another night without anyone dying. As the sentence currently stands, it's slightly too complex for easy comprehension - or at least, you could smooth out the meaning by breaking it into two pieces. I had to reread it a couple times to fully grasp what was going on, though I admittedly tend to blow through things pretty quickly and will on occasion miss things due to speed.
2. Shouldn't it be Allywn Keep, rather than The Allywn Keep? I'll defer to those with more knowlege on the subject, but I thought that The wasn't necessary.
3. I seem to be off on this lately, so maybe IB can correct me, but are there POV issues going on? We start in Elyria's POV, then move to a wide angle camera shot of the whole complex, back down to Elyria, but not before the narrator tells us about the occupants of the Tower of the Were.
4. Wouldn't the information about the traditional thirteen true Were be included in the first chapter? Seems like pertinent information. I can't really speak to this too closely since I haven't read the whole thing, so it's more of a comment than an actual criticism.
Still, pretty good. I'd keep reading.
Jayson Merryfield
I see that SWMBO trimmed of 'wide'; she must not have heard it either
I think you're right, Jayson. I'm just a major airhead when it comes to keeping the POV tight. the info about who is in the tower becomes pertinent a couple graphs down, so it definitely should get moved to where it's needed. That was really good point, and I thank you. Gonna take a chapter or two off my hands?
Jayson Merryfield
[This message has been edited by debhoag (edited June 21, 2008).]
I would suggest breaking the first sentence in two, similar to what Wolfe_boy suggested. It just read awkard to me.
I try to stay away from to many "was" sentences, especially in a row sometimes can read like the dreaded info-dump. For some reason I got confused here. It began with the second sentence. If I am reading this correctly The ancient Allywn Keep(also the the great stone village) has the Tower of the Were jutting up from it, right? The fortress-like enclosure of the Keep, did this refer to the entire Allywn Keep(stone village) or just the tower portion. I always understood a "Keep" to be a fortress-like in itself. I don't know if this helps but I fooled with it:
The Tower of the Were jutted up like a granite fist from one corner of the ancient Allywn Keep. The fortress-like enclosure perched atop a dark crag overlooking the deep blue waters of Morai Firth.
I might also suggest, instead of saying one corner, picking a corner, sw corner, nw, it just gives more of a detailed picuture with out the reader wondering which corner.
While everyone in the Keep was kin of some sort, only the traditional thirteen true Were - and Elyria, the Keeper - resided in the ancient tower.
The Were tended toward the night, and mornings belonged to Elyria alone.
sashes-Sashes, are the windows themselves, the panes and wood grids that hold the glass. Shutters are the wodden doors for the windows. So I think you would want to use shutters.
I hope this helps.
Edited for some typos, I am sure missed more.
[This message has been edited by Tiergan (edited June 22, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by Tiergan (edited June 22, 2008).]
Sashes-I just realized that in that time period, someone could throw the sashes open or wide, as windows(sashes) swung open like a pair of doors back then. But if they didnt have glass, I would stick to the shutters.
When the moon began to set in the pale morning light,(nice setting/intro) without [word of] any[one] (Bodies can be dragged off into the woods. It might be a while before they were missed, and for word to get back to her... As worded, I'm again wondering if she isn't clairavoyant or something, like in the 1st chapter's p.o.v. attribution.) [del:innocents. (It would be o.k. then, if others were slaughtered/maimed; I.E., tax collectors? lawyers?politicians/noblemen?)] under protection of the Church being maimed or slaughtered, Elyria began to relax. [Del:The] Allywn Keep was an ancient one, with the Tower of the Were jutting up like a [gray]granite fist in [Del ne, specify which corner please] corner of the great stone village. The fortress-like enclosure of the Keep was perched at the top of a dark crag overlooking the deep blue waters of Morai Firth. The Tower was built of the same [Del:gray,if you feel it's redundant.] stone as the low round brochs inhabited by the rest of the Keep's residents.
While everyone in the Keep was kin of some sort, only the [Del:traditional. Is this really a tradition? Do the Weres bite people to maintain the 13 Weres, if some die?] thirteen true Were - and Elyria, the Keeper - resided in the [Del:ancient. (It's somewhat redundant--the keep is already labled ancient)] tower. The Were tended toward the night, and mornings belonged to Elyria alone. (Nice. But I wonder then, when does she sleep? She stayed up all night for this vigil thing with Collen... and now she's going to start her day?) She threw the sashes of
I second Jayson here about the p.o.v. shifts. (The keep/town, and Weres descriptions sound like a prologue to me . You might want to think about including these, and the prologue like description of Elyria and her job as keeper from your 1st post, into an actual prologue... ending maybe with your "it was nights like these...", then following with the linear slide down into Elyria's viewpoint that you wanted.)
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by SimonSays (edited July 08, 2008).]